Long and Hard

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Really though, why isn't there more square pipes? Why do bubblers have to look like a droopy sack and a old mans half erect dick?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't rip that thing even if you had some trainwreck with honey oil and hash peices sprinkled with keif all in a bowl packed just for me.

Id just hit you in the face and take the bowl and run. :D
Yeah, I wouldn't either...that's just a little to "homo-erotic" for my liking...



Well-Known Member
Haha as would I. Some TW and oil topped with hash and keef?!?!

Im going to buy one of those someday. And do exactly that, put some killer dank in(Maybe some cheese or Mazar or somthing) mix is with some oil, Then mix in some hash and then roll it in some keef. Then offer my friends to kill it if i can take a poiloroid of them hitting it. Then have a Dick wall where everyones picture is up HAHAHA.


Active Member
As a chick, when I smoke from a bong or a piece that's shaped even relatively like a cock I immediately think of head...so when I'm smoking when my guy friends and I'm watching them toke up I can't help but think of how homoerotic it all seems. But when I say "hey, you look like you're giving that piece head" they get all mad. Glad to see some people have a sense of humor about it. ;)