• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Shrooms And Knowledge


Well-Known Member
Hey folks,

So ive been taking mushrooms since i was about 16. So to describe my brain i would say the best way to describe it would be to say it never stops thinking. I know everyones brains are always working but my brain asks itself the most amazing questions while i just sit back and daydream for hours...

So anyways i took 5 grams of gold caps. I did it just because i was home alone and in a good mood. So im sitting on my couch tripping out and all the sudden my thoughts kick in and start asking things related to the answers to life and my brain is so open that it is actually answering with the most beautiful and logical answers ever. I dont know if you would call this meditation but when this happens im not tripping visually because i think my mind is working so hard that me eyes dont even work lol. But usually if someone is on drugs i would guess they would come down and the thoughts would be explainable but the things ive thought about cant even be described.... My new belief in life is that the answer to everything is already programmed into our heads. When we learn we arnt gaining new knowledge we are just finding things that already existed in our minds anyways. This belief obviously doesnt contradict any religion because it would be god who programmed our brains. Although i dont believe in god and believe heaven is just DMT working in your brain as your dead. I feel the explination of aliens is alot easier to believe in than god anyways. I thought ive put interest in is the fact that maybe we are just collecting data through our eyes so that one day the things we learned about our planet and universe can be extracted on day


New Member
is it similar to this...

you look at a red lego piece.. red blood, blood war. war 1812.. something happened when you are 12... and you keep thinking n thinking and you just want it to fucking stop..

thinking trips can lead to suicide.


Active Member
is it similar to this...

you look at a red lego piece.. red blood, blood war. war 1812.. something happened when you are 12... and you keep thinking n thinking and you just want it to fucking stop..

thinking trips can lead to suicide.
Never.Ever.Ever.Ever. Want it to stop. Being mentally prepared for trippng includes KNOWING that. As soon as you start to think you are stuck in that trip no matter what you do, that feeling of helplessness is what starts your downward slide.

Try to train yourself when you are straight to think positively about things....

How was work today? "fine, except for the bullshit"
Bad trip
How was work today? "It was mostly good!"
good trip

Focus on the mostly good. When you are tripping if you start to feel scared or worried turn the thought around...if you feel like you are falling that means you must be flying, if you feel like you are drowning you must be swimming.

Your brain will follow any trail you let it...you are in control, force it down a happy path...then let it take over again...just keep half an eye out for trouble...

Then again, how many people actually believe mushrooms can hurt them psychologically? I did..and i researched for ages..then i had someone from the scene take me collecting, and help me realize what it means to be "ready" to trip. My friend who refused to listen to the guy..he called us all pussies and buttsucks...ended up in a taxi on the way home cowering under his blankets away from light and sound.

He STILL calls us pussies. We all had a good time..when he left it got bad..we had AGREED not to let anyone leave, and the "change" in what i knew was supposed to happen caused us all a little anxiety..but once the taxi was gone, and we each had a few secs of quiet (in the same room even) we were fine..one of us cracked a joke and it was like the darkness lifted and colours started pouring in again lol.

If you cant control your feelings when you are straight...if someone looking at you causes you enough stress to make you confront them, mushrooms probably arent for you...but i hate assholes like you anyways, so id recommend starting with some MAO Inhibitors, give them 45 minutes then down 7 grams dried penis envy. Then put your sound system on 50 and your strobe lights on beatmatch...

Next you want to put on dragonforce and let it rip...sit right next to the speaker, with the strobe right above you.

Its only mushrooms right.

