Reasons grasscity blows compared to rollitup


Well-Known Member
grasscity has a horrible crowd of people who are hypocritical and ignorant they call people trolls for no reason other then they do not agree with your point of view,
if you come off sounding smart or knowledgeable you are a troll and are looked down upon i think some people would even say that this thread would be trollish, but i just wanted to show my love for rollitup and express my anger toward the people at grasscity im done....


Active Member
I know I recently got a job offering from Kmart so I googled does Kmart drug test and got a bunch of grass city forum threads almost all of which were impossible to get any real information from.


Well-Known Member
I know I recently got a job offering from Kmart so I googled does Kmart drug test and got a bunch of grass city forum threads almost all of which were impossible to get any real information from.
i was to be hired by kmart b4 i got diagnosed with cancer a few years back, and yes they do drug test...



New Member
I found several members to be enjoyable, the rest are garbage.

My email to them:

I apologize for any inconvenience, I simply can no longer be a part of this site. The countless childish threads about meth, suicide, and other shit I feel just doesn't belong on "grass city" where the members are called blades. Also the fact that I received negative rep from members that didn't like my point of view in the violence thread seems so petty and worthless. I came to this site for info, my plants don't look like anyone else's ANYWHERE on the entire internet and the members here agreed. My growing technique as well as grow journal could have benefited lots of people, now I will find another site for it and you people can learn about it all second hand.

The site is ridiculous and keep in mind I am a moderator for the largest Ford website forum on the net so I have experience with these matters.

Good Luck to you

----the response----

I’m sorry to hear this, however i stead of leaving you could be a part of the solution, we are looking for goods mods and I’m always open to improve the usability of the forums, if you have suggestions to make it better I’m l ears, however bear in mind the forum is totally open in most cases, you always have bullshit threads so to speak, that is why we have pandora’s box, ,I’ totally against all meth stuff and bullshit, but these people are here I you can’t block them before hand, but we need to deal with it as we goes, with over 60.000 active users you can imagine it is a challenge, if you could help great…. Hate to see you go.


my journal is here in my sig. My next flowering batch are why they didn't want me to leave. crosstraining. I'm waiting till I have everything ready to really get into it but its another way of training your plants. I came up with it while growing outside a year and a half ago. The technique was an accident due to a wind storm. I kinda mentioned it in someone else's thread as well as my journal but only briefly.


Well-Known Member
oh i got another thing i hate about GC
there website is not indexed and you have to pay 10 bucks for a search engine fuk that


Well-Known Member
I found several members to be enjoyable, the rest are garbage.

Also the fact that I received negative rep from members that didn't like my point of view in the violence thread seems so petty and worthless.
this was my experience to a T except on a different topic.. wow..

tea tree

Well-Known Member
i would kill to be a mod. all that power and purpose. . . oh yeah, lol, I have been awake for 48 hours working pretty much, no drugs. I am so looped. lol. Hey yeah, at first I thot grasscity was the shit and had all kinds of ebb and grow grows in barns and I was the first poster in the organics section. Then I realised I never got a single response or answer with any meaning really. I mean I had to just scan thru candy ass post after another. I was reading this long ass thread about some plant as a fert when I realised, why? Wy the fuck do i want to grow this rare ass plant and use its rotting anerobic ass as a fert! I kinda tried a little then never went back. Ic mag hurts my eyes. THC farmer scares me for some reason. I love roll it up. I kinda live here. I just got an iphone. I am stoked. I am so tired. :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
When googling about this hobby I have found myself on Grasscity, a few times... yeah a lot of kids who think smoking is cool.

I didn't find out the answer to my questions either...

I really do love THIS place though.. except for the occasional person here and there being annoying
----the response----

I’m sorry to hear this, however i stead of leaving you could be a part of the solution, we are looking for goods mods and I’m always open to improve the usability of the forums, if you have suggestions to make it better I’m l ears, however bear in mind the forum is totally open in most cases, you always have bullshit threads so to speak, that is why we have pandora’s box, ,I’ totally against all meth stuff and bullshit, but these people are here I you can’t block them before hand, but we need to deal with it as we goes, with over 60.000 active users you can imagine it is a challenge, if you could help great…. Hate to see you go.
WTB grammar???????


New Member
this is probably a stupid question, but what does this "troll" word mean? is it just another stupid internet term kids use as an insult?


Well-Known Member
and it seems that on these forums, all the other shit we argue about is totally put aside when
answering questions or offering advice. certain members come to mind who never post anything but thorough answers to
people's questions. and the discussions are lively and (mostly) respectful.
big ups to RIU.


Well-Known Member
Yea, on a completely serious manner, i think i joined in OCT of last year and for quite some time my activicy was at 100% and i havent been in no trouble through out my last half a year or however long, THANKS RIU!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: !!!!

(details i cant reveille make that such a great thing)

but other than that, this website has done nothing but created either a grand place to get knowledge of all kinds of sorts to even making creative and decent debate/arguments, or even retarded debates! its all fun tho!! keep it peaceful and ALL IS BLISS!!! :hug:

EDIT!! o just now noticed, there are NO MORE activity %'s!!! wat the hell :lol:


Well-Known Member
I quit going to that site when I was bashed by mods for having a different opinion. I'm not talking about actually insulting me for any real purpose either. I said something next thing I know a mod is writing a long ass hateful reply complete with insults to my momma. I made it a point to be as big of a pain in the ass as possible. Once I even seriously suggested that a mod cook and eat his dead dog. :)

Not to mention they have mods that openly claim gang sets like the crips and shit. How childish can you be?


Well-Known Member
LOUIS!! how the hell ya been! havent seen you around in a while!! ENOUGH BASHING GC, lets get on a positive note!! you got a grow goin louis? if so hows thems doin???


Well-Known Member
Nope. Nothin growin since I got busted in january.

Been sober for about a month now too.

It's just fun to come in every now again and talk to a bunch of stoners every now and then. :)

How about you?


Well-Known Member
u could drop by my threads if u want? got my multi strain grow, cheese, cali hash, thai-skunk, & yum-boldt are in flowering and in VEG i got blue widow in DWC, got a comp. thread between a few growers here on RIU too, pretty cool thread tho! OH!!!! and piks from my last harvest and grow are in the DWC show-off thread at the bottom of the signature list, got a QP of that thai-skunk off 1 girl.