There is no such thing as gravity


Well-Known Member
your curtain is up.. I bet y ou don;t let that happen very often..

no I don't believe the earth is flat

since you believe in gravity (rught?), do you also believe that Prometheus brought fire from the gods?

do you believe that the earth was made in 7 days or was it 6 ...LOL

do you believe in dragons and santa clause and ghosts..

please, tell me what other fictional characters and ideas you believe?

You do know that gravity is fictional.. right? made up and written down n a book?

And if you don't think gravity is fictional... What allows you to determine what is real and what is not real? just because an apple falls and I can explain why it falls... is THAT enough for you?

what if I told you that indian shamans made it fall?
or that the falling apple is all part of gods plan..

What if I told you that you could actually see the truth if you sat perfectly still and shut your mind down for 5 minutes.. would that entice you...

or is your mind so LOUD and in SUCH control of YOU that it automatically builds 20 reasons why this is bullshit.. and YOUR mind can not even be silent for 5 minutes... AND it can't even try to be silent for 5 seconds because YOU are afraid.. and your ego rives in agony and thought of failure or being wrong... or worse yet


Dear Knowm,
What I know:
1. When I am MOST serious, is when people believe me the LEAST.
2. There are quite a few people, who are rather quiet, that believe the earth is flat.
3. That earth flat - no gravity idea goes together like hand in glove.
4. Earth is round, so we have gravity, is the other side of the coin.
5. Most of this earth is round concept is proven with trig.
6. Trig comes after geometry.
7. Pythagerous was the first math cat that could prove, with math formulas, that 1 is equal to 0. And 0 is equal to 1.
8. Follow THAT logic and you can be cool with earth-is-flat, no-gravity.
9. Columbus needed money to buy boats.
10. The Queen of Spain, Isabella had some bucks, but believed the earth was flat.
11. Columbus said ship-flags appear on the horizon before the ships can be seen. Earth is round.
12. Flat earth people aint had many friends since. And nobody knows how Pathagaries spelled his name.

These are things I DO know.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Dear Knowm,
What I know:
1. When I am MOST serious, is when people believe me the LEAST.
2. There are quite a few people, who are rather quiet, that believe the earth is flat.
3. That earth flat - no gravity idea goes together like hand in glove.
4. Earth is round, so we have gravity, is the other side of the coin.
5. Most of this earth is round concept is proven with trig.
6. Trig comes after geometry.
7. Pythagerous was the first math cat that could prove, with math formulas, that 1 is equal to 0. And 0 is equal to 1.
8. Follow THAT logic and you can be cool with earth-is-flat, no-gravity.
9. Columbus needed money to buy boats.
10. The Queen of Spain, Isabella had some bucks, but believed the earth was flat.
11. Columbus said ship-flags appear on the horizon before the ships can be seen. Earth is round.
12. Flat earth people aint had many friends since. And nobody knows how Pathagaries spelled his name.

These are things I DO know.

Is this true?


Well-Known Member
You're a fledgling bird. You have no capacity for thought. You are aware of the wind on your downy feathers. The sun rises in the morning (you have no idea that it's the sun but you do see the light and you are aware of the warmth that the morning light brings). You hear your brothers and sisters chirping (you dont know who they are or what they're saying but you innately understand that they are like you, and find that you can make similar noises. It feels right when you do it too). Your mother (you don't know that she's your mother. Birds have no word for "mother") periodically leaves the nest and returns with food. You don't know what a worm is, but you accept it greedily, and so do the others in the nest. Everything is fine in Birdland.

One morning your mother returns to the nest, feeds you and the rest of her fledglings. One of your nestmates in doing what comes naturally, nudges you over the edge of the nest. Unfortunately, you begin to fall. You don't know you're falling. You have no experience of falling. You haven't learned that you can fly yet. You're unafraid and have no reason to believe that this feeling is in any way unnatural. You hit the ground and your state of consiousness immediately changes. You have just become acquainted with Gravity.

