Well Karp, thats a tough question. So my kids are in their teens. When they were old enough to understand I sat down with them and explained it by comparing it to alcohol and prohibition. My now 19 year old son, tried it in high school didn't like it much, and hardly ever smokes now, he is a health nut. My 14 year old daughter has yet to yield to the pressure, she is way more mature than my boy. I think she will be fine. I did not hide it but didn't stick it in there face either, but never ever anything stronger than weed. The hypocrites you speak of are only fooling themselves. Kids miss nothing, I wanted my kids informed, not educated by some other kid. Everybody tries it sooner or later, I tell my daughter when she tries it her childhood is over, she can never go back. lol some boy that she will hate to dissapoint will get her to, hopefully she be informed enough to handle it. I grow stealth because of thier friends not them.