Anyone not wanting to have a thousand painful deaths would be smart to have everything on LOW volume, and LOW brightness to begin with..you can adjust later but trust me light and sound are NOT your friends.


bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Hey folks,

So ive been taking mushrooms since i was about 16. So to describe my brain i would say the best way to describe it would be to say it never stops thinking. I know everyones brains are always working but my brain asks itself the most amazing questions while i just sit back and daydream for hours...

wow, thats exactly how my brain works. its almost like im constantly rambling but it makes so much sense. i think about scenarios that are about to happen and almost replay them over and over and play out different scenarios just to be ready. and its all subconcously...ill also do shrooms whenever they are around. ( not often in my area) but i like to describe a mushroom high is like having everything youve ever known to be washed away and you ask why about everything. everything is like your experiencing it for the first time. maybe its just bieng so high but your brain can just go on and on. there is no off switch and you cant controll it. thats why some people go crazy... there not used to the feeling and they just snap. ive done shrooms enough to know whats coming and completly enjoy the ride. and there always seems to be the "depression" at the end but a fat sack of reefer will help plenty.

honestly i like doing them alone...usually the other person/people im with have bad trips or send off bad vibes and thats the stuff that will ruin your whole trip. a nice movie with music and a bong in your room and your golden. i like to go on adventures too. nice walk in the woods or even on the porch is an adventure.


Well-Known Member
Tripping alone can be alot to handle but its also hard to find a friend you click perfectly with while on shrooms. I would say that at my peak of 5 grams i was legally insane to a close minded civilization but after sobering up, I WAS AMAZED at how uncrazy the whole logic of it was.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yes very true. never ever ever try and trip for your first time alone. could be very bad, i only do it because i know what im doing.


Well-Known Member
I think the danger the government has created is making drugs illegal instead of educating people about them. Most people think hallucinagens only make yours eyes trip out and makes you see shit but i would say the mind fuck aspect of it is alot more intense than the visuals.

But my new interest is the fact that psychedelics might hold the answers to the world. They open your mind to a whole nother level if you let it and you cant be scared of it


New Member
The druids & also shamans used shrooms to enter another realm,world or even portal to connect with their gods.


Well-Known Member
Shrooms need to stay illegal. If they get in the wrong hands, I believe serious damage could be done.

As someone who has experienced, 'the trip' I understand the profound impact it can have on you, both positive and negative. But, if someone has a bad trip on maryjane, they'll eventually eat and fall asleep. Shrooms, on the other hand, could have more serious consequences. Someone has a bad trip, it could trigger some hidden internal psychosis or schizo, not something to be taken lightly.

Furthermore, I have problems when people use shrooms for profound experiences or to come to conclusions they would not have sober, then act on those. Although shrooms allows you to think in ways which you may not have otherwise, even in a beneficial manner, it is a slippery slope anytime you use a drug to make decisions, plus you are robbing the brain of its ability to process info on it's own, in a matter which it was designed to do.

The human body is designed to work fine without drugs, it is introducing drugs to create experiences that I have a problem with.

My conclusion, I have no problem with shrooms, or most drugs. But I hope a drug like shrooms or LSD will be limited to people with the mental capacity to recognize them for what they are, understand the implications of using such a powerful disassociative drug, and keep it out of the hands of someone you may not be mentally mature enough to benefit from such and experience.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
I disagree with the term "bad trip" i dont know about others but my bad trips involve me working out my inner issues. Then when the drug wears off and i can think again it makes me alot more appretiative of everything that has ever existed for me.

My latest research is something i read supporting the fact that when under the influence of pshychedelics the minds filter doesnt work so we take in every thought that our brain would usually drain out... Just very interesting and i hope your not worried about my use of shrooms mjetta im a very responcible person and my house has hosted many of good trips to complete strangers. Im not exactly looking for judgement but more of an open discussion... so what have your enlightening trips beein like?


Well-Known Member
I want to take the other side of the coin on that very illustrious argument. Of course I will ramble so be civil.

While I agree that mushrooms and other strong hallucinogens can be strong and even dangerous, as you said it, in the wrong hands. Why does that mean others need to be prohibited as well, for the shear argument you are tweaking the laws of nature on more than one level. Basic; you are fucking with survival of the fittest. The ones that get messed, were either over zealous and indulged beyond safe consumption. Or they are predisposed to a condition which unfortunately has an awful prescreen accuracy.

And one may argue, as you did, that they are not infact meant to be consumed, the body will work fine without them. While this is true, the scale of fine and perfect are far off. The medical definition of fine would leave a sagging intestine as it is, to quote "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." The fact is all components of nature are symbiotic, and when a piece finds its place it is evolved and exhalted. Most of these substances we talk about are immune regulators, as well as having almost unanimous digestive benefits, as well as psychological health benefits. The theory of human evolution based on cattle worshipping tribes would strongly support this argument.

