Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

i dident read any other posts so som1 might have already sed this but, only every spray pesticides on marijuana before it flowers only spray while its in a vegitative state otgherwise you will be smoking your pesaticide and u will probly choke to death and scream while your gasping for your last breath because your lungs had just beed killed. sooo be safe and dont have nightmares heheheh:)
yeah thats our problem, spraying during flowering is a definite no-no...yet these worms only attack our buds! it blows. When I have the extra cash, im thinking a huge carport with mesh over the entire thing will be the only fullproof way....
crushed egg shells around the base, it is suppose to scratch their bellies,then they die apparently Also what about those sticky sheets that are used to trap roaches and mice?
You really think spraying BT all over your flowers isnt affecting them? Ive always heard not to during flowering....

I started using Bt for tomato worms before I started growing pot.

A friend warned me about bud worms before I got my first crop in. I started using Bt on my Cannabis, too.

If you read the contents of the Bt preparation, you'll realize that maple sugar is the worst part of it. That can be washed away a few days after application.

Enough Bt bacteria remain to snuff any worms, for a few weeks.

There are far worse things in the dust that settles on your plants.

I give my girls a bath weekly, but during late flowering, I choose my days, carefully, picking warm dry days to rinse the plants in the morning.

I've been using Bt for decades and exclusively smoking my home grown. Never noticed anything negative.

I know of nothing that outperforms and is less toxic than Bt. Do you?

Bud worms can each destroy at least one khola, in a very short time.

I'll take my chances.

BTW, my late season applications are set at a very fine mist, which doesn't penetrate the bud enough to cause mold problems.

Earlier, the Bt is one part of the mixture I use to foliar feed, which is a drench.

My greenhouses very rarely get worms, but I've found butterflies in them, so I spray those plants lightly, as well.
Great.. I was wondering what those white foams were... eggs.. Damn their all over the place.. :[

Post some pics of them here if you can. Do they look like tiny, perfectly round "eggs", smaller than the size of a pin head? I'd remove as many as you can by hand, and spray with BT. Inspect your buds for worms. If you don't find any, there's a chance the BT will work. The worms have to digest the BT, which means they have to hatch first and start eating. That's if I understood the process correctly.

By the way, veggiegardner, or anyone else for that matter, will spraying plants with Neem after spraying with BT, effectively "wash" the BT off? I sprayed with BT a couple of days ago, but plan on spraying with Neem tomorrow evening. Hopefully the Neem doesn't wipe out the BT.
Post some pics of them here if you can. Do they look like tiny, perfectly round "eggs", smaller than the size of a pin head? I'd remove as many as you can by hand, and spray with BT. Inspect your buds for worms. If you don't find any, there's a chance the BT will work. The worms have to digest the BT, which means they have to hatch first and start eating. That's if I understood the process correctly.

By the way, veggiegardner, or anyone else for that matter, will spraying plants with Neem after spraying with BT, effectively "wash" the BT off? I sprayed with BT a couple of days ago, but plan on spraying with Neem tomorrow evening. Hopefully the Neem doesn't wipe out the BT.

Where do these worms reside? im from Alabama but I have never seen them before.
Im finding these in my outdoor, its my first grow... i picked a bunch out by hand, also i notice wasp out there in the day i leave them be, i saw someone post on here they make good hunters for bugs on your plants..

i picked out all the lil rott stuff it left in the buds also just tryed FF dont bug me... might just get the catapillar killer. and get some moth balls to put around to prevent this mabey a few bars of irish srping soap... these commen for most people in solcal?

plan on picking up some ladybugs would get a mantis but its not sesion for them yet...

how many of these worms could u expect to find on a plant i found atleast 5 on one so far, others nothing really yet...
if i have to harvest early due to this, is there something i can do the plants that have these budworms to get the remaining ones out?