Why the surge will never work in Iraq!


New Member
Well, thousands of people besides soldiers die from car accidents. That thing, driving a car, is a voluntary thing. War is not voluntary, sure the soldiers volunteered to serve, but given a choice between serving in peace time and wartime, I'm pretty sure even you could see that the vast majority would choose peace. There are always a few crazies that want to kill and maim, CIA special OPS, Rangers, etc., but being cannon fodder is not high on many soldiers list, ask me how I know?
Your an idiot, it is an all volunteer force, as you said. For you to interpret what was going through their heads when they enlisted is typical medmao BS. I'm pretty sure most if not all enlisted men and women were very well informed of the current world situation and the role of the armed forces in that world theater. They aren't the idiots you take them to be, as it seems you at one point were/are, if thats what you are insinuating by asking, "ask me how I know", like it is of some relevance. It isn't. Your an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they're some crazy motherfuckers...My unlce's leaving for Afghanistan in a month...He says he's excited to go kill some terrorists...I didn't know how to respond so I just laughed and said go for it, man...


New Member
Yeah they're some crazy motherfuckers...My unlce's leaving for Afghanistan in a month...He says he's excited to go kill some terrorists...I didn't know how to respond so I just laughed and said go for it, man...
You got to get motivated somehow. Destroying evil works for me.


Well-Known Member
Wow, are we really back to the casualty rate argument. It's been months since the libs pulled that one out of their bag of tricks and deceit. Whats the "casualty rate" of your city, your county, state??? For any number of categories, violent crime, accidents, etc... Do you know, do you care?? I bet it would shock you how often people die. Probably not, since you can't use their deaths to further your silly arguments. We are going to "win" this one, so get on the side of optimism. It's ok to be positive. It's ok to have pride in your country for again doing the "right" thing when the rest of the world chose to sit idly by and then reap the benefits of a more stable middle east without firmly supporting freedom for others, the freedom we/they have obviously come to take for granted. Sad really, but then again you probably think we live under a dictator right now, probably better to have old Saddam as president rather than evil maniacal Bush.
The argument was over U.S. costs vs. the rest of the coaliton. The point being is doesn't matter if there was no violence when the brits pulled out b/c there was little conflict in their area, which the casualty rate shows! But once again the Republican counter is making a broad point about who knows what.............car accidents? You can do better than that!


Well-Known Member
Yeah they're some crazy motherfuckers...My unlce's leaving for Afghanistan in a month...He says he's excited to go kill some terrorists...I didn't know how to respond so I just laughed and said go for it, man...
You do know there is a flip side to that coin? No laughing matter!


New Member
The argument was over U.S. costs vs. the rest of the coaliton. The point being is doesn't matter if there was no violence when the brits pulled out b/c there was little conflict in their area, which the casualty rate shows! But once again the Republican counter is making a broad point about who knows what.............car accidents? You can do better than that!
At what point did you realize we were going this alone, so to speak. There have been important contributions by others, but most are symbolic at best. The argument you make is irrelevant unless you are trying to highlight the fact that war sucks, and people die, so therefore war is "not the answer". Where did I go wrong? Is war the answer, as I believe, or is it not the answer, as I think you believe? I'll do better when you can answer me this.


Well-Known Member
At what point did you realize we were going this alone, so to speak. There have been important contributions by others, but most are symbolic at best. The argument you make is irrelevant unless you are trying to highlight the fact that war sucks, and people die, so therefore war is "not the answer". Where did I go wrong? Is war the answer, as I believe, or is it not the answer, as I think you believe? I'll do better when you can answer me this.
It's not irrelebant b/c I feel once the U.S. military pulls out everything will erupt into a cycle of violence which the MidEast if infamous for. Somebody argued that the Brits pulled out and their was no problem there. I countered by saying the Brits were in the south, a safer part of the country which the caualty rates clearly show. So, his argument is irrelevant about the Brits. Cool? As far as war, it is needed in cases of defense. We just disagree on if this war meets that standard.