For those who don't know what that is, it argues that in africa, or in lower india or middle east, there were a large population of great apes and as they continued to evolve a great plain started to move in absorb a great section of this forest. At some point herds of cattle, some sort of bovine or similar animal, found there way along the perimeter of the forest heading toward their next resting ground and as many animals do they pooped and went on their way. Well over time mushrooms began to populate the poop and as the forest continued to shrink the apes found these new fruit to be a very interesting meal indeed. And over time as strength became less important and intelligence more valued groups of large apes began to herd the animals and pray before they consumed for their vision with the thing some men call god.

Personally I believe the universe has a message, and it won't do something that isn't suppose to happen. To try and limit natures capabilities is a practice in futility and won't get us anywhere as a species or spiritual creatures. I read an article that perfectly described what I am trying to say, in this interview the interviewee said, "There is a new paradigm we need to accept." I am afraid that if we don't it will be a loss for us all. Quantum mechanics describes a universe that is all one, indivisible and unbreakable, when you apply that to the fact that you merely have the perception of one it has some pretty world-shattering consequences. For one things stop having good or bad connotations, everything just is. You have absolute power over reality because all of reality is a quantum object in a quantum experiment, of course there is upward causation which seems to have more force than conscious observation. If you subscribe to many world interpretation YOU can never die.

So when you accept this, your motivations become different, you start to consider that every moment is as it should be, very easy to be cooperative and you may say that its because you used a extremely difficult argument to disprove to make everything inconsequential. But infact there are studies and a quote which I wish to use, "The popular idea fostered by comic strips and the cheaper forms of science fiction, that intelligent machines must be hostile to man, is so absurd that it is hardly worth the energy to refute it. Those who picture machines as active enemies are merely projecting their own aggressiveness. The higher the intelligence, the greater the degree of co-cooperativeness. If there is ever a war between men and machines, it is easy to guess who will start it."

I suppose what I am trying to say is that when people use these drugs and experience pure unadulterated reality, it turns them introspective which is the key to seeing the value in altruism. And it isn't on us to prove that they should be legalized it is the others that need to prove to us that nature shouldn't have created these chemicals. I mean you can buy castor beans OTC, you can even get camphor from an abundance of sources.



New Member
I don't know man shrooms is one of those drugs you don't really want to do all the time...everytime i eat some caps and get on the "ride" I am a little apprehensive to do it all again...hopefully you brain holds up!!!


Well-Known Member
From the middle of april up until now ive been tripping every other day give or take 5 days. I've learned, what seems, the universe. I now have a diffrent angle to every conversation and i can agree with the good and bad sides or each arguement. But the day i ate 5 grams of buttons is the day i lost my mind, I drempt with my eyes opened as my mind scanned every thought that has ever existed. I didnt even realize it could get that intense but i just had to sit back and let it happen. The main thought in my head was if my mind had gone to far, my worry that i could never recover from such a mind fuck.
I dont have a solution as to if shrooms should be legal but the point of letting shrooms take natural selection seems reasonable but never in our society. Us having so many laws seems to be keeping to many dumb people alive lol. Seems a cruel thing to say but if an idiot dicided to eat 10 grams of shrooms i dont think he would lose his mind but i think he would come back more sane than before.
The results of giving a convict a thumbprint of acid would be very interesting. He would most definitly change for the better


Well-Known Member
I disagree with the term "bad trip" i dont know about others but my bad trips involve me working out my inner issues. Then when the drug wears off and i can think again it makes me alot more appretiative of everything that has ever existed for me.

My latest research is something i read supporting the fact that when under the influence of pshychedelics the minds filter doesnt work so we take in every thought that our brain would usually drain out... Just very interesting and i hope your not worried about my use of shrooms mjetta im a very responcible person and my house has hosted many of good trips to complete strangers. Im not exactly looking for judgement but more of an open discussion... so what have your enlightening trips beein like?
NO judging man, and nothing but respect. Just sharing my opinion:-o


Well-Known Member
My new belief in life is that the answer to everything is already programmed into our heads. When we learn we arnt gaining new knowledge we are just finding things that already existed in our minds anyways.
You experienced the Super Conscious Mind, or the Universal Subconscious Mind.

