The Big 40


Well-Known Member
000_0092.jpg000_0089.jpg000_0085.jpg000_0088.jpg000_0091.jpg000_0087.jpg I'm starting this garden with 40 plants. I have 36 in the ground, 10 ft. wide rows, with 10 ft. spacing. I have the other 4 in 60" plastic kiddie pools witch I have had good results from in the past. There is Romulan, Jack Herer x Trainwreck, Super Silver Haze, Goo, Blue Dream, Martian Mean Green, White Rhino, Chocolope, Sage, Querkle, and a Jack x Northern Lights cross. I put 260 yrds. of top quality garden blend organic soil, and about 10 or 12 pickup truck loads of organic amendments. These pics were taken about a week ago, right after planting and they have already grabbed and took off, growing a few inches in the last couple days. I'll be feeding with organic teas only, which is the first time I've gone 100% organic so I definitly have my fingers crossed that my yield doesn't suffer from my lack of experience with True Living Organics. I will get some close up shots of the individual plants in the next couple days and new pics once a week as the grow progresses. So hang on everyone and let's grow this thing together!
where the fuck is this?!?! That looks pretty obvious to me... But hey, I'm totally gorilla...
Good lookin grow my man. Personally, I like to dance or do crazy poses when the helo's fly over the crop :) Anyway, good luck with the organics this year ill definitely be keeping an eye on this one.
Yep, the mesh is for moles. I have never really had trouble with deer. The night after I planted this a couple walked right down the middle of 2 rows and never touched a thing. I will be putting up deer fence before all their other edibles start drying up just in case.
I'm assuming the wire mesh in the ground is to keep the moles out, but what about the deer?
Yeah lots of people on here seem to have problems with deer but ive never had a single issue. I have found them wandering around crops dozens of times and never once did I notice a bud or even a leaf missing. Some states must have some rabid-ass-wild-weed-eating deer I guess. Now wood rats are another issue...if you think its bad when a deer snags some foliage, imagine how much it would suck to walk up and see an 8 foot plant lying completely on its side because a wood rat chewed the 4" stalk straight through like a damn beaver.
Man who is this guy think he is all growing like he does that shit for a living or some shit! It's a nice grow through...but I expect nothing less from a old geezer like you wheez! I can't wait to see that shit in a few months! It took me forever to make it over and see the new pics and what not, but it is looking good man looking good! Send me a e-mail when you can with some B.Y. pics of the girls in the L.D. man! Will be coming round here to see the grow though...and to soot the shit when possible hehe!
Well till later man...Peace in and SMOKE OUT!!!-Skill
Damn that shit looks crazy. Got a little farm there, haha.

Are those kiddie pools really deep enough to grow some monsters? (They sell em around here, maybe Ill get some when I start some autoflowers)

I Envy you!:hump:

102_5607.jpg102_5611.jpg102_5610.jpg102_5613.jpgI know it's been a while since I posted on this, so you can see the growth.102_5605.jpg