It is thought by some botanists, and biologists, that cannabis, should actually be classified as being gynsubdioecious. There seems to be evidence that most, if not all, female plants will hermie in the right conditions. This seems to be a survival trait, and thus would qualify the plant as showing a preference for gynsubdioeciousism, that is, the female plants have the potential to produce male flowers. It seems to be a genetically linked trait, activated and propagated by females which have had that gene activated, as hermie plants (plants that hermie easier than the others) seem to produce exclusively hermie females. It happens with practically every strain i have heard of, though some strains have been so thouroughly breed that the trait is minimized.
It would be nice to see a breeding program dedicated to eliminating the hermie trait from most plants, thugh it could be seen as desireable within the ruderalis/auto-flower plants for those doing a more guerilla growing operation, as it could quickly be allowed to behave like the 'weed' it really is.
So, as far as hermie plants go, what strains have you found to be more or less susceptable to finding females with balls? It seems to be the more genetically diverse, the higher the likelihood of the plant going hermie.
It would be nice to see a breeding program dedicated to eliminating the hermie trait from most plants, thugh it could be seen as desireable within the ruderalis/auto-flower plants for those doing a more guerilla growing operation, as it could quickly be allowed to behave like the 'weed' it really is.
So, as far as hermie plants go, what strains have you found to be more or less susceptable to finding females with balls? It seems to be the more genetically diverse, the higher the likelihood of the plant going hermie.