1st CFL closet grow , mixed strains, Oh and HI

The Undertoker

Active Member
Hi All,

Im still pretty new to Rollitup but ive been practising for a few years now,lol

This is my 1st cfl grow, im running a 65w red spectrum and a 45w blue spectrum in a small closet area,
All of the prctured plants have basically been grown from seed in the pot (soil mix) under the cfl's ( i can hear a few mutterings now! lol)

They are coming up to 5 weeks and have just been switched onto 12/12 to push them on.

Theres a mixed selection:- Northern Lights (sex?), Pipi (fem), Thai super skunk (sex?) and a Whit Widow (sex ?), i'll have to wait a few more days before weeding out any males though.

Some pics attached and if n e 1's interested ill keep postin.


The Undertoker


The Undertoker

Active Member
they look nice man what are you going to do when they start to bud and smell?
Hi New bud, im not too concerned i have a garden full of tomato plants surrounding these few little beauties so i reckon they will be overpowered anyway, if not ill do some worrying then, untill that happens im gonna take a few tokes and chill, lol

The Undertoker

Active Member
Hi everyone,

A little update. The N.L turned out to be a male, well im pretty sure, take a look at the pics. So ive removed it for scientific research,lol

male nl3.jpgmale nl 4.jpgmale nl2.jpg

I think the Thai x SS is turning out male too, no major signs yet but im getting that feeling.

That leaves the Pipi and the WW, roll on preflower, they have been on 12/12 for a few days now.

Ive uprated the main bulb to a 150w cfl red too, should see some difference with that.

Comments please folks, first cfl grow and all that, Cheers:mrgreen:
ist day 150cfl.jpg[/ATTACH]1st day cfl150w.jpg


The Undertoker

Active Member

O.K well the txss did turn out male so its been evicted. There is some good news though, the Pipi and WW are now well on the way to flowering, theres a few pistols coming up now.

I am a bit worried that i have cut a few too many shade leaves of though, if any one knows the poss outcomes of doing this, please leave info, cheers:clap:

Ive added a few Sweet Dreams and a "the church" though, the SW i have put under 12/12 from being a 1 week old seedling, its a constant 12/12 experiment as ive heard it may well be worth while even though these are not auto strained.

"The Church" though has had about 4 weeks from seed on 18/6 (ish)

pics attached:arrow:;-)



Well-Known Member
That's a nice grow! I'm sorry I haven't strolled through here yet, been busy reading a couple hundred pages or so of some other threads in an attempt to learn a few things. ;-)
I've only been checking out threads that pertain to one particular topic except for when someone posts in a thread I'm subbed to for the last few weeks.

I'm subbed to this one now too though so I'll be checking it out frequently.

Disregard what I asked you about your CFL in the visitor message. I see that it's actual wattage from your pics here. The only thing that jumps out at me as something that I would change if it were my grow is I wouldn't hang that 45w CFL vertically. The only time I put CFLs vertically is if they're even with or below the canopy because they don't emit hardly any usable light from the end, it's all going out the sides of the bulb so you're wasting a lot of usable light there.
A reflector on it would help focus the light on the plants better too.

I know you didn't actually ask me for help and I'm not trying to tell you how to grow your plants, just offering up my opinion here.

The Undertoker

Active Member
That's a nice grow! I'm sorry I haven't strolled through here yet, been busy reading a couple hundred pages or so of some other threads in an attempt to learn a few things. ;-)
I've only been checking out threads that pertain to one particular topic except for when someone posts in a thread I'm subbed to for the last few weeks.

I'm subbed to this one now too though so I'll be checking it out frequently.

Disregard what I asked you about your CFL in the visitor message. I see that it's actual wattage from your pics here. The only thing that jumps out at me as something that I would change if it were my grow is I wouldn't hang that 45w CFL vertically. The only time I put CFLs vertically is if they're even with or below the canopy because they don't emit hardly any usable light from the end, it's all going out the sides of the bulb so you're wasting a lot of usable light there.
A reflector on it would help focus the light on the plants better too.

I know you didn't actually ask me for help and I'm not trying to tell you how to grow your plants, just offering up my opinion here.
Dude, welcome along glad to have you for the ride,
im going to take your advice fella and change that bulb direction too, all help is received with open arms here.:mrgreen:

Some more pics coming in a little while :)

The Undertoker

Active Member
Hi everyone,:peace:

Well its only been 4days since my last update and there seems to be quite i significant growth factor.

I snook in a spare Northern lights that i had in the greenhouse and it looks like she may well be female, couple more days on that one to find out though.

The "church" seems to be spreading out at last but the pipi and the White widow are coming into flower nicely.:eyesmoke:
The sweet dreams are just plodding along but remember they are a 12/12 from seed experiment so im not expecting miracles, this is more of a study area for me.:peace:

The pics posted make the leaves look very pale green in colour, in actuality they are quite a lot darker so im not panicking about deficiencies guys! i promise you i will scream if i need help,lol

As ever all help and comments are welcome and hey even a few pics if you like, Cheers, Happy Smokin:mrgreen:


The Undertoker

Active Member
Hi Again Peeps,:eyesmoke:

well i think i've gone hyper today, must be the cannabutter,lol I took Dez's advice and mounted the 45x cfl horizontal and added an extra 2 mounts ( could only find low wattage bulbs today so i put them in anyways for now). The horizontal mounts are now serving the 12/12 from seed sweet dreams as well as delivering light to the flowering Pipi, W/W and Northern lights from the underside's, so im thinking all is good:mrgreen:

A few pics attached, not much difference growth wise but you can see the horizontal mountings,

Pic 6, the church is now showing a bit of interest:mrgreen:

Thanks Peeps, all comments welcome:blsmoke:


The Undertoker

Active Member
Hi Everyone:eyesmoke:

All seems to be going well at the moment, the W/W is flowering at a rate of knots and the Pipi isnt far behind.bongsmilie

some pics attached of the 12/12 from seed sweet dreams too:blsmoke:

All comments and pics welcome, Cheers:mrgreen:


The Undertoker

Active Member
Hi all, :peace:

a couple more pics attached, all seems to be going well at the moment, the WW is starting to coat the leaves as is the pipi but not as advanced, im looking forward to the next few weeks because it looks like the beginnings of something very potent.:blsmoke:

any ways peeps, you decide, all comments and comparison pics welcome!:peace:



looking gorgeous son! the church looks just like mine in the beginning....rough texture and serrated edges. but that will change. let me know if yours starts smelling like wet dog (tasty wet dog!) before flowering...might be same pheno. would be interesting to compare results as mine will be under 800w hps..

good luck man ill be sub'd and looking forward to your harvest


Well-Known Member
Hi all, :peace:

a couple more pics attached, all seems to be going well at the moment, the WW is starting to coat the leaves as is the pipi but not as advanced, im looking forward to the next few weeks because it looks like the beginnings of something very potent.:blsmoke:

any ways peeps, you decide, all comments and comparison pics welcome!:peace:
Those are looking tasty, starting to show some nice flowers & trichs!


Cute gals you have there.
laugh all you want.....

my cousin told me "it smells like wet dog" right before i rubbed the stem. i didn't understand till i smelled my finger. WET DOG!!!! trust that son!! gonna be some killer fucking bud though cant wait for it