why do people smoke? (cigs)


Well-Known Member
Ok first off I didnt make this to rag on you guys that do smoke I dont have a problem with people that do, I just want to try and understand why you guys do it?
I mean you start knowing its bad for you, it literally does nothing good for you at all and is a waste of money. If someone offered you to take a pill that slowly kills you everyday, would you take it? Smoking is essentially the same thing..
Alright I'm not completely ignorant, I understand that if your raised in a smoking family it would pretty hard not too, or hang out with only people that smoke etc, but aside from those guys, why? again I got no problem with smokers, just wondering. Anyways back to the ghanja! Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
Guess it comes down to ease of availability, it's legal, and goes great with coffee for some strange reason.

Plus, something kind of warm and fuzzy about a nice smoke in the cold makes me look forward to smoking cigarettes in the winter time...

I'm switching to those electronic cigarettes soon... just gotta pick the top of the line model ;)


Active Member
I quit smoking recently. I only smoked for about two years though. As soon as I got away from my friends that smoke everyday, it became really easy. I just got to where I was tired of paying for them, then it got to where I didnt like the smell of them and so on. Im fine now, and my chest is starting to open back up lol.


Active Member
ok first off every family member smokes cigs that i have so i would say i am raised in a smokin family i smoked my first pack it cost 5 dollars i was like wth is this got hooked on em an i smoked for six months i found out i started spendin my ganja money for somethin that dont even get you high , i quit an its been six years since i last touched one :) an also its mind over matter, i have tried crack never got addicted its all mind over matter but i guess thats how i was trained in martial arts, every thing is mind over matter, i had to carry 2 bags of rock salt runnin around town going up this huge hill then back to dojo after i was required to rip the bags open an punch em until i was bleedin i feeel no pain everything is mind over matter i could keep goin about when my instructor cracked a rib an i stopped sparring an he just whooped the shyt out of me until i got up an fought back with broken ribs so remember mind over matter
ps my ma was a smoker of 20 years an she 2 found out it was mind over matter :)


Active Member
Ok first off I didnt make this to rag on you guys that do smoke I dont have a problem with people that do, I just want to try and understand why you guys do it?
I mean you start knowing its bad for you, it literally does nothing good for you at all and is a waste of money. If someone offered you to take a pill that slowly kills you everyday, would you take it? Smoking is essentially the same thing..
Alright I'm not completely ignorant, I understand that if your raised in a smoking family it would pretty hard not too, or hang out with only people that smoke etc, but aside from those guys, why? again I got no problem with smokers, just wondering. Anyways back to the ghanja! Peace :joint:
Your argument is kinda vane, alcohol, sunbathing, mountaineering(kills your brain cells), loud music, breathing(free radicals), driving(chance of getting killed), EVERYTHING kills you either slowly or at a fixed chance.

but the real reason why you keep smoking, is because IT FEELS GOOD, where have i heard that before... hmmmm... let me see... yeah i think 4 weed is pretty much the same reason.
smoking, makes you feel good, makes you relaxed, and like SocataSmoke said, "something kind of warm and fuzzy about a nice smoke in the cold" fuck yeah dude,
it can go with coffee
when you are drunk(fucking impossible to say no to a cig when drunk. that is the sole reason i cant stop, if im with a few mixes on, then cigs taste even better)
after a big exam, lets you un-focus
after sex (enough said)


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, canyoneering and mountaineering... two favorites of mine, but definitely restrictive because of my smoking, I'm certainly not climbing anything over 7,000ft anytime soon.

However, I do eventually want to grapple the 14 8000m+ peaks, that 23% death rate for K2 scares me though, and the cornice crossing on Everest, having the 7000ft+ vertical drops on either side of your 13 inch wide path, will be a very big mental challenge that I am not sure I would ever be up for, my balls are just not that hardened.

Even if I stopped smoking now, I would probably not be able to accomplish such tasks until my 30's.


Well-Known Member
sometimes when I'm really drunk I smoke a cigarette....the next morning when I smell the stench of it I want to punch myself in the face. I HATE cigs.


Well-Known Member
This is a great question for which I have no great answer to. I started when I was 12 probably because my older brother did and I idolized him. I don't think I've really ever admitted that to myself.. that I started smoking to fit in and be 'cool'. Now I'm 28 and been smoking pretty much ever since, minus a few times that I quit for short periods of time. Now it's become a part of me and EVERYTHING I do. It's become a real crutch and something that I've come to rely on in social situations. It's more than a habit, it's a way of life for me. It's pretty sad actually. I've really noticed in the last few years that my lungs are losing their capacity. I can't run for long periods anymore without being supremely out of breath with my heart racing.

