Hermi - pls help!!! 911


Active Member
Hey Everyone,

I have a couple of my flowering plants that have gone hermi on me... I have other flowering plants I put into my room about 3 weeks ago... Will they go hermi too??



Active Member
Just pick off the sacks, or cut it down. May have been just those few plants that went hermie.
Will it effect my other plants though? I am worried it will make them all go hermie... I will cut them but I want to make sure my ones at 3wks won't be effected... THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i could be wrong so double check but i dont think having a hermie can make other plants do it but i believe a hermie could pollinate ur females which u dont want again thats just my 2 cents so i dont take my word as gold good luck dude


Well-Known Member
hermies next to females will not cause them to hermi, what myt happen is that becasue somthing caused those plants to go hermi in the first place, i.e light leak , insane stress etc, that same thing could happen to those pplants
but if u have corrected those mistakes, all they are going to do is pollinate your beautiful females and turn them into slopppy pregnant low THC whores


Active Member
Kill them asap, turn off fans or spray nuts with water before you move em just incase sacks are open. Don't go back in room wearing same clothes. I'd vaccum the place before you put fans back on, just my opinion. hope this helps


Active Member
hermies next to females will not cause them to hermi, what myt happen is that becasue somthing caused those plants to go hermi in the first place, i.e light leak , insane stress etc, that same thing could happen to those pplants
but if u have corrected those mistakes, all they are going to do is pollinate your beautiful females and turn them into slopppy pregnant low THC whores
Just want to be clear bro.... The HERMI plants will not effect my females in anyway? I have corrected the issues you mentioned... It was a light leak.. (soooo stupid on my part). Thanks again for your help man!! Much appreciated!


Active Member
Kill them asap, turn off fans or spray nuts with water before you move em just incase sacks are open. Don't go back in room wearing same clothes. I'd vaccum the place before you put fans back on, just my opinion. hope this helps
Do you think they have effected my other plants already? I have fans blowing in the room for sure... Also at what point can it effect the plant (age)? I have some of them that were vegging for a day or two in there... They are only 3inches high but I can cut my loses with those pretty easy if I had to... THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
the hermi plants will pollinate your other female flowering plants, which will result in a lower potency crop full of seeds
and as said before turn off all fans etc and go and put those Hermies absolutely no where near ur current crop, wash the clothes u wore and have a shower, also i would say take any plants that have been near them (veg or flower) out into ur backyard and give them a good hose to wash them abit just incase there is any pollen on the leaves.
and yes if they have dropped pollen there is a good chance it oculd have effected ur plants already
take a few pics of ur hermies just to see if its only like one small bannana ur losing your mind about.
and dont throw the hermies away, go plant them in your backyard or outside sumwhere if ur season is right, and if you have absolutly no where else to put them, make sum butter :)


Well-Known Member
You also will need to wash out your fans and other ventilation equipment, since if that hermie released pollen it has probably found its way into your fans and vents. Once you turn them on again it will just blow more pollen into your grow area.

Also I advise against planting the hermie outside, it will probably still produce pollen which will blow around in the wind and possibly make its way back into your house and grow area. You can also take pollen to your other plants on your hands, hair, & clothes if you handle the hermie and then handle your females. And if you have any neighbors who are trying to grow outside, they will not be happy with you putting a hermie out there whose pollen could blow over to their females and fuck up their grows.

Plus if you live in the US or Canada and you take that plant outside, it is going to follow the sun's light schedule and revert back into veg mode. This will stress it out even more, and the buds will stop growing bigger and start getting little weird single leaflets growing out of the middle and top of them. That hermie just needs to be killed and used for something else like hash or butter. If you have fixed the light leak you should have no more hermies in there.


