Thief proofing the garden


Active Member
Any good ideas how to thief proof a garden? Don't want to hurt or kill anyone, just want to scare the shit out of them. Or at least slow them down. Something to make noise so my dogs will go off and alert me. Anything? All :idea: appreciated.


Active Member
my buddy use to put razor blades up and down the stems but not all the way through. ya it can stress the plant but he seemed to do well doin that, he also kept a security camera on his plants


Well-Known Member
i read in another thread a guy put tangled up fishing line and hooks around the plants and fence. if the thief grabs them hes either stuck or...ouch! just dont forget and grab it yourself.

ArrOgNt RocKstAR

Well-Known Member
They sell dummy video cameras that you can mount out side your house, ya can also put a sensor light toward the entrance.

If ya have $100 or so, you can also get a real outdoor camera with night vision at radio shack.


Active Member
Razor blades, landmines, grenades hummmm. As I said I really don't want to kill anyone, My grow is not worth someones life! And I don't want to spend the rest of my life in the pen. Other ideas? I actually have some cameras. Thought that was a good idea. Hooks and line is good but I have already been to a vet with a cat to get a hook out of her mouth. LOL so to expencive. Alarms are cool. I read about about some bike alarms at walmart I thought of trying. Think he said they were about $5.00. Motion sencer lights, except during budding might mess with them.


Well-Known Member
Dogs work excellent but make sure you train them to not piss on plants. Or put them on a leash or maybe a couple runners .

ArrOgNt RocKstAR

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if sensor lights will mess with them too much. I've had outdoor crops for many years and the sensor lights didn't seem to have any effect.
I think maybe when outdoors the sun is soo powerful, and flowering is gradual, when some weak ass light bulb goes on the plants just ignore it...
If ya go that path just use low wattage bulbs (cfl) and direct them away from the plants and only turn it on when ya need to. The lumens from light bulbs dont travel further then a few feet.

I could be wrong but thats just my experience

Maybe ya could also use green light bulbs, if you dont think it'll attract attention. Plants wont recognize light in green spectrum:joint:


sensor lights work great...if you wire them so when they are triggered the lights in the house come on as well...nothing makes a theif run faster then when they think your awake and can catch wire lights in rooms with windows closest to your garden.

I'm not sure if sensor lights will mess with them too much. I've had outdoor crops for many years and the sensor lights didn't seem to have any effect.
I think maybe when outdoors the sun is soo powerful, and flowering is gradual, when some weak ass light bulb goes on the plants just ignore it...
If ya go that path just use low wattage bulbs (cfl) and direct them away from the plants and only turn it on when ya need to. The lumens from light bulbs dont travel further then a few feet.

I could be wrong but thats just my experience

Maybe ya could also use green light bulbs, if you dont think it'll attract attention. Plants wont recognize light in green spectrum:joint:


is the grow in your back yard or in the woods. If in the woods pay a couple of chinese people to walk around with ak's dressed in viet kong army clothing. Nothing like walking up on charlie.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Putting money in plastic bags on the ground in spots a little ways from your grow. No one turns down free money and it may tip you off that there may be people around your grow and/or are aware of it. Because a lot of smart rippers just let the growers keeping growing and come and snatch it right before harvest time which is double dipshit move mind you still happens


Mine is in the backyard, and I use a multi-layered approach, which of course starts with being careful about who knows, and the bigness of thier mouth.

I have tall fencing along the most vulnerable fenceline, with 1/2 hardware cloth wired on, to deter 'fishing'.

A wireless, battery powered driveway alarm from Harbor Frieght, $16 (cheap and loud)
A color, infared camera, also from Harbor Frieght, $29
last but definetly not least, 3 American Staffordshire Terriers that sound as if they are already tearing off someone else's arm...who needs bombs and grenades??

The driveway alarm was the best money spent, runs on batteries, easy to set up, and sure to set the hounds afire!