The last few months I've been seriously considering kicking the habit, but I'm sincerely scared. If there has ever been a tobacco slave, I'm it. Hehe I've actually rationalized that it's just easier to smoke, which is true I guess lol. So sad. I am going to quit. I need to. I HAVE to. I WILL do.

Sorry for blabbing everyone, but this has been very therapeutic for me! Thanks for listening.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
i too used to smoke.. all i can say is that quitting has been one of the best things i have ever done. i can actually run more than 30 feet without my lungs burning. i dont miss paying 50$ or more a week (200 a month at least) for something that doesnt do anything for me.

when i started smoking it was all about the little buzz that it gave me, after smoking a bowl or while drinking my morning coffee. it was really sweet. untill i really stopped getting that buzz and i was just smoking to prevent the headaches and withdrawrels. once this happened it took me several tries to really stop smoking.

ive been cig free for months and months now but i still feel like smoking a cig every once in a while. but i have gone back so many times and had to quit again i know its not worth it.


Well-Known Member
i dont smoke cigs , i dont see the point in it

it dont get you high or even give you a buzz

its like people smoke just for the act of smoking

idk maybe im wrong maybe it does give people some type of euphoria feeling ??????????????????????????

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I can't answer - I think pretty much EVERYONE who does smoke regrets ever starting...

On the bad side, theres obviously the whole killing yourself, smelling bad, waisting money and the having to put up with about half the non-smokers you meet HAVING to jibe and point out all the bad things about the habit (which people, we've all heard before and DON'T need to hear from a middle-aged or young, pompus-upper-class bitch like you)

On the good side - its something to do, its relaxing, comforting to some extent, makes some social situations bearable...people who DO smoke are more tolerant generally which many non-smokers aren't...

It CAN be good at times (like needing to leave an unbearable situation to go for a smoke) and it can ALSO be bad (having to leave a good situation every couple of hours at least for a smoke...) or something...it's just something which some people DO, and because nowadays more people are non-smokers than are actually smokers the governments are making it increasingly hard to accept in modern-day society by banning it all over the place and setting impositions which society has gone without and coped with (up til now). It just drives me mad - if YOU out of the other 50 people in the bar have a problem me being the only one wanting to smoke and insist on complaining to me - fine, YOU fuck off outside in the rain so you don't die of passive smoking!!!

(this is coming from england - where unlike the US smoking has been banned inside public buildings...as opposed to being banned on the street...what the fuck is up with the world today? It's even been banned at sheltered bus-stops over here...who actually bothers with that rule? - if anyone arrived at the bus stop after me and I was smoking in there the law would be in THEIR favour about getting me out of there into the pissing rain just because they get irritated by it - even if I had been there 20 minutes before them)


Well-Known Member
because they want to...anyone who says their addicted is just weak minded. people smoke because they choose to


Well-Known Member
i smoke cigs because i dont have bud readily available at the moment. i only smoke about 1 a day, but like 6 to 10 on my work release days.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
fuck yeah i dont smoke tobacco but my mate does
most people who start cant stop

ya wonder why or how can they stop so addictive (paint thinners/rat poison/floor cleaner)
thats only some of whats in it fuking mofo who created it all my family used to smoke to but
my dad and mom and sister dont smoke any more (you have real balls if you can give up)


I only enjoying smoking tobacco whilst i'm drinking with mates, you cant go wrong, even though you end up chain smoking through the night.


Active Member
i started smoking cigarettes when i was partying...started partying alot and started smoking alot(cigarettes help the after-taste of beer for me).then i became addicted.i could them easily so why not.i started smoking more and more and got way addicted, i would go light up a cigarette and not really even now im doing it because it has become a habit. just like eating and drinking. its the same motion.but i stay away from the cigarettes with horrible chemicals...i smoke american spirits. if you get the right amount of smoke it feals real good on your lungs. right now ive cut down from a pack a day to a couple a day, smoking half each time. now to help me quit im going to try and get some valium. heard it helps for quitting


Well-Known Member
yeah it calms you down, not as effective as weed granted but you cant smoke weed in all situations. i love smoking tobacco just the same as i love smoking weed. and anyone thats slabbering about tobacco but big up the weed or drink alcohol are hypocritical. and should take a look at what they type.
fat dudes that cant stop eating burgers know that it'll prob kill them prematurely but its their choice. so the answer to the op is people smoke cos they choose to do so. and btw i would rather be in a room with a smelly smoker than some fat, yeasty, smelly person. i mean some of these people cant wash right and smell really offensive. i think smokers are increasingy being downgraded in society which is a shame as freedom of choice should be respected equally..