Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
omg eighty i've been breaking bongs left right n centre lol got a shit one for a while coz i couldn't spend another 80 bucks on a bong i knew i'd just break. how are ya btw? not spoken to ya in ages lol

see SCG that's what i wanted, specific areas to scout lol i love sherbrook forest, my nan used to take us there all the time - and that other big one just past belgrave, if you stay straight after the big round about that you turn right at to get to puffing billy - there's a big one about 5 minutes on the right, can't remember what it's called.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Grew up in Mt Evelyn, but I've got no idea where to find shrooms down there. There are lots of great places I know of in the ACT for shrooms. Its the right time of year for them too.


Well-Known Member
ahh my cousin has been looking for houses round mt evelyn, not bad.

wtf is that avatar rusty lol all kinds of bad


Well-Known Member
i have 3 quiche dishes, that's right - 3 separate dishes in which you make quiche and quiche alone, i cannot find one. ffs, i'm making hte pastry from scratch and everything! ha

i've seen that pic somewhere, or something very similar. it's hot. which hey dad chick? the weird one that waited 20 years to claim sex abuse/rescue a dead career?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

hey kmoo, i am good. better now i have my tent back at home.:-P hows things your way? you feeling better?

after breaking my bong again:cuss:(glad i have a spare), i decided to finish building my new mother setup.
i got a 50ltr res and lid 2 x square pots(size unknown). i cut a hole in the lid to fit both pots. i have put 2 airstones in the res and i have a 400ltr/hr water pump that is going to feed them twice a day for 15mins. at the moment they are on full strength nutes but only under 72watts of fluros. i am hoping to give them some better lighting soon.:idea:

the pics are of the BLUE CHEESE mum and the SLH mum and the seedlings, which will be in their new homes very soon. will post pics when they are all done. i will be posting more pics of the flowering SLH tonight after the lights come back on. there isnt going to be any pics of the SEA OF BLUE or the 4 plants in the tent with it until friday or saturday. i want there to be a noticeable change for you guys to see.

until later, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Active Member
omg eighty i've been breaking bongs left right n centre lol got a shit one for a while coz i couldn't spend another 80 bucks on a bong i knew i'd just break. how are ya btw? not spoken to ya in ages lol

see SCG that's what i wanted, specific areas to scout lol i love sherbrook forest, my nan used to take us there all the time - and that other big one just past belgrave, if you stay straight after the big round about that you turn right at to get to puffing billy - there's a big one about 5 minutes on the right, can't remember what it's called.
if u know where a town called Yass is (south west of ACT) go to the high school then walk down towards the river, rooms everywhere, that if the kids havent eaten all of them allreddy


Well-Known Member
if u know where a town called Yass is (south west of ACT) go to the high school then walk down towards the river, rooms everywhere, that if the kids havent eaten all of them allreddy
cool. cheers man. i have always wanted to try mushrooms. i will have to go have a look.


Active Member
another good spot is in the pine tree plantations from the back of ACT to Tumut, there is a road that goes through there(forget the name)MT creek RD maybe??????
the further u get from ACT the better, older bigger trees that havent been cleand up in a while seem to have more,
by cleand up I meen ,burnt, graded


Well-Known Member
i've heard of yass for some reason - weird. i'm sure there's probably plenty of mushies round the outer subs of melbourne, i'll deffo have a look next time i'm up at the dandies

i'm alright thanks eighty! still got a bit of an issue with my plants but i'm loving not having to work! lol shame yer in canberra man, im on a mission to hook one of my friends up with a nice lad - i can't figure out why she is single!! so many bitches have lovely boyfriends and yet shes alone lol


Active Member
top of number 4mj 004.jpgnumber4mj 005.jpgtop of number 1mj 006.jpgnumber4mj 003.jpg
58 days into flower,tecterons, liquid balls (through x60) look slighty milky, i'm thinking about 10-12 days,start flushing no more nutes????? anyone is that right
I know its hard to tell from pics, any advice from u guys is much appreciated,


Active Member
Wow Ninja you were right about the SLH. It went down easy enough but once it was down it felt like my lungs were trying to cave in :O

Still, great fucking smoke and put me to a deep sleep :P


Well-Known Member
hey has anyone ever recieved bud with there seeds? im seeing alot of people on here getting there seeds in the bud
hey who had bluecheese on here?
R u sure u aren't talking about ppl who get Bagseed? I.e finding seed in the bud they purchases rather than purchasing seed & receiving bud..?
I've got Blue Cheese.. Among others..
Y do u never edit ur posts to include all ur random mumbo? Everytime u post u do so 3 times..