I got to agree with bandit on this one.
If you read the thread... you will see my comparison is exactly on target with the anti-cop posters... most of them admit "I HATE ALL PIGS" usually because they see videos like this which chip away at their respect for police.
Over time, you have a small minded person who thinks that because he see's 100 videos like this, that all cops are now bad and out to beat you like Rodney King.
And from that, you have the exact same mentality as my comparisons...
So with that mentality in mind, if I watch 1000 videos of black gang violence, I guess every black person is a thug, a murderer, a drug dealer, and should be in prison, right?
If not... what makes the 1000's of videos of other people, all in the same group, whether grouped by race, profession, whatever... different than police?
Now you see how my comparisons make sense? At least to someone with the generalized mindset.
I love the cops that work in narcotics... leave the potheads alone, but I love seeing meth, cocaine, pills, whatever being taken off our street and having the idiot dealers locked up.
Dealers hurt a LOT of people... not dealers of pot, but the other crap... they ruin families and lives with the shit they sell, they have no sense of responsibility to their fellow man, and thus should be wiped off the map.
Of course, the users have a responsibility to themselves... but addiction is a bitch, and those fueling the addiction in my eyes are 1000x worse than any crackhead.