I Just Bought Mephedrone

Can someone please PM me a site that actually exists? I just ordered from one and through more research realized it was a total scam.
Can someone please PM me a site that actually exists?

If you can not find a legit Mephedrone suppier, give up all hopes of research chemicals. Just stop searching for them and reading about them, because mephedrone is one of the easiest to find.
My old supplier has seemed to gone out of business within the last couple of months. Is anyone willing to throw me a PM with a good place to look at ?
Wait until next month when the whole EU bans it.
FUCK, I didn't even know.. WHAT THE FUCK.. I guess it really is going to become THAT much more expensive. Thank god I know a couple US suppliers.

EDIT: Actually.. I just noticed one of my US suppliers is selling it for 10/g. If you buy 5g or more. That is a damn good price, especially in the US. I guess it's not such a big deal as I thought initially..
FUCK, I didn't even know.. WHAT THE FUCK.. I guess it really is going to become THAT much more expensive.

Personally, I see huge potential for Mephedrone to become (in a few years) the next cocaine or methamphetamine (on the street level). I think that with the upcoming ban, the prices in the EU will sky rocket (as naphyrone really doesn't hold up to 4MMC).

EDIT: Actually.. I just noticed one of my US suppliers is selling it for 10/g. If you buy 5g or more. That is a damn good price, especially in the US. I guess it's not such a big deal as I thought initially..

I am currently paying $6.60 a gram.
isnt methylone better?
Methylone causes too much overbearing stimulation even after most of the effects have diminished. I find it impossible to go to sleep hours after dosing, no such problem with mephedrone (even after compulsive redosing), sleep was almost no problem, and slept like a baby if I remember correctly, just have some cannabinoids on hand!!
Methylone causes too much overbearing stimulation even after most of the effects have diminished. I find it impossible to go to sleep hours after dosing

My friend nor myself experienced anything of this nature (his ROA was oral, mine was intranasal) with Methylone.
Hi all, this is my 1st but hopefully not my last post. I don't mean to be cheeky... and I know I don't know anyone here personally (only in spirit...), but could anyone with any legit meph sites please PM me a link or two?? The only luck I've had lately is from Trade sites with advertisers that send shady looking email lists and want Western Union payments..... :?

Thanks in advance!
Hi all, this is my 1st but hopefully not my last post. I don't mean to be cheeky... and I know I don't know anyone here personally (only in spirit...), but could anyone with any legit meph sites please PM me a link or two?? The only luck I've had lately is from Trade sites with advertisers that send shady looking email lists and want Western Union payments..... :?

Thanks in advance!
dude its really not hard at all
hey i know u all been sayin its easy to find a supplier.. but im sure its easy in the UK .. the US seems harder to find one and the ones u do find, u have no idea whther they are legit or not .. and as for trade sites .. i dont trust them for shit lmao
hey i know u all been sayin its easy to find a supplier..

I assure you it is. If you can't find mephedrone, you will never find any RC's.

but im sure its easy in the UK ..

With the whole European Union banning Mephedrone in July (so I hear), not to mention Mephedrone being a Class B drug in the UK, so what the hell makes you think that?

I take it you have not noticed the massive release of shit like Naphyrone, or the upcoming flood of 5-IAI and 6-ADPB?

the US seems harder to find one and the ones u do find

No they aren't.

u have no idea whther they are legit or not

You have no idea what you're talking about.