Hydro Hippy
Active Member
alright, let me tell you guys the story of me getting higher then I have ever been. It was a friday, chillin with 2 friends. We were dry and wanted some sticky extremely bad. We were all broke because we had spent all our money on booze, of course. But we drank it earlier that evening, So we decided to call up a dealer we barley knew.. this was way back in the day. We asked if he had a half O to sell, he said yeah, I'll even throw in some hash if you can come to me. So sure enough we drove up to him, He handed us the shit and we sped off. We started rolling blunts by the eighth, and man was this some crazy weed, left your hands more sticky then glue. Long story short(er) we got back to his house, smoked insane blunts, then took the craziest hits of hash from a 3 foot destroyer, I was literally leaning against the wall thinking I was laying flat on the ground. that was the day I smoked too much weed, any comments or stories are welcome, keep tokin