Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I'd just like to say, i never said they were the same person. I said Santa is like God in that, if you believe in him, he exists for you. You tell a little kid Santa doesn't exist and they go ape-shit. My friend, as a junior in high school, cried when my teacher told her. sometimes, it's just the wya things are. Belief is what you want it to be, faith is how you see it. There is thought behind that statement if you take it at more than face value...:)

Peace and love :peace:

Yeah you been cool Moutain Spliff. I just don't like the people who says things like people who believe in God are dumbasses or religion is for weak-minded people or santa and God are the same person, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.


Well-Known Member
If God managed to become beyond time, why is it that we cannot? we have thought, perhaps we could, as a human race, develop to understand time in its rightful fashion. "How did God get there?" or "What/who made God?" was a question that, even from when i was little, gave me little faith in God as my Church taught it. I've developed my own ideas since, and they are ever-changing, but I don't feel i need to convince anyone. "Right" is how you see it. That's all.

We can only partially comprehend the notion of God's existence. To do so, we must use human concepts to speak of God: "without beginning or end"; "eternal"; "infinite", etc. The Bible says that He has always existed: " . . . even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God" (Psalm 90:2). And, "Your throne is established from of old; Thou art from everlasting" (Psalm 93:2). Quite simply, God has no beginning and no end. So, where did God come from? He didn't. He always was. To us, the notion of time is linear. One second follows the next, one minute is after another. We get older, not younger and we cannot repeat the minutes that have passed us by. We have all seen the time lines on charts: early time is on the left and later time is on the right. We see nations, people's lives, and plans mapped out on straight lines from left to right. We see a beginning and an end. But God is "beyond the chart." He has no beginning or end. He simply has always been. Also, physics has shown that time is a property that is the result of the existence of matter. Time exists when matter exists. Time has even been called the fourth dimension. But God is not matter. In fact, God created matter. He created the universe. So, time began when God created the universe. Before that, God was simply existing and time had no meaning (except conceptually), no relation to Him. Therefore, to ask where God came from is to ask a question that cannot really be applied to God in the first place. Because time has no meaning with God in relation to who He is, eternity is also not something that can be absolutely related to God. God is even beyond eternity.


Well-Known Member
I am saying what I say because I believe in God. I don't know why and in all other ventures in life I think for myself. There is something deep inside me that says believe in God and I do because I feel that it is the right thing to do. I have not vigorously studied the concepts behind every religion but then, other religions do not effect me. I don't seek answers that aren't there. I just believe. If that makes me dumb, or misinformed, or naive to everyone else, that's ok. Because anyone who does not believe in God has their own hypothesis which is equally correct or incorrect in comparison to my own beliefs. So no matter how the picture about me is painted, I'm just as correct in my personal beliefs as the next guy.

Very well said. Kudos :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sorry donnie, but humans have been wondering where they came from as soon as they became conscious. Around the time religion was being created humans weren't intelligent enough to be the so called scientists we have today. So they they kinda made it all up as they went along. :blsmoke::peace:

THAT is a complete load of bull. Excuse my insight, but how do you know?


Well-Known Member
I disagree, non religious people are not celebrating it religiously because they don't believe it happened, maybe in your eyes they are.

If your non religious your celebrating the family time and the present giving and thats all its about.

For me christmas has no religious baring the only purpose of christmas is the children to let them believe that the world is a good place and make their eyes light up.
But where do you think it comes from? You may not celebrate it religiously but the date of celebration comes from Christianity. Why not have a family celebration on the 13th of October? And call it Festivus, a celebration for the rest of us?