Somethin that happened to me ::: A couple indoors ago I had a girl start puting off those bannanas,,, This was well into flower .. I simply lightly wetted her , And tweezerd them off ... FOR REAL no probs and no seeds..FaTTy buds ...... I think the only way a hermi will affect babies is if they havent sexed yet .. It sounds like your well into flower so I wouldnt trip.. But as a measure, I alway "defunk" your garden between grows or if theres expexted probs... Again Not advice , just a experience I had..... l8


Active Member
Somethin that happened to me ::: A couple indoors ago I had a girl start puting off those bannanas,,, This was well into flower .. I simply lightly wetted her , And tweezerd them off ... FOR REAL no probs and no seeds..FaTTy buds ...... I think the only way a hermi will affect babies is if they havent sexed yet .. It sounds like your well into flower so I wouldnt trip.. But as a measure, I alway "defunk" your garden between grows or if theres expexted probs... Again Not advice , just a experience I had..... l8
Thanks!!! Apprecatied!


Active Member
You also will need to wash out your fans and other ventilation equipment, since if that hermie released pollen it has probably found its way into your fans and vents. Once you turn them on again it will just blow more pollen into your grow area.

Also I advise against planting the hermie outside, it will probably still produce pollen which will blow around in the wind and possibly make its way back into your house and grow area. You can also take pollen to your other plants on your hands, hair, & clothes if you handle the hermie and then handle your females. And if you have any neighbors who are trying to grow outside, they will not be happy with you putting a hermie out there whose pollen could blow over to their females and fuck up their grows.

Plus if you live in the US or Canada and you take that plant outside, it is going to follow the sun's light schedule and revert back into veg mode. This will stress it out even more, and the buds will stop growing bigger and start getting little weird single leaflets growing out of the middle and top of them. That hermie just needs to be killed and used for something else like hash or butter. If you have fixed the light leak you should have no more hermies in there.
Here are some pics... Let me know if you think these ones are HERMIE also???? THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!! You have no idea how much it is appreciated!



Active Member
if u got all sacks cut off and fixed lightleak they are STILL hermies, so they need to be checked DAILY. they will grow back, i found that if 1 bud went hermie on one plant. that one bud was always gonna show some hermire tria thru the grow, th other buds didnt have as many hermie banas growing.

either way check it every few hours and continuallty pick it off
i had one do that and im almost thru all of flower. ready to chop
it didnt poillinate anything
thank god


Active Member
Please comment and let me know if you think she is a hermie.... Also at this piont if it is NOT hermie assuming all issues fixed is there a chance it still could be a hermie??? THANKS EVERYONE!!! :?



I realy think your good .... Those arent the bannanas I was talkig about.. They looked like lil bannanas... I think those are the lil tear shape nodual found below the fan leaves were it connect to the stem... I have those ...pull em off if your worried...In your post #13 I can see your flower sites on the girly ..Its on those sites you would find the "bannanas" or later youll find those sites developeing bigger then uniform tear shaped calyxes because they are filled with a seed.....


Well-Known Member
Please comment and let me know if you think she is a hermie.... Also at this piont if it is NOT hermie assuming all issues fixed is there a chance it still could be a hermie??? THANKS EVERYONE!!! :?
No, I don't think that one is a hermie. Those look like all-female parts to me. Those 2 hairs coming out are the pistils, they are a good way to determine that it is female. Male flowers do not have any hairs. Here's a little diagram, the male flowers on the top row and the female flowers on the bottom row.

View attachment 968311

holayall said:
I think those are the lil tear shape nodual found below the fan leaves were it connect to the stem... I have those ...pull em off if your worried...
Those are the female preflowers, called calyxes. A bud is just a whole bunch of calyxes all growing right together, with some small leaves as well. No need to cut them off, they are a good thing. :)


I think I have those fungus knats( littletiny itty bitty flying pest) ... Do they damage roots ??? best solution besides the over priced Azatrol stuff plz!!


Well-Known Member
In the future, you shouldn't hijack other people's threads like that, you should make a new thread if you have a different topic to discuss. It helps us stoner plant docs keep straight what the problem is that we're dealing with. :D

But for now, don't make another thread about it, you can buy yellow sticky card traps to get the adults. They are attracted to the color yellow and will get stuck to the card and die without using poisons. For the larvae, which are in the soil eating at your roots, you can make a mixture of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and correctly pH'd water. Try using 1 part Hydrogen peroxide mixed with 3 parts pH'd water. Water the plant with this mixture and the HP should kill the larvae. You can also put a slice of peeled potato on the top of the soil, then come back later to check it. The potato attracts the larva up to it, where you can see them and pick them out.