So with that revelation in mind you need to check out a book called "Three Magic Words" by u.s. Anderson, and a guided meditation cd "The Secret Universal Mind Meditation" by Kelly Howell. (Check for a torrent)


Well-Known Member
Mr. Kushman

Obviously you are very intelligent, so I hope my reply will rival yours in coherence.
To address your points:

1. You ask why shrooms should be restricted for everyone because of the potential misuse of a few.

Well, shrooms are a little different than other drugs, and can have much more permanent implications than say, marijuana. If shrooms are misused, they can, and will cause permanent psychological damage to the user. But, you are right, why does society care? The concern here is not only for the user, but for society. As someone who has tripped, and as I am sure you know, when you are tripping, everyone in your mind is real. So what happens when the 18 year old kid starts thinking you’re a soldier out to kill him, and he preemptively comes after you? We have society to worry about.

2. You argue that shrooms have both psychological and physical benefits.

While true, there is a hole in this argument. In fact, let me clarify. It is not necessarily shrooms I have a problem with, it is when people use drugs as a method to obtain thoughts or benefits that can be otherwise obtained through safer methods. Whats even worse to me, is using these drugs to a point that robs the body and brain of the natural method of doing things. Let me explain. I used to be a huge fan of X. I thought it was the best thing to happen to humanity. My now wife and I have used X to conduct our own personal therapy sessions, and have benefited enormously from these. However, I got into a routine, and started doing X so much, that after a point, it became the norm. I began to realize that X was only a means to an end. If you study X, you will see that it only allows the body to do what it already has the potential to do, it forces the brain to release endorphins at a rate it would not normally allow. Why can’t this happen without the assistance of a chemical influence? It can, and people need to understand this.

The same is true with mushrooms. Mushrooms simply unlock the minds potential. It is NOT the shrooms that cause the profound experience, but the mind, acting at its full capacity. It is my belief that one should pursue the path of unleashing the natural potential of the body and mind to achieve this before turning to drugs. Self medicating should be a last resort.

3. You say that the universe is one, it has a message, and that it is perception that determines your reality. I agree with all of this. My argument: this can all be done without the assistance or risk associated with psilocybin. The man who came up with the concept of DNA was having a wonderful trip on LSD. Was it the LSD that caused him to come to that conclusion? NO! If I took a hallucinogen, I would not come up with this concept. Instead, it was the knowledge already inside him brought together in a new manner that caused this idea. This shows that the mind is in fact, of doing the same things it does under the influence of drugs. It simply takes some effort.

I look forward to hearing your response.

Peace be upon you


Well-Known Member
wow. mrkushman, i envy your knowledge on the subject and life philosophies in general. reading this a decade or so ago would've saved me a few bad experiences, to say the least. subscribed due to articulate posts.


Well-Known Member
I am more than appreciative of your comments and always love a smart counter-part to make discussion with, while I understand that point of view is completely subjective we also need to accept that there are more than one view for society and why do certain parties get to decide how society will pursue its best course?

While I have complete consonance with your points as it does stand to reason that using substances to induce neurological release can inhibit your bodies natural processes, and over use does in fact do this, that does not address the issue of absolute prohibitory status. For example there are substances in the medical establishment that are much more powerful than what we are talking about, for instance there are substances for people who have over/under-active thyroids, a special type of steroid is used to balance this delicate manufacturer. Now if someone uses this substance unintentionally or without need, it will leave there body in a very bad state and likely with permanent disorder.

Now if substances that can precipitate a effect that is permanent on your physical health are legal and distributed, why not these substances? You may say because it helps people with an existing disorder to maintain a good life when they may be previously cut short, and I agree with this absolutely the benefits of technology and intellect. But what about people that have cluster headaches, do they not deserve the same level of comfort and release from stress. A small dose of, psilocin, lsd, or non-hallucinogenic LSD can do just that.