You had no belief in Gravity. You had no beliefs at all. You had never heard the word "Newton" before. If you had it would have had no impact on you at all. Nevertheless, you have succumbed to one of the laws of physics. No explanation, hypothesis, theory or belief required.

Don't confuse physical constants with religion. It can be as hazardous for you as a human as it was for you as a bird.

Any baby who rolls over for the first time and falls from the couch to the floor would tell you, if he was able to process the information and communicate it, that Gravity does, indeed, exist. I guarantee you that he doesn't care whether it is caused by an explanation given in a textbook, a dragon living at the core of the earth, or something called a Newton. He just wants his Mother.

Science and Religion are not the same. Science looks at "reality" in wonder and and asks why. A true scientist is always looking for the next, better answer. Thats why they call it the Gravitation Theory instead of the Gravitation Law.

Bottom line? You don't have to Believe in Gravity to experience it and know that, here, on this piece of rock floating in space that some of us call "Earth", objects have a propensity for falling in a direction that, in my neck of the woods, they refer to as "down".

I understand what you mean, but if Al Gore invites you out the window of a tall building, I respectfully suggest that you decline his offer.


Well-Known Member
You're a fledgling bird. You have no capacity for thought. You are aware of the wind on your downy feathers. The sun rises in the morning (you have no idea that it's the sun but you do see the light and you are aware of the warmth that the morning light brings). You hear your brothers and sisters chirping (you dont know who they are or what they're saying but you innately understand that the are like you, and find that you can make similar noises. It feels right when you do it too). Your mother (you don't know that she's your mother. Birds have no word for "mother") periodically leaves the nest and returns with food. You don't know what a worm is, but you accept it greedily, and so do the others in the nest. Everything is fine in Birdland.

One morning your mother returns to the nest, feeds you and the rest of her fledglings. One of your nestmates in doing what comes naturally, nudges you over the edge of the nest. Unfortunately, you begin to fall. You don't know you're falling. You have no experience of falling. You haven't learned that you can fly yet. You're unafraid and have no reason to believe that this feeling is in any way unnatural. You hit the ground and your state of consiousness immediately changes. You have just become acquainted with Gravity.

You had no belief in Gravity. You had no beliefs at all. You had never heard the word "Newton" before. If you had it would have had no impact on you at all. Nevertheless, you have succumbed to one of the laws of physics. No explanation, hypothesis, theory or belief required.

Don't confuse physical constants with religion. It can be as hazardous for you as a human as it was for you as a bird.

Any baby who rolls over for the first time and falls from the couch to the floor would tell you, if he was able to process the information and communicate it, that Gravity does, indeed, exist. I guarantee you that he doesn't care whether it is caused by an explanation given in a textbook, a dragon living at the core of the earth, or something called a Newton. He just wants his Mother.

Science and Religion are not the same. Science looks at "reality" in wonder and and asks why. A true scientist is always looking for the next, better answer. Thats why they call it the Gravitation Theory instead of the Gravitation Law.

Bottom line? You don't have to Believe in Gravity to experience it and know that, here on this piece of rock floating in space that some of us call "Earth" objects have a propensity for falling in a direction that in my neck of the woods they refer too as "down".

I understand what you mean, but if Al Gore invites you out the window of a tall building, I respectfully suggest that you decline his offer.
Is this post to me, in specific? Because, Knowm has ask who believes in gravity. I followed his/her/? question, with a flat earth question. Because, some people who question gravity also question the round earth idea.

I have stated no opinions here.


Well-Known Member
My post was in reference to the subject of this thread. It's GK's thread, and he's the guy who is objecting to Gravity, so I guess I was directing my post to him. But it can be for you too if you want it to be. :)

I did think that your thing about Al Gore was funny.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
You have just become acquainted with Gravity.

is this true? To make this conclusion, what presuppositions have to be made?

Is this absolutely true?

You had no belief in Gravity. You had no beliefs at all. You had never heard the word "Newton" before. If you had it would have had no impact on you at all. Nevertheless, you have succumbed to one of the laws of physics.

is this true? who would you be if you did not believe this?

