Green light for dark period?


Well-Known Member
incadesent bulb will not produce more red spectrum just because its painted red. Thats not how spectrums work.


Active Member
Green light reflected by plants, all other colours are absorbed. Any light absorbed will affect plant due to light sensitive cells called photocromes. That's why you keep grow area dark for different plant cycles. Length, intensity, and spectrum all play a role in plants growth during ''light on''. Any plants exposed to light during ''dark'' period of flowering may spontaneously start producing male flowers*. Green is only colour safe to use during ''dark'' period if you must enter grow area.
Several nights of interrupted ''dark'' periods will cause plants to produce male flowers. Have used this method to produce all-female seeds. Germinated 15 seeds and got 15 females but they may become hermaphroditic if stressed to much. Not to keen on using them but will use for this coming years outdoor grow. Seeds were larger than regular seeds by 2X-3X and with heavy mottling(stripes).


Active Member
I have what might seem a fairly stupid question....

All I've read (here and elsewhere says that the plants need uninterupted dark cycles for optimum plant health, yet in the wild and outdoors, the plants rarely get uninteruppted dark due to moonlight. How much light during the dark cycle is too much? Moonlight, at the half-moon through full-moon cycle, is pretty damn bright...


Well-Known Member
Moonlight is just partial sunlight being reflected. This is hardly enough light to disrupt anything for the plant. If it has any effect at all I would assume it would be very minor and would not matter anyway.


Well-Known Member
So we should look it as light but not light specturm? Sence the light is being produced by the sun and the moon is just reflecting the light from the sun.?


Well-Known Member
how about you just leave your plants alone during the night cycle. they need to sleep too. screw all this red vs green bulb bullshit. just leave your girls alone. they work 12 hours a day everyday. do you work 12 hours a day 7 days a week? if you did would u want someone shining a light on you while your sleeping? they might not be able to see the light but cmon u gotta have respect for your girls. play some soothing music for them and leave them alone. i dont like to look at my plants but once a day, it makes the grow go by faster and u see alot more growth if u only check once or twice a day. as for the moonlight theory, if it affected the plants outside we would mainly get hermies outside, which we know is not true. a rule of thumb ive learned for indoor grows is that if you can see your hand with ur arm about 1/2 extended in front of your face its to bright and could cause hermies.


Well-Known Member
i agree with ivbeencancelled.... if bulbs painted red really produced a red spectrum dont you think this would be beneficial to the plants and would be used widely by marijuana growers everywhere???? dont you think it would be some kind of new discovery??? welllll..... its not thats why hes sayin that it wouldnt matter... i see where hes coming from with this so stop acting like hes some dumbass... stop ganging up on the guy.. jeez... and also its not a big deal just wait till your lights are on to mess with the plants you have 12-24 hours a day where the lights are on.


Well-Known Member
If that's true, then why are these companies now producing red and blue led lighting assemblies for growth? Just because we can see the light doesn't mean a plant won't absorb that spectrum. Use green.
Because its a mother fucking INCANDESCENT bulb!!!
Seriously people.
I dont give a shit if its PAINTED, any color, it could be painted like a motherfucking rainbow!!!
It will not put out the right light spectrum if it is a painted incandescent bulb.


Active Member
You're fucked I'vbencnclld. Fucking amateurs on this site. You have no real knowledge about cannabis. Going to find more knowledgeable site.Hiesman don't choke when kissing lbncncllds' ass. Might be knowledgeable people here, but you're not one youbeencncelld.


Well-Known Member
Gee, what color light is dominant in HPS ?????? RED YOU JERK, DO NOT POST ON THIS SIGHT IF YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE STUPID ADVICE TO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey kid, stay out of your room during dark cycle, even green lights do not put out only true green light, any RED or BLUE spectrum WILL disturb you dark period. Read a science book on photosynthesis and BUY A MARIJUANA GROWERS GUIDE by Ed Rosenthal, he KNOWS what he is talking about and dedicates a whole chapter on light and growing. DON'T TRUST MOST ANSWERS ON THIS SIGHT , it's just someones opinion , NOT FACT. READ THE FACTS, PLEASE, for your own good . Don't take even my word, read from a REAL BOOK.........NUF SAID


Well-Known Member
McLovin, finally a man with true KNOWLEDGE, gee, someone else here actually READS before he SPEAKS, MY HAT IS OFF TO YOU, so many people here must still believe that the sun revolves around the earth LOL


Well-Known Member
I heard that they let a lot of mentally ill patients out of the hospitals for Christmas, and we have some on this sight