Well-Known Member
In defense of what; couldn't be the defenseless...
America, Americans genius.........I don't give a fuck about Iraqis or their freedom its not the american military's job to go around the world fight wars and let americans die for other people so called "freedom". I was a Marine grunt in Iraq. and nobody cared about some great moral mission that you fucks keep talking about, Marines just want to go to war and kill the enemy, whoever that "enemy" might be. Just as a football player wants to play in a game. Nobody in Iraq wants us there.....you know how I know? I didn't read from one your so called "Libs" I experienced it every day and talked to plenty of Iraqis........My buddy is still in the Marines he told me he was voting for Rudy Giulani.......I asked why he told because then he have a better chance to got to war.....he didn't care where or why he just wanted to play the game and not just practice all the time. If you care so much about these people suffering throughout the world under dictatoships why don't you get up off your ass turn off Fox news and go fight for the defenseless in your great moral mission................I bet you will fight to the last drop of blood................someone elses blood


Well-Known Member
The same fuckers who would love the opportunity to spit on a person in uniform, if they could only do it and not get their little asses kicked.
Nobodies ever said bad thing to me or my friends that have been to Iraq, Everybody knows its not the soldiers that sent the soldiers to Iraq, Their just doing there job....You guys still trying to peddle that propaganda against people who are against the war in Iraq............................That shit happened after soliders came back back from Vietnam and it was wrong............I think you got your endless, pointless wars mixed up


Well-Known Member
Well, thousands of people besides soldiers die from car accidents. That thing, driving a car, is a voluntary thing. War is not voluntary, sure the soldiers volunteered to serve, but given a choice between serving in peace time and wartime, I'm pretty sure even you could see that the vast majority would choose peace. There are always a few crazies that want to kill and maim, CIA special OPS, Rangers, etc., but being cannon fodder is not high on many soldiers list, ask me how I know?

WAR IS NOT VOLUNTARY??????????? Come on listen to yourself for a second there. Nobody puts a gun to anyones head and says sign the fucking paper. We have an all voluntary military, this isnt Israel, or any number of other countries that require their citizens to do military service. Even before 911 we averaged a conflict with rounds coming down range about every 3 years.

As a Marine, to echo what was posted earlier, your goal is to be on the tip of the spear fighting, killing, blowing shit up. Maybe its different for Air Force/Army. Its odd I run into so many Enduring Freedom/Iraqi freedom Marine vets that echo this very same sentiment. Its a different mindset in the Marines, which is why we do what we do and join the Marines in the first place. I remember when we came back from Afghanistan summer of 2002 after being deployed for almost 9 months over there, first ones in. We were told to keep our shit packed because chances are we were going to Iraq. This is July 2002, 8 months before we stepped off for Baghdad. Stop trying to champion the troops because most of them don't want your sympathy, if thats what it is. We all knew what we were doing when we signed our names on the line. If I would have never made it back, I know without even a shadow of a doubt my mom wouldnt have pulled a Cindy Sheehan and blamed our government for the death of her son (that bitch is another story all together). I understand its different for Vietnam vets who were drafted, I appreciate their situation they were put in and don't agree with a draft. I think its hard to get the point I am trying to make across to people who have never served in the Marines. Marines are not like everyone else, thats why it is the few and the proud. Warriors go to war and pascifists sit at home and bitch about it.


Well-Known Member
WAR IS NOT VOLUNTARY??????????? Come on listen to yourself for a second there. Nobody puts a gun to anyones head and says sign the fucking paper. We have an all voluntary military, this isnt Israel, or any number of other countries that require their citizens to do military service. Even before 911 we averaged a conflict with rounds coming down range about every 3 years.

As a Marine, to echo what was posted earlier, your goal is to be on the tip of the spear fighting, killing, blowing shit up. Maybe its different for Air Force/Army. Its odd I run into so many Enduring Freedom/Iraqi freedom Marine vets that echo this very same sentiment. Its a different mindset in the Marines, which is why we do what we do and join the Marines in the first place. I remember when we came back from Afghanistan summer of 2002 after being deployed for almost 9 months over there, first ones in. We were told to keep our shit packed because chances are we were going to Iraq. This is July 2002, 8 months before we stepped off for Baghdad. Stop trying to champion the troops because most of them don't want your sympathy, if thats what it is. We all knew what we were doing when we signed our names on the line. If I would have never made it back, I know without even a shadow of a doubt my mom wouldnt have pulled a Cindy Sheehan and blamed our government for the death of her son (that bitch is another story all together). I understand its different for Vietnam vets who were drafted, I appreciate their situation they were put in and don't agree with a draft. I think its hard to get the point I am trying to make across to people who have never served in the Marines. Marines are not like everyone else, thats why it is the few and the proud. Warriors go to war and pascifists sit at home and bitch about it.
What about the soldiers who signed up after 9/11 to kill Bin Laden and his group, but instead have served the past 3 yrs of their life in Iraq? A country that home to just as many 9/11 terrorists as France, Canada, Japan, or even the U.S.? The country where Osama Bin Laden has never even stepped foot into? That's worse that draft b/c these kids signed up and then were decieved. But, I know not all the military feels that way and I respect that!


