
So I'm pretty new at this and I think I'm having a problem already I just planted my germanated plants a few weeks ago and everything was fine untill a day or two ago now they seem to be turning yellow and wilting and curling under them selves I have them in miracale root grow and have fertilized them once witu shultz 10-15-10 they were growing fairly quick I also have then on a 18 on 6 off cycle the light is fluorescent does anyone have any tip for me I'm new this and really wanna learn I'm open to listening to anything so thanks


Well-Known Member
need more information, probally over fert, what watt lights? what lumen? what spectrum? and is the plant tall and skinny what are your temps


New Member
So I'm pretty new at this and I think I'm having a problem already I just planted my germanated plants a few weeks ago and everything was fine untill a day or two ago now they seem to be turning yellow and wilting and curling under them selves I have them in miracale root grow and have fertilized them once witu shultz 10-15-10 they were growing fairly quick I also have then on a 18 on 6 off cycle the light is fluorescent does anyone have any tip for me I'm new this and really wanna learn I'm open to listening to anything so thanks
its def over fert.....seedlings,miracle grow,already put fertilizer
u should see 2 true leaves before u add ferts,even then u only use a little
also use a starter soil that doesnt have ferts in it,then transplant in ur mg if thats what u wanna use
and if ur gonna use mg,u dont need ferts for a couple months
Ok the fluorescent bulbs are 40 watt t12 its like an orange pinkish spectrum they are Phillips aquarium plant grow bulbs now I have them I'm my closet but its only enclosed by a curtain and I have an air conditioner running but the room temp is about 74 degree I also have a air purifer in there that also keeps air flowing 3 of through plants are tall and skinny about 3 or 4in and I have another one alone trays a better strain that's really short but meaty ok I'm gonna see if I can get some pics on here. thanks


Make sure you let the top layer of the soil to dry before watering, if the soil is too wet oxygen has ahard time getting to the root mass causing mould, also known as dampnig off.


Still too small for nutes that strong, I would stop with them and water with purified water for a week or so till they recover, then start back with half strength for a week to get them ready for full power.
ok great so thats probley what it was then. so do u think they can recover and whats ur take on the set up is the air conditoner in the room gonna affect the plants at all and how about my light cycle should i change that or is that ok too. i just wanna get as many tips as i can thanks again

the f.n.g


Its hard to tell if they will recover, however they are a fairly hardy plant, the only prob with your set up is the air conditioner will strip almost all of the humidity from the air so keep an eye on that (may be contributing to your issues right now)


New Member
Still too small for nutes that strong, I would stop with them and water with purified water for a week or so till they recover, then start back with half strength for a week to get them ready for full power.
no ferts for a couple months using miracle grow or the same problem will happen
also u have to watch watering with that soil because everytime u water,u fertilize