New head shop drug causing psychosis


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Obviously someone has to try it, and get it wrong, but why let it be you?

TL; DR - Don't risk it with RC.
People don't realize, every drug can be abused. Don't ream on RC's because your friend is too retarded to use a proper scale and use a site like erowid/bluelight/drugsforum and find out the proper dosage of a substance; that's his fault, not Naphyrone's.


People don't realize, every drug can be abused. Don't ream on RC's because your friend is too retarded to use a proper scale and use a site like erowid/bluelight/drugsforum and find out the proper dosage of a substance; that's his fault, not Naphyrone's.

couldnt agree more.... and I'm an idiot w/o a proper scale :), but still yet, there are ways to be sensible with most substances, and there is absolutely NO fucking excuse to not know about any drug with the wonders of the internet right at your fingertips..... I'd wager its the same type of people that chug robitussin and such:roll:
Mephedrone is been banned in most of the countries and it seems that the drug which are close to mephedrone like nrg will also be banned eventhough they are useful in many ways, if we see nrg then they are quite effective as plant feeder.


I dont really trust any of these new substances, not nearly enough testing done and time period is too small.

Ive heard of people having heart attacks from using "spice" and some of these other things, even deaths.
Ya and in the 30s weed made you psychotic.I Deal with many people who use spice and no bad reactions at all, just a nice high for those who can no longer mess with MJ. Though i did see the news reporting some gay as teens saying they felt impending doom and ended up in the hospital, I don't know if these people just lie or have no idea about being high and don't know what they are experiencing. You just smoked a mind altering drug, something goes wrong lay down and ride it out. Don't fuck it up for everyone else. That being said first time i smoked jwh i smoked it like MJ (full joint) and it was to much, learned from it now have my dose and it's great.