Produce weed in 43 days

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Active Member
bad publicity is still publicity. when he badmouths this site next weekend we will get a flood of new members. ;)

I never looked at it like that. Well, I try to abstain from lobbing personal attacks even if they are in good spirits.
Like Thumper said "If you can't say nothing nice don't say anything at all"

Peace and positive energy to you all.

:joint: smoke a joint and mellow out.


New Member
I never looked at it like that. Well, I try to abstain from lobbing personal attacks even if they are in good spirits.
Like Thumper said "If you can't say nothing nice don't say anything at all"

Peace and positive energy to you all.

:joint: smoke a joint and mellow out.
if it bothers you so much, don't read it, I don't like the show friends, so I don't watch it, I don't ask nbc to pull it off the air.


Well-Known Member
All I can say after spending an hour catching up on this way out of hand thread is what if? what if Dana actually does have mad skills? skills that we might be interested in knowing??? Now I gotta say that NO I will not be buying his DVD and I will not be going to RMCC to busy with my new house for that, and yeah there was a bit of ego but the dude has made some history and has a few actual acomplishments under his belt,,how many of us would of like to played with Pink Floyd, hey I play guitar, had a band back in the 80's opened for Willie once no big deal not braggin but had I of played with/for Willie that would be something altogether different

But let us put the music/celebrity thing aside he is the first person to beat the DEA and when it comes to MJ history folks that is a big huge one, how many of you (honestly) would not be just a little proud of making that kind of history ???

What if he actually can produce those big ass buds in 43 days ??? and wouldn't we all be following the grow journal to see it if he had one ??? RIU has accepted and welcomed me and I like it here, I simply think we should welcome Dana and see what happens ???

What Fu*king If ???????????


Active Member
if it bothers you so much, don't read it, I don't like the show friends, so I don't watch it, I don't ask nbc to pull it off the air.
This thread is like a train wreck, you can't look away but you know what's going to happen in the end. Friends is a horrible show, that I do not watch either. IF Friends was to broadcast profanity or any other way violate the FCC rules you better damn well believe NBC would be fined and Friends would be taken off the air.

What I was trying to convey is that the personal attacks should stop and if they don't that's why Moderators like Fdd2blk are here so that they will. It says in the rules that personal attacks are not tolerated. Under normal circumstances this thread should have stopped a long time ago.

I was just trying to bring that to light is all.

Peace and positive energy to you



Well-Known Member
ok everyone, no more personal attacks please. lets all play nice. including myself.

thank you and thank me. :)
so ,it's o.k for you to spout off at me with that kind of hatred, yet you run around preaching the gospil, your a hypocrit and you are sheeple. dana k. may needs you to go to his site and buy his stuff.
Tell me Dixie, was my response to you unprevoked? Did I just zero in on you and start talking shit? How much shit does a person have to take before defending or responding?
I came here to respond to a statement made about me by people that know nothing of me, just flat out BS, and to be honest it gets old. I've spent my entire life dedicated to this plant and have made real changes. I am always willing to help those who ask and demand nothing in return except some common decency.
Yes, I make money consulting, but those are commercial growers who gladly pay at their own free will. I never have a problem answering direct questions from people wanting to learn. I should have known better than saying anything and regret doing so however, I find it hard to believe I just fired on you for no reason. Be honest, was my response to you unwaranted? If so I appologies but find it hard to believe, just not who I am.

I have offered several people through PM's passes to the RMCC to meet me and then come here and let all of you know what I'm about. It seems however that gosip rules, I'm a damned good grower and have a bit of insight that would be useful if just an ounce of kindness were displayed. Please show me the response and your statement which prevoked it.
So you do not feel the need to be constrained as you are requesting every one else is?

that made me LOL!![/QUOTE

left outta anger but your right
Yes I would love to talk about growing and will promise I'm not going to reply to the hate any longer, enough already. My word to you on that. Glad to help with grow questions but tired of defending the non-stop bashing. No more attitude from me, be nice to receive the same. Sorry if I ruffled anyones feathers, I will take the high road now.


Well-Known Member
I have a few questions for the professor, what kind of time frame would you have with a normal or more common strain like ak-47 or white widow with your practices. It sounds like the timing of your cloning is key,will you explain more.And i think there is more to it that we have not heard like maybe your co2 levels, temps, and nute ec or ppm. Not everyone here is busting your balls,we just want to know HOW .peace.
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