Well-Known Member
my lord is this what it has come to guys? you guys are still wishing for defeate? man i hope if obama is pres he is able to stop all this red state blue state bullshit.

as he said last night, "we are not red states & blue sates, we are the united states"

the war is finally being won, go back to your holes and find somthing else to cry about. its over, bush won, he will be out of office in a few months and all this bitchin and moaning will be a distant memory with bush relaxing in retirment at his ranch smoking a cigar, and tipping his glass & cowboy hat to his opponents a legend in his right



Well-Known Member
WAR IS NOT VOLUNTARY??????????? Come on listen to yourself for a second there. Nobody puts a gun to anyones head and says sign the fucking paper. We have an all voluntary military, this isnt Israel, or any number of other countries that require their citizens to do military service. Even before 911 we averaged a conflict with rounds coming down range about every 3 years.

As a Marine, to echo what was posted earlier, your goal is to be on the tip of the spear fighting, killing, blowing shit up. Maybe its different for Air Force/Army. Its odd I run into so many Enduring Freedom/Iraqi freedom Marine vets that echo this very same sentiment. Its a different mindset in the Marines, which is why we do what we do and join the Marines in the first place. I remember when we came back from Afghanistan summer of 2002 after being deployed for almost 9 months over there, first ones in. We were told to keep our shit packed because chances are we were going to Iraq. This is July 2002, 8 months before we stepped off for Baghdad. Stop trying to champion the troops because most of them don't want your sympathy, if thats what it is. We all knew what we were doing when we signed our names on the line. If I would have never made it back, I know without even a shadow of a doubt my mom wouldnt have pulled a Cindy Sheehan and blamed our government for the death of her son (that bitch is another story all together). I understand its different for Vietnam vets who were drafted, I appreciate their situation they were put in and don't agree with a draft. I think its hard to get the point I am trying to make across to people who have never served in the Marines. Marines are not like everyone else, thats why it is the few and the proud. Warriors go to war and pascifists sit at home and bitch about it.
Just because marines want to fight and kill some motherfuckers doesn't mean the war is worth fighting for America. In world war II troops literally were fighting to protect there country from aggressors, Are troops in Iraq are fighting just for sake of fighting


New Member
WAR IS NOT VOLUNTARY??????????? Come on listen to yourself for a second there. Nobody puts a gun to anyones head and says sign the fucking paper. We have an all voluntary military, this isnt Israel, or any number of other countries that require their citizens to do military service. Even before 911 we averaged a conflict with rounds coming down range about every 3 years.

As a Marine, to echo what was posted earlier, your goal is to be on the tip of the spear fighting, killing, blowing shit up. Maybe its different for Air Force/Army. Its odd I run into so many Enduring Freedom/Iraqi freedom Marine vets that echo this very same sentiment. Its a different mindset in the Marines, which is why we do what we do and join the Marines in the first place. I remember when we came back from Afghanistan summer of 2002 after being deployed for almost 9 months over there, first ones in. We were told to keep our shit packed because chances are we were going to Iraq. This is July 2002, 8 months before we stepped off for Baghdad. Stop trying to champion the troops because most of them don't want your sympathy, if thats what it is. We all knew what we were doing when we signed our names on the line. If I would have never made it back, I know without even a shadow of a doubt my mom wouldnt have pulled a Cindy Sheehan and blamed our government for the death of her son (that bitch is another story all together). I understand its different for Vietnam vets who were drafted, I appreciate their situation they were put in and don't agree with a draft. I think its hard to get the point I am trying to make across to people who have never served in the Marines. Marines are not like everyone else, thats why it is the few and the proud. Warriors go to war and pascifists sit at home and bitch about it.
As I've said, there are always a few crazies. I see you fit the bill.


New Member
LOL, ever heard of Sudan? Two million plus massacred since 2003? I can count on my left hand how many times I've heard Bush even mention that situation. Do you think you are talking to 3rd graders?
Once again, using death statistics to support your arguments. It's old bub. I can count on my 1 finger how many times I heard you mention this great travesty, that you obviously care so much about, dedicating a whole 3 sentences to exposing this under discussed topic of paramount importance. High school drop outs actually.