Now I realize I am bouncing a tad but it all has a meaning. I think you are correct about children misunderstanding the power of the substance as well as taking it to a place that is unnecessary, such as making irrational decisions that result in societal or personal issues, but none the less can effect other people which should not be tolerated. Well would you not agree this has alot to do with unregulated status, meaning the wrong people could have near unlimited supply, and miseducation. I mean I didn't use drugs until I was 16 and with a person so neurotic they wouldn't use until they were positive of quality, my first psychedelic experience was with LSD at a small dose, maybe 100 ug. This resulted in the love of the substance and the feeling that most drugs had minimal effect while still being inherently profound.

From that point I became an advocate of the substances and began to study the available information. To my amazement there is an absolute abundance, for instance using MDMA is more safe than riding a horse bareback, which I believe the UK drug czar lost his job for saying. Things began to seem alot more clear. I learned, as you stated, these drugs basically unlock your minds potential. Which I want to explain, the theory of receptor-ligand relationship is very complex but understandable. Now each of your neurons are pattered with different types of 'receptors' which are divided into classes and sub-classes. The ones most drugs react with are the serotonin 5-HT-2a receptor, but there are as well cannabinoid, 3 kind of opiate, NMDA, and GABA, which is acted upon by alcohol, as well as many others.

Each of these receptors are a mix of different chemical reactants which are generally G-protein coupled which indicates that the signals are then passed down the neurological map. Take your hands and spread your fingers into claws and face your palms together, thats a very simple analogy for a receptor. Each finger being a particular route, not all of which are used by endogenous chemicals. When a chemical finds its place on the receptor it releases an electron which activates the neuron allowing you to retrieve that information and the information that is connected to it, and because you have many, many different neurons firing in no particular order allowing you to understand information in an entirely new way.

While as you said this information is already there and people need to understand the potential to release the information without the substances, but would you say that our community is not making strides toward this goal and in fact burying our heads in the ground instead. And I think that use of the substances is what helps us realize this potential, it is interesting you brought up X because it just so happens I got an order for some MDMA that tested at 97% and felt tonight was a good night to use it. At 100 mg insufflated I felt euphoric and racey which has nearly subsided and now just a very clear mind. I intend to play with this over the next few weeks and keep a small amount for dated use.

While I do agree that drugs make you realize patterns in nature, and nature being inherent in intuition, also helping you realize your own ideation. The word spirituality means, having to do with intuition. When you are able to react with complete confidence and rather than making decisions, you arrive at decisions, intuition is clear and resounding. Being that chemicals force emotion, I would say intuition is the exact opposite. I do not believe that chemicals are the source of knowledge but rather a tool for understanding.


Now without extending to far I did want to say that synthetic, or fats and sugars used in processed foods have been tested at 15X, 20X and 30X more addictive than heroin and cocaine. While not exhibiting the same withdraw symptoms, are clearly detrimental to the health's of many. Look at the fact that the most prescribed medicines in the WORLD are anti-depressants, generally being GABA ligands like benzodiazepines, GABA also being effected by alcohol. Caffeine and nicotine being used on the scale of tonnes per year but not being educated against, "hey kids you don't need this stuff, its all in your being already just actualize your own goals."

In closing I think we could agree that education and control over the masses is what the governments unintended goals are. Politics in a capital system being supper easily corrupted, might as well a synonymous, plus when you consider the MILGRAM experiments. It seems pretty clear than money just isn't working.


Active Member
is it similar to this...

you look at a red lego piece.. red blood, blood war. war 1812.. something happened when you are 12... and you keep thinking n thinking and you just want it to fucking stop..

thinking trips can lead to suicide.
Dude, me and some friends have gotten stuck on that BULL before, it's terrible, swear it is. It is by far, THE WORST THING EVER. Shit made me and almost everyone that experienced it never trip again basically. I'd explain exactly what we kept getting stuck on, but then dudes in black suits might come knocking to haul us off to the mental hospital lol Guess that's what happens when 2 of the 5 people decided to eat 14 g, two others 3.5. and one 7g