Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest


Well-Known Member
Ok lets see if these things are all they are cracked up to be.. Germination started this mourning.. I will be using this tried and trued set up

Feminized Pineapple Express
Cabinet 29"X19"X50"
1 water farm
Flora Nova bloom (start to finish)
400W Ceramic Metal Hylide or CMH (new for me)

I avg about 10-15 oz depending on strain with a HPS lets see what we can get out of PE with a CMH and a waterfarm..

First Picture is G13's packaging. The Second is my last harvest of Nirvana Blue Mystic Cant start a thread with no bud pictures now can we?:mrgreen:


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Pineapple Express 7 days From Germination Flora Nova grow @350ppm. Tap water 32ppm BTW its so much easyier to get a picture using Ceramic meatal hylide then HPS!


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what is a water farm?

IMO its the best hydro system out there Ive done custom built High pressure Aeroponics you name it, nothing has out performed it yet. I have had 15 oz yeilds on a regular with one water farm, 400w hps and one plant.

It works by pumping air in a tube witch makes bubbles the bubbles push water up the tube pushing water with it.. the water enters the drip ring spiting water and air.. I think the reason they work so well is 90% of oxygen in water is picked up threw the surface layer of the water.. well all the water that drips over the hydroton is all surface water.. so its really oxygenated... great system I end up with a brick of roots in the top bucket and a brick or roots in the lower bucket when its done..

You will be pleased with the smoke from the PE. I grew her last year and was really awesome..

Sweet Im sure its a good strain wish G13 would tell us what the hell its crossed with... but really I guess that would take the fun out of it.. :D
Pineapple Express day 14 of Vege 400ppm. Looking good and wow the 400w CMH really keeps them short and its 4 ft away from the top..


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Looking good. Pineapple express is on my list of strains to grow.

Where can i get one of these waterfarms. im very interestd in seeing how well they come out. Plus i already got a 400w hps system so if i got this waterfarm i could be golden like Ponyboy.
IMO its the best hydro system out there Ive done custom built High pressure Aeroponics you name it, nothing has out performed it yet. I have had 15 oz yeilds on a regular with one water farm, 400w hps and one plant.

It works by pumping air in a tube witch makes bubbles the bubbles push water up the tube pushing water with it.. the water enters the drip ring spiting water and air.. I think the reason they work so well is 90% of oxygen in water is picked up threw the surface layer of the water.. well all the water that drips over the hydroton is all surface water.. so its really oxygenated... great system I end up with a brick of roots in the top bucket and a brick or roots in the lower bucket when its done..


Dude I got one of these for FREE from the local hydro store for my senior project HA!, fuckin score you've made me fuckin excited to grow with it and get 15 oz! What techniques do you use to get that kind of yield though? supercropping, cutting at the 2nd node to get 4 colas or just let the water farm preform its hydroponic wonders? And I'm definantly subscribing
There are a few things you should do to get it to perform at its peak... You will notice there are 2 buckets the top brown bucket has a few holes in the bottom.. Fix that by drilling as many 1/4" holes in the bottom as posible.. Keep in mind it dose need to be strong enough to support the hydroton and plant just dont get to carried away.. this will allow the roots to grow down in the bottom bucket... also a larger air pump works better then the one that comes with it for more circulation..

However if you want 15oz your going to need a serious enclosure.. I grow in a pretty small cab that is completly coverd in mylar.. even the top and bottom of the cab is coverd in mylar... I run a single 400w HPS normally.. this time im trying out a 400w Ceramic metal hylide.. now that would be considerd by most way overkill in a small cab but not to me.. the trick is keeping the temps down low enough to run a 400 in a small cab.. I do this with a 485 CFM dayton blower that pulls cool air in threw the bottom and exits out the top... also to keep the plants low enough I have a SCROG screen wich I use to tuck and weave the branches under till the whole screen is filled this lets all the branches get just as much light as the others... I pretty much end up with about 20-25 main colas instead of just 1.. And my #1 rule is to not use any additives like Kabloom other additives IMO they are all gimicks.. I use 1 fertilizer and that is GH Flora Nova bloom from start to finish it has everything a plant needs not even a need for flora Nova grow.. and keep in mind less is ALWAYS better.. running up 2000ppm nute solutions will not get you anymore then 1200ppm.. the plant is going to get what it wants.. forcing strong nute soulutions on the plant will just burn roots and hurt the plants ability to bring in even basic's up like water...
I'm 4 weeks into flower on my G13 PE any questions feel free to ask If I could some up the look and smell of these girls "exotic" 019.jpg
Ok here is the set up coleman cabinet and pineapple express @ day 18

The top chamber of the cab holds the ballast and Blower the blows into a carbon airfilter.
I you will see the screen setup with the plant gets about 5" taller..
The cabinet is made by colman.


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hello, this i my first post (i think), im on board for this one, BTW, is that cms in a cooltube, just wandering how you keep a small space like that cooled?