lol this is good advice.Umm.... No
the love I have for my Fiancee Far outreaches my fondness for a plant. Far.......................................................
a marriage proposal (from my perspective) would only be tainted by such a trivial thing as MJ.
Do it right; assuming that she (not MJ) owns your heart, drop the MJ inclusion and put your heart into it 1000000000% that's all.
Good luck!
hahahahaha i loledlol this is good advice.
But breaking up weed and finding a ring would be pretty crazy, I don't know if she could tell it to her family though.
"So I was breaking up this dank ass purple urkle nug and there it was! A diamond ring! Covered in trichomes and pistils!"
If she is really a weed person than why not? It is all up to you man. All these people are saying my love for her far outreaches a plant blah blah.. it has absolutely nothing to do with your love for the PLANT. Im pretty sure you and HER are more fond of weed than velvet box. These people don't know shit about your girlfriend so just do what you think is right. And women want to see an effort. If she likes bud, is there anything that takes more effort than growing a ring into a plant? good luck with whatever you decidelol propose the right way with the ring don't get MJ involved. However later on you can get her matching diamond earrings which would fit nicely in those nugs and seems more appropriate. (lots of crystals on the nugs recommended so it is transparent with the diamonds)
PS: Good luck. Make sure not to sign any papers when you get married.
of course man, friends. btw yes the last avatar tilted me badly. LOLSo since i changed my avatar you don't hate me anymore lol.
Anyways dude, no hard feelings between us. Everyone has different points of view, i just want to be cool with everyone.