The bottom line is people who don't believe in God celebrate Christmas only for the gift giving. They don't want their kids to go to school the next day and have their friends ask them what they got for Christmas and have them say "nothing, we don't celebrate it" because they'd feel like an outcast. How do you think Jews react? They have 8 days of celebration and are perfectly content celebrating their own holiday on a different day, so why are people who don't believe in God leaching off the holiday designed for those who do? I couldn't imagine celebrating Hanukkah next year just because I felt like it, or wanted to fit in, or just wanted more presents. It's a ridiculous and disrespectful thought process in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
You have to have a soul to go to an afterlife. I doubt ants do, maybe chimpanzees. But, you missed the point... Ppl think God was invented b/c ppl are scared of death. I'm not scared of that. It would be just like taking a long ass nap you don't wake up from. Doesn't sound too bad to me...And I don't care how the Earth or universe was created. This is not what causes me to believe...I believe for many of my own personal reasons that I would not be able to explain here.

Woah woah woah. Ants are a lifeform like anyother, equally important to the survival and well-being of this planet. EVERYTHING has a soul man, a soul is just energy. if it had no energy, it wouldn't be here. Awww, fuck, sorry i'm disagreeing, i have no point. I geuss i just wanted you to think about that a bit. But believing in God is not something i will diss. I can say i hate the Catholic system though, right?


Well-Known Member
Woah woah woah. Ants are a lifeform like anyother, equally important to the survival and well-being of this planet. EVERYTHING has a soul man, a soul is just energy. if it had no energy, it wouldn't be here. Awww, fuck, sorry i'm disagreeing, i have no point. I geuss i just wanted you to think about that a bit. But believing in God is not something i will diss. I can say i hate the Catholic system though, right?
Yes you can, that's the nice thing about practicing religion in America, anyone can have any opinion they choose and I personally would not have it any other way.

Otherwise I'd move to Afghanistan and start practicing Islam.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude. Same with Easter and the big bunny thing. Same sort of disrespect, yet the two holidays have been commercialized so that money can be made by exploiting a large percentage of the population. It's cruel man, so cruel.

But where do you think it comes from? You may not celebrate it religiously but the date of celebration comes from Christianity. Why not have a family celebration on the 13th of October? And call it Festivus, a celebration for the rest of us?

The bottom line is people who don't believe in God celebrate Christmas only for the gift giving. They don't want their kids to go to school the next day and have their friends ask them what they got for Christmas and have them say "nothing, we don't celebrate it" because they'd feel like an outcast. How do you think Jews react? They have 8 days of celebration and are perfectly content celebrating their own holiday on a different day, so why are people who don't believe in God leaching off the holiday designed for those who do? I couldn't imagine celebrating Hanukkah next year just because I felt like it, or wanted to fit in, or just wanted more presents. It's a ridiculous and disrespectful thought process in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can, that's the nice thing about practicing religion in America, anyone can have any opinion they choose and I personally would not have it any other way.

Otherwise I'd move to Afghanistan and start practicing Islam.

Word, cause I can't stand how that whole entire thing works. To me, it was created for the express purpose of exploitation; thus the Pope and his Cardinals at the top of a huge power structure. However, the faith part is real. And that's how the exploitation flourished so well--Faith is inherent in thought.

But whatev man, that's just my view, I'm not trying to downplay or criticize anyone. My mom's a congregationalist, my dad's a buddhist, and so i get a very wide exposure (compartively) to ideas.


Well-Known Member
Word, cause I can't stand how that whole entire thing works. To me, it was created for the express purpose of exploitation; thus the Pope and his Cardinals at the top of a huge power structure. However, the faith part is real. And that's how the exploitation flourished so well--Faith is inherent in thought.

But whatev man, that's just my view, I'm not trying to downplay or criticize anyone. My mom's a congregationalist, my dad's a buddhist, and so i get a very wide exposure (compartively) to ideas.
And the fact that they are married speak volumes about the discussions we're having here today. You can still respect someone just because their beliefs are different than yours. I love ngt but I think his views on religion SUCK! Also, my girlfriend is Jewish and we celebrate separate holidays but I still love her more than anything.

So whatever we say on this thread, always remember that we're all here for one purpose and that's to grow God's plant.


