Impressive CFL bud shots! (600 actual watts)


Well-Known Member
If you used 600 watts of HPS your buds would look and weigh at least twice as much. Still a good grow though, congrats


These are my ladies flowering under 600 watts of CFLs. 3X43 watt 2700ks and 21X23 watt 3000k bulbs.

If you want to see the grow start to finish the link is here:

Feedback is always welcome :)
freaking amazing for CFL flowering, i tried with cfls and the buds were airy and whispy not very dense, im about to harvest my first hps bud, cant wait to post some of my own pics!!
Nice photos, nice grow man!!! :joint::hump:


If you used 600 watts of HPS your buds would look and weigh at least twice as much. Still a good grow though, congrats
thats sorta what i was thinking, if they look that good with CFL if they would have had the penetration of hps thos things would have been bigger for sure, but still, the guy said CFL grow and damn nice for cfls!!


Well-Known Member
they look like my plants are now. I'm using About 360-400 watts of CFL.

Link in sig if you want to compare plants.


You are giving me hope for access to the medicine I need to live on a day when I really need hope. This is the most any prospective closet grower could ask.

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Tight cfl work bruh! Like I just said on another thread, you never can have too much light, especially of the cool temperature friendly cfl variety. Hats off!


Elite Rolling Society

I use 4 65s, 4 85s, 4 105s, and 8 42s on two tanks, and I get very tight buds. AND I DO NOT HAVE TO VENT ANY HEAT.



Well-Known Member
What are your temps like roseman? I would guess that they would be better with some ventilation...


Elite Rolling Society
What are your temps like roseman? I would guess that they would be better with some ventilation...

I only use half those lights in VEG, and I grow in a walk-in closet, in a spare bed room, and the closet has louvered doors. I close the closet doors the first 3 or 4 weeks of VEG, to get my humidity up, and I use a humidifier, with the door closed. With the door closed, in summer, the temps get to 86 to 88, even with the central air conditioner on, or in winter, with the central heat on, it gets cooler, with doors closed. The doors opened or closed do not make a lot of difference in HEAT, cause the doors are louvered.

In VEG, I use two oscilating fans blowing on the doors or plants, on low.

In Flowering, I do use all the lights, I keep the doors open, and two oscilating fans on low, blowing on them, 12 hours a day, and it does just fine.

My 42s, 65s,a nd 85s do not make much heat, I can touch them and not get burnt. Those 105s do get too hot to hold, while burning.

I do MIST them a lot too, in VEG, but never in Flowering.

I love CFLs because I have no serious HEAT or Humidity issues.


Well-Known Member
Is there anyway you could set up an inline fan to exhaust the hot air? That would bring your temps down 10 degrees so you could use all those lights without any rise in temps. The buds look real nice so whatever you do keep up the nice growing


Well-Known Member
commoon dude-if you know what your doing then you can get the same with cfl easy.

bullshit. you'll never equal a 1kw hps with florescent lighting.

try doing something like this with a cfl......

i'm not one sided. i've used cfl's and flouros more than many here (especially 4' shop lights). but the comment that cfl's can match hps is a FALSE statement, and you should not bs like that.

example, if someone has the cash and room for hps and venting, but decides instead to go with a hundred cfl's to save money from reading YOUR statement, he's pretty much screwed. great cfl results don't come without a shit load of work, and not everyone has the ability to be THAT ocd.

hps grows are set and forget, i spend less that 24 hours in the grow room per 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
bullshit. you'll never equal a 1kw hps with florescent lighting.

try doing something like this with a cfl......

i'm not one sided. i've used cfl's and flouros more than many here (especially 4' shop lights). but the comment that cfl's can match hps is a FALSE statement, and you should not bs like that.

example, if someone has the cash and room for hps and venting, but decides instead to go with a hundred cfl's to save money from reading YOUR statement, he's pretty much screwed. great cfl results don't come without a shit load of work, and not everyone has the ability to be THAT ocd.

hps grows are set and forget, i spend less that 24 hours in the grow room per 8 weeks.
+ rep dude, I was laughing too hard to comment on what he said
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Well-Known Member
bullshit. you'll never equal a 1kw hps with florescent lighting.

try doing something like this with a cfl......

i'm not one sided. i've used cfl's and flouros more than many here (especially 4' shop lights). but the comment that cfl's can match hps is a FALSE statement, and you should not bs like that.

example, if someone has the cash and room for hps and venting, but decides instead to go with a hundred cfl's to save money from reading YOUR statement, he's pretty much screwed. great cfl results don't come without a shit load of work, and not everyone has the ability to be THAT ocd.

hps grows are set and forget, i spend less that 24 hours in the grow room per 8 weeks.
Yeah, the most time consuming part is adjusting and readjusting the cfls as your plants grow and fill out. By ladies look like little bushies now tho from all the moving around i did and its pretty tough to look at the center of it due to it being so bushy. I have to pick out the dead stuff in the middle, well i do it to be safe so i dont get mold.


Active Member
bullshit. you'll never equal a 1kw hps with florescent lighting.

try doing something like this with a cfl......

i'm not one sided. i've used cfl's and flouros more than many here (especially 4' shop lights). but the comment that cfl's can match hps is a FALSE statement, and you should not bs like that.

example, if someone has the cash and room for hps and venting, but decides instead to go with a hundred cfl's to save money from reading YOUR statement, he's pretty much screwed. great cfl results don't come without a shit load of work, and not everyone has the ability to be THAT ocd.

hps grows are set and forget, i spend less that 24 hours in the grow room per 8 weeks.
In fairness mate - who evers doing that grow up there is doing a commercial grow

And thats fine, you have to spend money to make money as they say

However for the personal medical user, like myself, cfls are the way to go