Genetically a clone is identical to it's parent (beside mutations). Because some strains have poor genetics, mutations are more likely. But under the same conditions, a clone will grow almost exactly like it's parent.
Pretty basic plant biology.
Wait, what do you mean by mutations? a "Clone" will never have any "mutations" that differ from its parent. Whatsoever. never. Bottom line.
Any "Mutations" that are present in a clone independent from its predecessor are purely a result of its growing conditions.
If there is a "mutation" (Also known as a Phenotype wich is actually a "Mutation" that has been propagated by selective breeding), then that "mutation" is either present in its predecessor or a result of the "GROWER" - (using that term loosely because most people cant grow a fucking thing, or understand the basic laws of plant life and nature as a whole)
But, a clone will Never ever ever ever ever never ever ever, develop a "mutation" that was not present in the plant that it was cut from. (Unless the "Grower" thought he or she was some mad scientist *like most people* and fucked up the plant *THE LIKELY SCENARIO*) but then even, the mutation that YOU caused would NOT be present in any clones unless you FUCKED those ones up too *ALSO THE LIKELY SCENARIO*)
Any mutation is a result of something YOU did.
Pretty basic plant biology.
*think of it this way, if what you said was true..................then what would be the point in a-sexual propagation of any plant of any type. ever? it would be a waste of time and effort and it would not be practiced.*