How to Grow the BIGGEST buds EVER!!!

This can definitely work but it can also up the leaf to calx ratio by a lot in some strains. You really have to work with your fert-mix to keep N to a minimum when using CO2 from what I can tell. But yeah, you will grow more weight with the CO2 than without.

i dont think higher levels of c02 would increase just leaf production, ive been regularily upping c02 levels and notice more growth but not of just leaves.
Wow that's sweet!

Do you use cha ching beastie bloom and open sesame with it?

I strictly use all of Fox Farms Products. This year I am using a bug spray product that I will do an honest review of at the end of my outdoor season. The product is called " Don't Bug Me" by Fox Farms. I also flush my girls at the end of flowering to remove any unwanted ferts from the plant and to give a much smoother smoke IMO. Good luck and I hope this helps.
Don't bug me rocks! I spray the entire perimeter of my room up and down, I've also used it as prevenative maintenance, but I've heard you have to put it on before the lights go out so you don't burn them....that's what I do and I NEVER have bug problems!

Just bought the fox farm program I'm gonna do a side by side test with that and ionic on a couple of soil super lemon haze
my way to increase bud size is to use as big of a pot as is feesable for my space. bigger pots = more roots = bigger buds. also keep the leaves green for as long as possible.
there's not really a "quick and easy" guide to growing killer colas. it takes time experience and hard work. there are too many variables and possibilities to be able to have a "quick and easy" guide to it.
I agree there are millions of variables, but there are definitely some unanimous factors that are most important
get a high yielding sativa dom hybrid... veg long under intense light and low stress train her with lots of topping.... keep the lights has close has you can and get some proper nutes...then flower under intense lighting... you should get some pretty heavy yeilds this way... but im more of a quality over yield!!! the real dank ass strains just dont yield has much unless you veg a very long time
I am actually giving up on Fox Farms at the end of this Outdoor Season. NOT, because I dont like them, or havent had WONDERFUL success with their products. I have had a two year side by side using Subs Super Soil and Water Program. Not only is Subs reciepe CHEAPER, its just as productive. Same yield and quality ( if not better quality IMO) than fox farms. It cost a boat load of money for Ocean Forest and then add three basic nuts and a trio pack of beastie bloomz, opean seasame, and cha ching its adds up real real quick.

Moreso, Although I know the true reality of the word "organic", I would like to try my best to grow more "natural" which is the closest one can get to "true organically grown cannabis"
At the present time, Fox Farms only has one All natural product. I may start an expierement using subs super soil, and give bi monthly feedings of Big Bloom.

Peace, Love and Happiness
budd pinching. ever heard of?? also top your plants. super cropping. and also cloning budds. you can also cut the stalk of your plant and use masking tape and tape a budd on to the stalk and it will grow to the stalk and the budd will start to grow. get huge budd.
Something I've been doing for years is hitting a dirt plant with a healthy dose of vegging ferts right as it moves into the flowering room. This simple step will increase the height of your plant and give you a better yield in the end.
wow, wow, wow! that looks like a plant they had featured back in HT circa 1993. She's a cutie though. I'd definately hit that. and by hit that, of course, i mean i would smoke the shit out of it.
budd pinching. ever heard of?? also top your plants. super cropping. and also cloning budds. you can also cut the stalk of your plant and use masking tape and tape a budd on to the stalk and it will grow to the stalk and the budd will start to grow. get huge budd.

Eh? Maybe if you tape the bud to an apple tree it will produce a huge tree full of apple flavored bud?