Plant problems.Please help


Well-Known Member
Hi.Please help.I am a noob grower and my plants are looking ill:cry:

The seedling is a Lowryder no 2.It has been fine for a bit then i started to see this bright yellow colour on the new growth.Growth is stunted. No added nutes,I have it in John innes no 3.

The other plants are spontanica.I have added urine to these 2 plants and they started look a nice dark green and then you see they are all fucked up Leaf tips are all brown and growth is next to nothing.

Any input and advice is appreciated.Thanx



Active Member
Once seedlings start getting full fans of leaves like that it's time for nutes. The burnt leaf tips is an early sign of Nitrogen deficiency. Give them an all purpose grow fertilizer and they'll bounce back in a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot for the help dude. I know many people would mock as i am planing on trying diluted piss as a fertillizer lol. I have read good things about it as it is rich in N. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
If you use urine as fertilizer make sure you do dilute it well. 50 parts water to one part urine is a good place to start, working up to no more than 30 to one. It actually is a good fertilizer used correctly.


Active Member
You also need to make sure your medium is pH balanced to about 6, otherwise all the available nutes will be locked out and might as well not be there.

MJ needs a slightly acidic environment to be able to take up the best ratio of nutes.

Good luck :)


Active Member
PH down is a good product to use to decrease your pH, be very careful with It though, you only need about 4 drops to a litre of tap water to get to ph 6.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the advice mate.I thought the ph would quite possibly be a big problem. Is ph up more alkaline and ph down more acidic or the other way round?


Active Member
I can't believe you already have nitrogen deficiency even with soil. There is a huge thread on this site all about how people use urine and how its a very effective fertilizer, i thought about using it this year but i have plenty of other shit so i decided not too. 50 parts water to 1 part urine is ridiculous, that won't do shit for your plant. Give them 4 or 5 parts water to 1 part urine and it will work fine, maybe less since they are still small


Well-Known Member
Yeh they are still small. I dont think its an n problem with the lowryder because there still should be nutes in the soil.Again any input towards the lowryder's condition is appreciated as think im gonna scrap the spontanica as they will probly turn male from the stress they have had over the course of their lives(animal tramplings etc).Iv seen plenty of people have success with lowryder and it is good for noob growers like me so im gonna be pissed if i dont get a thing of it lol


Active Member
Cheers for the advice mate.I thought the ph would quite possibly be a big problem. Is ph up more alkaline and ph down more acidic or the other way round?

pH = -log10 [H+]

not sure if that helps at all but basically pH is based on the concentration of protons in solution. a higher concentration gives a more acidic solution but when you plug that into the equation the numbers flip. so.....a high pH (above 7, which is neutral) is alkali (or basic) and a lower than 7 pH is acidic.

you wanna be aiming for a pH of about 6 but a little reading elsewhere won't hurt.

so yeah you were right, buy some 'pH down' :)


Active Member
you ph is very important,some nutes work better at differant ph levels,seen a chart somewhere showing the plant take up of nutes at diff. ph levels,as far as useing urine I used to use hair from a beauty salon that was in the garbage,would stuff the hair in panty hose hang them in the bushes around my outdoor grow and piss on them.this would keep the deer and other animals from going near my plants peace and grow on


Well-Known Member
Thats crazy lol:)Thanx for the advidce dude.Deer isnt a problem for me here in the uk its things like cats n fox's.I will consider what you said about hair and ph.I think for my next attempts im gonna go for a indoor grow.Its off the subject but i am thinking about a big 300w cfl with a reflector or an aerogarden. I am a bit worried aout using hps lamps because the space i have avaliable growing in is very small and fire would become a concern.Thanx


Active Member
you ph is very important,some nutes work better at differant ph levels,seen a chart somewhere showing the plant take up of nutes at diff. ph levels,as far as useing urine I used to use hair from a beauty salon that was in the garbage,would stuff the hair in panty hose hang them in the bushes around my outdoor grow and piss on them.this would keep the deer and other animals from going near my plants peace and grow on
haha what the fuck!? that sounds like some kind of excuse for a crazy fetish :)