Well-Known Member
And the fact that they are married speak volumes about the discussions we're having here today. You can still respect someone just because their beliefs are different than yours. I love ngt but I think his views on religion SUCK! Also, my girlfriend is Jewish and we celebrate separate holidays but I still love her more than anything.

So whatever we say on this thread, always remember that we're all here for one purpose and that's to grow God's plant.

I didn't at any point explain to you my beliefs on god, so for you to say my views suck is kinda fucked.


New Member
There is no irrefutable evidence to suggest God does not exist or exist. However, there is much scientific evidence to suggest that he does not exist and much much much evidence to support Darwinians theory of evolution.

Obviously your dead set he exists and I am pretty much dead set he does not exist. One day however you will realise.
not exactly. there is no scientific evidence that god does not exist. absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence...in theory. although in practice, the fact that we see no evidence of a powerful person called god doen't help the believers case.

Your too stuck up on the science of it all......According to science we shouldn't exist....The big bang theory that an atom appeared out of thin air and exploded creating the universe and everything we see today? I thought energy cannot be created or destroyed...Is the idea of a God really more far-fetched than the big bang theory?
science is very important because its the only method known to man that can consistantly answer hard questions. when we apply it to god, it has no answers. aside from the actual big bang event, which science cannot even speculate on, there really doesn't seem to be any need for a creative force after it.

if you believe the theory of evolution, you can imagine the hot peices of the big bang arranging themselves according to their chemical properties...over a long time, science supports the idea of these peices turning into intelligent life, given the right conditions for development.

there is no need for any supernatural force outside of the big bang itself. and perhaps there is a very simple explanation for that event. either way, we're forced to wait for whatever god you believe in to show himself. but none ever do...and people keep on believing...


New Member
So whatever we say on this thread, always remember that we're all here for one purpose and that's to grow God's plant.
weed is a gift from the earth, not from any imaginary god.

it is almost a symbiotic relationship between humans who benefit and enjoy its properties, and the plant who gets free horticulture and breeding care.


Well-Known Member
90% of the strains i grow where created by the breeding efforts of simple men. kind of an advanced evolution if you will.


Well-Known Member
Everything that is here now is so because the environment was right for it to be so.

If it wasn't right for it to be so it wouldn't any more and it would die out.

If all the creatures in this world are on gods earth surely they are gods creatures also and certain species have gone extinct and others are bordering on it.

Cannabis is just a plant that has evolved into what it is today, it is alive because the conditions on this planet allow it to be so.

No one put it here.

If you want to see god, get yourself a cup of milk and leave it on the side untouched for as long as possible and witness the creation and evolution of life, its going to take more years than you can give to see it develop into something of a decent size but you will be creating life just as everything else on this planet was created.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe in God.

Everything I find wrong about God is God himself. There is no such thing.

The truth shall set you free.

Show me 1 scientific evidential fact that God exists.
Nice research Homegrown. You are ruthless.

Show me 1 scientific fact that God doesn't exist.

There is no truth in any direction.


Well-Known Member
Well, after abstaining from posting for 20 pages; I can say amen to skunkykushbird and homegrown.

It cracks me up that religious people would even want ANYTHING to do with a God, if there were one. This world is so fucked up. If you honestly believed there was something responsible for this chaos, you should damn well think it was the biggest piece of shit to ever exist.

What it all boils down to is no one can make you believe anything that you don't want to believe. People will do what they want. Religious folk are practically slapped in the face by evidence every day that points to God not existing. But they will believe what they want...and people in this sad fucking world we live in will continue to die because of it.

Religion is DEADLY and UNHEALTHY

You can be spiritual without being religious. Having an understanding and loving nature toward mankind is being spiritual. Nothing says, "Hey, you have to believe in bullshit to be spiritual...so get with it"


New Member
I didn't read any of the rest of the posts on this thread. But if you're celebrating Christmas this year and don't believe in God; you're a damn hypocrite.
Christmas was originally a pagan festival to honour the Sun.

The dates were interspersed to help ingratiate christianity into pagan England.