So people, here are my views on your little discussion.
MJ needs to be legalised, end of chat!!!!
You lot trying to tell me that as I stood in front of the judge knowing my career was finished before it had started is a good thing!!! A criminal record ruined my Univeristy and my ongoing career. I was never going to get a job in a bank, finance house. government organisation, etc...not with a Drugs conviction. Oh gee, and my peers who had perhaps been caught swigging on some of their parents liquor and smashed their house up, or caused X damage, go happily about the business of life. BULLSHIT.
If you are voting NO you are voting because you are scared of change. I am an economist, so why wouldn't Economies of Scale bring bigger redcution and price drops in MJ. Demand and Supply will determine the price of the product (lets not start on the Tax argument at the moment.) Also, when I choose a bottle of whiskey, i go to a specialist store, I look at the malt, the age, the maturation process. That is again, my CHOICE. If I want to buy MJ from a specialist grower who has producing MJ since before it was illegal, well fek me, that's what I will do.
Has anyone every heard of an Illicit Still? Of course you have, most of you are from the US. Well funnily enough that is how our current great whiskey industry was built. The good ole English outlawed anything to do with the Jacobites in 1700's. including highland whiskey. This is where the term, illicit still came from. One particular producer, George Smith, who also had an illcit still made a particularlly nice malt that those rogue English ariostocrats still bought illegaly. Finally it got to the stage where everyone was bored drinking crappy lowlands whiskey....and to this day, George Smiths still (now known as the Glenlivet) goes strong.
Once MJ is legal, changing the laws will become easier. There will be cases that determine how this is done. Unfortunately our generation need to be the lab rats (hopefully on this.) On the note of younger people. I like many started smoking when I was in my early teens. Upon relfection, probably not the best idea really. We are still developing at thtis age, there is a reason there is a blanket policy adpoted for alcohol. IF you are under age and want to smoke MJ, you know the risks. I cannot see a reasonable court punishing an adult that some kid has stolen MJ from their if you got booze in your garage and someone steals that, you can be charged if the kid gets drunk...I can't see how that is workable.
Look at this sensibly, when it is legal, the whole emphasis will shift away from people who grow. Police will no longer go after growers. It's only people wishing to grow and sell who have a problem. After all, people still make their own Home Brew, so whats the difference. If you are growing and selling, well this is a time to step up to the plate and take your share of the market.
Vote yes to the general Legalisation of MJ.
On that note, off to water and feeds the girls.
Peace, DST
This article in no way represents the views of the author, the author is often a stoned rambling idiot and as such cannot be trusted to say one sensible word. This article was brought to you in the verdana font, using the clour matt black on this day with the straight up and down number 1.
EDIT, hope you have a nice weekend all.