Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

I just spotted the moth eggs on my Easyryders. Fortunately, they can probably be harvested anytime now. I removed each one I could find. I poked through the bud and couldn't find a single worm or any damage. I should be in the clear. I'm surprised the moths came around this early in the season.


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Naw, its either beneficials...or sprays, dont think you could do both... I may spray bt before I use the wasps though. If the wasps are anything like they're described then they should dramatically reduce the havoc the fucking worms cause lol These wasps lay eggs IN the moths or butterflies eggs, so it should stop em before they even have a chance at birth...I really hope it works well.
Yeah, I just looked at the other link about the wasps. Which kind are you getting? I see some species are recommended for plants over 8 - 10 feet tall - and a different species for smaller plants:

I followed your '09 journal off and on. I was bummed when my one (1) plant was infested last year. I can't imagine how pissed off you must have been. Your plants were monsters.
Yeah, I just looked at the other link about the wasps. Which kind are you getting? I see some species are recommended for plants over 8 - 10 feet tall - and a different species for smaller plants:

I followed your '09 journal off and on. I was bummed when my one (1) plant was infested last year. I can't imagine how pissed off you must have been. Your plants were monsters.
Im getting these ones in this link:, they're alive and not eggs so it should be easier to use them.

I saw that thing too about the different species but I dont think Ill have to worry, my plants are gonna be less tall and real bushy this year, plus the way it was last year, the wasps should have plenty to was a fucking infestation last year that I didnt notice till it was too late, thats one of the reasons I never finished my journal, shit got CRAZY near harvest, constant harvesting at different times, non stop trimming for those like 2 months of my life, and picking worms daily, everything was so hectic I just didnt have the time or energy to keep the journal updated, I felt bad haha but yeah it sucked really bad, still a big harvest, but so many big colas were just too fucked lol
Does anyone know what the ideal environment is for these worms is? The reason I ask is, I am at 6,000 feet in the mountains of socal and I see them having trouble living at this altitude. Although it does get plenty warm in the summer up here.
Does anyone know what the ideal environment is for these worms is? The reason I ask is, I am at 6,000 feet in the mountains of socal and I see them having trouble living at this altitude. Although it does get plenty warm in the summer up here.

I don't have any personal knowledge, but it seems that moths should be able to survive just fine up there. Do you grow, and if so have you had any issues with budworms?
Its unbelivable , Every time i go to my site , it feels like im walking threw a haunted house , no matter where i turn theres this clear web that the worms hang off , and it gets alll over me , i was watching brown dirt warrior the other day and i was like hmm , no wonder he wears a facemask , so if any1 takes pitures they cant say its actually him , and he dosent have to deal with that web getting on him as mutch.

Also the ticks are fucking crazy , i found on on my neck like 3 on my arms , is there any repelents that make the ticks wana drop off your skin ?
Its unbelivable , Every time i go to my site , it feels like im walking threw a haunted house , no matter where i turn theres this clear web that the worms hang off , and it gets alll over me , i was watching brown dirt warrior the other day and i was like hmm , no wonder he wears a facemask , so if any1 takes pitures they cant say its actually him , and he dosent have to deal with that web getting on him as mutch.

Also the ticks are fucking crazy , i found on on my neck like 3 on my arms , is there any repelents that make the ticks wana drop off your skin ?

I'm not sure if you're just goofing around or if this is a serious question.
Not sure what climate they prefer but I think anywhere outdoors is vulnerable to the budworms, basically if you see butterflies and/or moths, then its a problem. The budworms seem to love Southern california though because its hot and arid. Godscreat0r, not sure about ticks, never have had any problems with them.
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I haven't been through this thread completely, so if someone already mentioned this, my apologies. I discovered which butterfly was leaving bud worm eggs in my garden.

These are Fiery Skippers. They're small. About 3/4 inch long, and very fast and energetic.

Do a search and you'll find pictures of their heads. this is a dead giveaway when you compare them to a bud worm.

If you see these guys in your garden, go buy a bottle of Bacillus Thuringiensis. Bt, also known a Caterpillar Killer. I use the stuff from Safer.

If this saves one bud, it is worth it.
every moth and butterfly in my county has visited my garden. from little tiny brown moths that fly outta the lawn to big gold butterflies. i have wasps and spiders working for me but the moths still get by them. i started spraying Bt when flowers first started forming. once your buds get some density to them the Bt won't get down inside. if the worm makes it past the Bt he's home free. if you have fat colas and you haven't sprayed yet you may already have them deep inside.

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Just found this. WTG, FDD!
woah thas scary i dont want my ladys getting infected by them lil buggers are they everywhere or just in certain places ):
i dident read any other posts so som1 might have already sed this but, only every spray pesticides on marijuana before it flowers only spray while its in a vegitative state otgherwise you will be smoking your pesaticide and u will probly choke to death and scream while your gasping for your last breath because your lungs had just beed killed. sooo be safe and dont have nightmares heheheh:)