First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)


Well-Known Member
I remember visiting out there for the Summer D2g, and It was the most miserable 3 weeks ever, lol. Too hot, too gumid, and too many mosquitos. And I'll never forget getting off the plane at the airport, and seeing this lady that looked like she had Buckwheat's fro popping up from between her breasts.


Well-Known Member
Shit what did she do, shave once a decade, lol.

On a side note, the one awesome part up there is the Lake. You could probably do some sick guerilla growing out on some of the little islands, just take the canoe out to plants, etc. That would be sick!!!


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha you guys are nuts. lol

Happy to hear about all the new babies doing well D2G. Still no pics? WTF yo?? lol


Active Member
Okay LOL, I can't remember how I made the pics bigger last time. :roll: Anyway, all the pics are labeled...Does anyone have a guess as to how long before destiny will be done? She is 47 days old today.


Well-Known Member
Hmm looks like your one Skunk is stretching pretty bad, you might want to try to move the lights closer maybe, or supercropping it to promote outward growth, instead of up.


Active Member
I noticed she was doin that, but I think it must be from heat stress, not the lights. I have the lights no more than 2 inches from it at all times and I have great top and side lighting. There are 4 bulbs lighting her way lol

Can someone explain supercropping to me in laymens terms without me having to read 150 pages of another thread?


Active Member
Were are your little autos? And I was talking about one of those plants that is just pitiful cuz i have a very weak GOM.


Active Member
Hey Pinch, thanks for stoppin by to visit. If u scroll up on the page I have a pic of Destiny and Hope, they are both labeled. Faith is the other one, if you want to scroll back and check out the pix, please do. If not, I'll try to get pics of just the autos up tomorrow. My biggest one is six inches tall, the other two are only a little over 3 inches, so I think that qualifies at pitiful. GOM?