Blue Mystic Grow Journal with CFL's


Active Member
Good job NothinButTheBest

Any updated pics of the BM?

How's she smelling now? Both my ladies smell STRONG! (when you get up close to them). Both my AeroGarden plant and the Soil one. (Love the smell myself however.. :> )

Any red hairs pop out yet? I just passed my 2 week mark with my 2 BM ladies..

Subbed. Want to see the outcome.. :>

You must be a proud Pop! :>

Good luck and keep up the good work!

The smell seems to of settled down a little now. It has a fruity/skunky smell like stated before... No red hairs as of yet but the white ones are filling in well.


Active Member
Well its been 2 days now since the move to the outdoors.. During the move they had to be stored in garbage bags. Well when we got there to the new location the yard man was there.. Ugh! well the girl got a little overheated. The plant is browning on the top and some of the bigger fan leaves on the bottom. The northern lights made it thorugh perfect. The mango haze that i am also growing got 1 brown stem. Both Short Riders are also still doing well.


Active Member
Well i did a check today and a watering of all my plants.. the blue mystic suffered a good share of heat damage on the top of the plant. I was feeling around today when i was watering and it still feels like it is alive.. there is a little green to it but its mostly brown.. the bud spots are starting to fill in good now and i have started to see a few red hairs. the northern lights is about 3 foot now and oddly the main stem split about 2 feet up and now looks like it will have to big main colas. All of the shoots are staying close to the main stem as well. This is a very compact plant, its about 3 feet tall but only like maybe 10-12 inches wide.


Active Member
Bump. Ordered me a auto blue mystic. Any updates on your bm? Hows the difficulty on your bm?

From what I have noticed the BM is a very sturdy plant.. This is actually the 3rd or 4th BM i have grown. Just to show how durable this strain is, i planted two outside at a friends house that we grow "together" with like sharing seeds and such.. well an animal got to both that i planted out there.. he went to check on it and noticed that it was eaten BUT there was a little shoot still left. he cut the little "clone" and put it into his mouth to run it back to the house from the woods.. Then put it straight into some organic soil.. After like 2-3 weeks it wasnt dead so we figured something was going good on it.. then the following week we started to see growth from it.. it finally rooted. That plant has a few more weeks then it will be ready to chop down :-)...


Active Member
Sweet story. Glad to hear it took that beating! It didnt hernie it?
Well after really looking at the Blue Mystic that took the beating, it does look like it has went hermie.... BUTTTTT thats not really a bad thing.. I am not considering pollinating some of the bud spot of my female to try for some feminized seeds.. Whats do you all think? Let my plant be or get some seeds on like the lower spots?


Active Member
Well just a update... The cutting that I took from my BM has now been transplanted into its final pot.. It showed its roots day before yesterday nd when i transplanted it, it had already had most of my clone pot full of roots... so looks like another fem BM on the


Active Member
I went out to check on my [plants today and the buds are really filling in nice and the smaller leaves are covered in crystals.. Its starting to tun out good other than losing the whole main cola :-(... My northern lights is now about 4 feet tall.. I will be getting some pix up soon hopefully, because i think its a male but i havent seen the nuts looking like they are.. they are only on the very top of the plant and it almost looks like bud, but there are no hairs anywhere on the plant.. worse case i get a little bit of hash and i have 2 more northern lights growing indoors now.. started flowering yesterday


I plan on growing two auto strains under CFLs. Did you use the same light temperature (2700k) throughout the grow? I am wondering if it is necessary to purchase different lights or if I can use the same temperature throughout.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I plan on growing two auto strains under CFLs. Did you use the same light temperature (2700k) throughout the grow? I am wondering if it is necessary to purchase different lights or if I can use the same temperature throughout.
Use a mixture of both temps, more 6800k during veg and a little 2500k, then during flower alotta 2500k and a little 6800k.

Mixed Spectrum seems to do more work for me....


Hey so you get your seeds? is it just me or when you ordered you the blue mystic, you know how you get 5 feminize seeds well i got the same order twice, so i got tal of 10, but check this out, it was my first grow and i grew 5 in soil but i guess that soil had bark in it but it was organic. so the roots was blockin the roots and i waited 2 months and they was barely on the 3rd node all small some in the second node, well they all died . sad thing, so i tried a different method for the other 5 i had left, and bubbleponics is my thing. i should of just started 2 first, but i got a 6 pot system, 10 gal. so i did all 5 and i regret it, cus sense some germinated faster, the ones that did they was growing fast and left the others behind and they was blockin the light from there and 2 of them died. but i topped 2 of them or but they be getting taller cus i be raisin the lights,
i got them on 2 cfl lgiths. and 2 pc fans,
how long it take you to get buds cus im on week 6 and i jsut see the pistals, white hairs but no bud, i can see the begining of one, but shouldnt it be more then what i got....
some of the white hairs are turnin brown and how can that be if theres no bud yet?
how long it take you when you saw the bud?