No explanation, hypothesis, theory or belief required.

Exactly, then why have YOU picked one up.

Don't confuse physical constants with religion. It can be as hazardous for you as a human as it was for you as a bird.

thank you, i agree .. although i don;t seperate life into catagories such as religion and state and science and so on...

Bottom line? You don't have to Believe in Gravity to experience it and know that, here, on this piece of rock floating in space that some of us call "Earth", objects have a propensity for falling in a direction that, in my neck of the woods, they refer to as "down".

YOU DON'T have to even know it is gravity.. you can leave it alone and let it be what it is.. although you can use the theory of gravity as it pertains t being useful in your life.. this does not mean it is TRUE

I understand what you mean, but if Al Gore invites you out the window of a tall building, I respectfully suggest that you decline his offer.
BEAUTIFUL, i thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and appreciate the time you spent sharing with me. I learned and absorbed.


make space where you you know something.. GRAVITY can and will still exist if it is real...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I am not objecting to gravity... am I ?

I am not even arguing with gravity ?

I am saying that THERE is an explanation for the phenomenon of "falling object" that trumps gravity.... and yet people still defend the existence of gravity as reality... when it is no more real than the calendar?

Does anybody here think that the calendar is also real?

uh oh :cry: now I did it!! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I didnt read the whole thread yet I will . but I just want to ask GK a question real quick
do you have a link to einstines explanation of gravity? I have read somone say that einstein disproved gravity. but couldnt find anything on google, and would be interested to read up on it


Well-Known Member
that bastardo!!!
I heard that catholics dont believe in gravity... but I'm not to sure :P... peter grifen told me that

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

I found 30 pages of such discussions and topics..

I did not read this entire thread.. but is the same discussion as we are having here..

it is amusing to say the least

It is no secret that

time, the calendar, gravity, political structures, EVERYTHING in your mind is made up.. fictional... politics, sorrow, happiness,

EVEN the alphabet is fictional and made up... LOL.. imagine that!!! words are just created by man for TALKING and communicating.. well some people use TAKLING for communicating.. most people use talking to defend there instability and fragile CONSTRUCT

Those who can see this can also USE these creations as tools... those who believe these constructs are imprisoned by them...

I can see the POINTS of everybody on this thread... and there are maybe 2 people who can see my point.. and if you notice.. they can also see both perspectives.. My perspective is not correct.. but it encompasses both perspectives.. where as the perspective that BELIEVES in gravity. is entombed by gravity..

now why would you do that to yourself?

and why would you attack something that does nothing to harm you except challenge your POSITION (BIG SIGN POST)... and what is your position and how was your position formed.. and is that what you base you existence on..


just let it go.. you have nothing to loose... NOTHING... you can even be right... lol


Well-Known Member
I know that everything is just a product of man, and theirfore basicaly meanigles, but honestly that dosnt bother me, it hasnt changed my life, I think it just makes me think what I though all along was right.
thanks for the link.


New Member
just let it go.. you have nothing to loose... NOTHING... you can even be right... lol

If I let go, I may float off into space, (No gravity), I have to hold on for dear life: Metaphorically that is.


New Member
Gravity is a Universal Law. It never fails. Drop a pen once, it falls. Drop it ten thousand times, it falls all ten thousand times. Being ignorant of the law of gravity doesn't protect one from falling victim to the law. Let's say one isn't aware of the law of gravity and walks out of a window of a ten-story building. Ignorance of the law is still in effect. Despite the ignorance, the person falls to his/her death.

There are quite a few Universal Laws in effect. Sowing and reaping is one. Every good farmer will tell you that if you sow a cup of seed corn, you don't get back a cup of corn, you get back a bushel. Human nature places some limits on sowing, however. When one has ten cups of seed corn, its easy to sow a cup and get back that bushel. The most difficult thing to do is to sow a cup of seed corn when you're down to your very last cup.

Is that why the rich get richer ... and the poor get poorer?

Just asking ...

