Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:wow man. that is not a bad first grow at all. wish my first would have came out like that :cry: but hey..... we dont all come with a green thumb lol keep it up bro


Well-Known Member
Shit dude nice firsts grow I looked through it all and looked at the 200+ pic update lol. Looks delicious dude post harvest pics and a smoke report please when everythings done.

Post a pic with a nug near a dollar bill or something for some idea of scale you know.

Oh and I plus reped ya bro best of luck and hope you get the dankest of sensi for your first grow.


Well-Known Member
Shizz is looking awesome...but why so many dead leaves? no nutes for 2 weeks? just wondering if ill have same thing in 3 more weeks ....good job i love budds just looking at them lowers my anxiety and my kneee pain ..gone ! good luck cfl brother
Thank you very much yo!
I have a small idea why there are so many dead leaves and I think just a combination of the bagseeds genetics and the fact that they are so close to harvest so the buds are sucking up all the nutrients in the leaves as well as the soil. I just began flushing them out, I decided to chop in 1-2 weeks depending on how they look since I'm growing organic, I don't think I have to flush the full 2 weeks. I'm posting some pictures from this morning after replying
Thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:wow man. that is not a bad first grow at all. wish my first would have came out like that :cry: but hey..... we dont all come with a green thumb lol keep it up bro
hehe thank you!
Will keep it up because I'm a girl with a lot of love for my plant daughters :)


Well-Known Member
Shit dude nice firsts grow I looked through it all and looked at the 200+ pic update lol. Looks delicious dude post harvest pics and a smoke report please when everythings done.

Post a pic with a nug near a dollar bill or something for some idea of scale you know.

Oh and I plus reped ya bro best of luck and hope you get the dankest of sensi for your first grow.
Thanks man, that is so nice of you! I'm glad to know that my pictures have an audience
I just started flushing the girls out and since they are organic, they should be ready in 1-2 weeks or even less than a week depending on how they look. The trichs look so close to done but there are still buds with white hairs forming

When I finish, I will definitely post scale/to scale pictures and taste/smell report
I can't wait to find out myself!


Well-Known Member

flushing out for 1-2 weeks, started yesterday

The ones with more dead leaves, less white pistil hairs, and FIMmed 4 top main colas are pictures of GG and the pictures of buds with a fat main cola and more white hairs still is of Fedora and 1 picture of a clone I got from her (smallest plant).

What do you all think? Ready...?



Well-Known Member
well that would make a nice fourth of july celebration for you, hope the girls do the job for you. This was a very informative and pleasant read. reps to you.
Thank you! But I decided against chopping down for the 4th of July
I've got some updated pictures, they are so close yet I don't want to be hasty, I want to have them be at their peak when I chop


New Member
Thank you very much yo!
I have a small idea why there are so many dead leaves and I think just a combination of the bagseeds genetics and the fact that they are so close to harvest so the buds are sucking up all the nutrients in the leaves as well as the soil. I just began flushing them out, I decided to chop in 1-2 weeks depending on how they look since I'm growing organic, I don't think I have to flush the full 2 weeks. I'm posting some pictures from this morning after replying
Thanks for stopping by!
IMHHO no need to flush at all...need more nitrate N and less P ..Keep 'em GREEN:mrgreen:

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


New Member
Thank you! But I decided against chopping down for the 4th of July
I've got some updated pictures, they are so close yet I don't want to be hasty, I want to have them be at their peak when I chop
Are you going by the cloudiness of the trichs?

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


New Member

flushing out for 1-2 weeks, started yesterday

The ones with more dead leaves, less white pistil hairs, and FIMmed 4 top main colas are pictures of GG and the pictures of buds with a fat main cola and more white hairs still is of Fedora and 1 picture of a clone I got from her (smallest plant).

What do you all think? Ready...?
IMHHO you need a bit more magnification on the pictures as I am not able to discern if the trichs are clear or cloudy... I personally would harvest when 25% amber 70% cloudy 5% clear...give or take... but that's just me:blsmoke:

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


Well-Known Member
IMHHO you need a bit more magnification on the pictures as I am not able to discern if the trichs are clear or cloudy... I personally would harvest when 25% amber 70% cloudy 5% clear...give or take... but that's just me:blsmoke:
I thought because they are organic that I didn't have to flush them! Nice, this saves me time

