Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
oh come on ninj, the plant is sativa dominant! lol what's the dealio with yer sticky, what happened?

that cock bong is a bit thick in fairness, i think i might get a dildo, hubby's new job has left the daytime wide open lol

i have found the drainage on my new pots is shite, grrrr

EDIT: on second look it's not that thick really lol


Well-Known Member
oh come on ninj, the plant is sativa dominant! lol what's the dealio with yer sticky, what happened?

that cock bong is a bit thick in fairness, i think i might get a dildo, hubby's new job has left the daytime wide open lol

i have found the drainage on my new pots is shite, grrrr

EDIT: on second look it's not that thick really lol
It's good 2 c the world is as dirty and perverted as me ;)
I contacted Fdd & had him close the thread cos Homebrewer got on and starting spouting shit.. I think he got a bit offended when i told him to go impregnate his half sister, but wat was i 2 do??


Well-Known Member
The Blue Cheese is really starting to come along nicely now :-)

She is building a Lovely Root Mass also :-)

It's good 2c that my efforts of stringent waterings and root additives have embodied themselves so nicely :hump:
Today is exactly 14 days since they were rooted clones, so i'm expecting big things from them :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I am at work now but I have to read that co2 thread. When I get home going to smash a few bilges and get reading. I think you got me last night Ninj. I better think further ahead with you.


Well-Known Member
oh she's pretty ninj. mmm, i had a douche poo all over one of my threads but i asked admin to just delete their ranting instead of the thread. and nah i think it was more that ya pretty much showed he doesn't know what he's talkin about and had a crack at his knowledge, men take that super bad usually lol

right so i got some more of my good pots today, gonna be a massive pain in the arse transplanting from one huge pot to another, fuck lol


Well-Known Member
oh she's pretty ninj. mmm, i had a douche poo all over one of my threads but i asked admin to just delete their ranting instead of the thread. and nah i think it was more that ya pretty much showed he doesn't know what he's talkin about and had a crack at his knowledge, men take that super bad usually lol

right so i got some more of my good pots today, gonna be a massive pain in the arse transplanting from one huge pot to another, fuck lol
Yeah I could've done that, but he had his opinion 2 which I thought he was entitled.. Just as I was entitled to shut him down.. Lol.
If you don't want to transplant it then u could always just chop it down and smoke it :eyesmoke:


Active Member
I am at work now but I have to read that co2 thread. When I get home going to smash a few bilges and get reading. I think you got me last night Ninj. I better think further ahead with you.
Does feeding a plant CO2 REALLY actually help? I know plants need CO2 but they manage to find enough normally anyway i would have thought?

NOTE: plants actually use O2 during night so if you decide to go for CO2 make sure you dont run it during your dark cycle :)


Well-Known Member
thats also the reason why a plant that thrives in 40degrees can only do so indoors at like 26 degrees(cos of c02 restrictment)so ive been told


Well-Known Member
Has the Aussie thread lost its Oi Oi Oi???
I think it went with the YadaYadaYada..
I think Knickers is stuck in an acid trip in Nimbin.
Rock was allowed to smoke tonight, so he is most likely curled up in a ball sucking his thumb.
Kmoo probably got that Dildo she was talking about & is probably having some 'Me' time.
StreetLegal has recieved a defect notice.
& 8 is busy fixing up his Sea.


Well-Known Member
Sorry all for not being around. Especially for your trip 8. Yes Ninj was smoking and useless. I think my ladies are due for some photos today. I think I will go and see robin hood today.


Well-Known Member
i did get that dildo i was talking about, wasn't for me time tho ha. had a night with the girls then came home for hubby time. tell ya what, never use a new toy THAT stoned, had no idea at the time but i was bleedin like a wounded bear after lol


Well-Known Member
Hi Rock...My hubby went to see Robin Hood and he thought it was shit... Its a love story and he reckons all the action that happens you pretty much see in the preview... He was very disappointed and he usually likes Russel Crowe...