Brick Top
New Member
Well dude..i live in DC, 10 dudes just on a corner of buchanan street..i dont do the suburban dealing noones gonna throw shit back in my face..noone who buys from me is even on mii level in dem strrets
Why is it that I have the feeling that the "level" you are on that the others are not on is still, intellectually speaking, below sea level?
One thing I am curious about though ....... you are part of ten guys on a given corner so you must get to know the rest of the guys pretty well. So what do you guys all do when you knock off of work for the day, all go to a spa somewhere together, jump in a hot tub and play spot the submarine? Or do you just lay on your belly in an alley and tell the rest of the guys that it is time to play hide the weenie?
Keep having fun on "dem" DC "strrets" baby-gangsta!