I have been giving my girls Earth Juice grow at half the amount of bloom but I guess I should add a bit more grow for N? I hadn't realized that my leaves are yellower because of that, I just thought they were like that because its getting so close to harvest and I've read that the leaves do turn yellow and crisp until they fall off at the end of flowering...I don't know...?
The camera I have unfortuately cannot take photos the the magnification necessary to see trichomes and I tried to take pictures through my loupe but they came out fuzzy and too hard to see for me to post them. But the trichs on GG are looking mostly cloudy with about 20% amber while Fedora is still looking around 70% cloudy, 10% amber, and 20% clear


New Member
I thought because they are organic that I didn't have to flush them! Nice, this saves me time

I have been giving my girls Earth Juice grow at half the amount of bloom but I guess I should add a bit more grow for N? I hadn't realized that my leaves are yellower because of that, I just thought they were like that because its getting so close to harvest and I've read that the leaves do turn yellow and crisp until they fall off at the end of flowering...I don't know...?
The camera I have unfortuately cannot take photos the the magnification necessary to see trichomes and I tried to take pictures through my loupe but they came out fuzzy and too hard to see for me to post them. But the trichs on GG are looking mostly cloudy with about 20% amber while Fedora is still looking around 70% cloudy, 10% amber, and 20% clear
IMHHO flushing just doesn't add up to me. You cant wash anything out of the plant. Organic or chemical doesn't matter as it is the elements that the plant uses regardless of the source. I can maybe understand to a small degree there may be a benefit to it in hydro but not soil. Now flushing has a good role in the cultivation of the plant but not in regards to taste etc. for harvest.
But all you can flush and then only to some degree is the soil, not the plant. So imhho waste of time and energy pre-harvest. Taste is all about proper trimming, drying, curing and mostly time.

The reason it is commonly held that you need lotsa P and little to no N in flowering comes from outdoor practices that the canna nute companies push to supposedly get you big buds. But it is highly inaccurate. Leaves make food for the plant to grow, process minerals, REPRODUCE, energy for everything it does. High P nutes do not build food for the plant. Leaves build food for the plant. Now when you follow the hype of the canna companies and reduce N and boost P YOUR LEAVES WILL YELLOW AND FALL! So many people buy into this that now they expect their leaves to fall off! But if leaves build food for the plant to build bud (REPRODUCE) and you kill the leaves when the plant is building flowers then you will lessen that flower production. Now N especially nitrate N rather than ammoniacal is definitely needed and desired to keep the food flowing. KEEP 'EM GREEN!!!:mrgreen:

Now it is a matter of taste as to when to harvest. If you want heady trippy energetic harvest it now. If you want a heavy body stone go more amber. Want a mix let it go 30% amber.

Hope it helps my new friend.

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey peoples!
I just got my hands on a big thing of phosphoload for free from a friend of mine but I'm unsure if I want to use it on my girls because they're so close to harvest. I've been using the Earth Juice line for the majority of their lives and I was thinking that it would be interesting to add phosphoload to the water for a feeding or two instead of the EJ bloom. Though I think I would have to flush them if I added phosphoload to their water....but then I hear that phosphoload is the shizznit for buds after first 3 weeks of flowering....anyone have any experience with it? Any advice?

Should I add some to my babies water? Or is it too late?


Well-Known Member
I managed to get my friends camera with my loupe to take some better trichome pictures than my camera could so here they are

They could come down this weekend :mrgreen: what do you think?



New Member
I managed to get my friends camera with my loupe to take some better trichome pictures than my camera could so here they are

They could come down this weekend :mrgreen: what do you think?
I concur with your statementbongsmilie

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


Well-Known Member
Here's a good write-up on when to harvest if you haven't looked at it already: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/210501-zeuss-take-harvesting.html

Looking good so far. Keep doing what you're doing, and don't rely simply on the color of trichomes.
Oh wow, thank you so much for that link Pablo! It really cleared up some ripeness questions I had
But darn, I probably should wait a couple weeks to harvest my girls then...Aw man I hope they're ready by my birthday, July 29th!


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, thank you so much for that link Pablo! It really cleared up some ripeness questions I had
But darn, I probably should wait a couple weeks to harvest my girls then...Aw man I hope they're ready by my birthday, July 29th!
No problemo! I'm new to growing myself, but found that link on here awhile back. I think it was when I started reading this thread in the harvesting section: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/328642-want-know-if-your-plants.html

Might be worth it to try there for an opinion on your harvest date. I think you will be able to harvest by July 29, but it will be close. I doubt they'll be dried and cured by then, tho. Either way, no reason why you can't sample some on your Birthday. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Cheers.