How Cold Can Cannabis Tolerate?

everyone here is an amateur? i'm not. mid-atlantic. cannabis is fine fine fine down to the upper 20's no problem, no problem whatsoever, it is not going to curl up and die, not a mature plant, with a little frost, i mean it can get totally frosted and still be just fine. but as the temps go down down down, to those upper 20's what happens is the growth stops anyway, and the cold, damp increases chance of frost and it is time to pull them. i will keep one out until the very end!
i dunno if everyone is an amateur, but i know i am...this is my very first grow. i tried so many times in the past, and they don't make it past the cotyledons. but now, i am armed with all the FAQ in this forum, and other ones. plus feedback from experienced gardeners. Cant get this info anywhere else :)
i guess i'm an amateur... either that or it doesn't usually get that cold where i'm growing, when i'm growing. that low-twenties drop was a record low April temp. :)

this should be stickied, seriously we need more people to share their temperature information. im growing outside in michigan, temps in the low 40s-50s and soon 35-40s, i am getting worried about moving them to an uninsulated room in my house. will the temperature kill my two baby's? or will the temperature simply hinder my yeild?.
well the reall killer is frost, when the ground is frozen or the stem or w.e moisture u can c becomse ice, the plant begins to die... it can recover
lm doin a indoor grow and last night my heater didnt work and the temps were 7-8oc/40d all night and they are fine 2 day...
yea frost kills the plant... it starves once frozen, but it can recover, some strains can even handle up to a low of -7 for 12 hours even in a seedling state, most breeds die out at about -2 if the weather is prolonged for more than a day or so... i've heard covering them helps from many growers... learned alot here in canada, september we get a quick snowfall pr 2then its all spring weather till december if we get a white christmass lol, but they'll die by l8 october... im actually kinda breeding my plants 2 start late april and finish early october, should b a nice big cold resistant strain perfect for next year.
I Have 1 female growing OUTDOORS and i live in central scotland. the temperature drops 2 about 4 degrees at night yet my plant is growing healthier than ever, i have also noticed that the smell thats starting to develop is stronger than any of my indoor crops.......... in otherwards yes you can grow cannabis outdoors in southern california, i think the temp will b ideal. i'll post pics of my plant in the nxt couple of days
Hi, i planted some cuttings yesterday and tonight the temp is strangely dropping to 3 degrees C.

Near freezing.
I'm going to grow in pots and use greenhouse on cold windy days during winter
For the first month, I will supplement light with flouros for the first month
should work, right?
I live in socal as well and where I live it does get below freezing on occasion. But even then I don't think it is so bad that a little watering before the night wouldn't solve.
i live in southern new england and grow outdoors and we want the max season possible. i will pull my few plants in another couple weeks, right around the first few frosts.
I live in South califas as well...this month , in every morning its really cold...but my lady plant is doing fine...i always feed with dyna-gro s pro tekt , it seems work very well...
so what you guys are telling me is I can run without my heater tonight? this is awesome, my electric bill thanks all of you. I run 76F lights on and 62F with no heater lights off, sound like this should work
Im from Canada and sept 15 is usually our frost date. Last year i went 10 nights of -2 to -5 any my Quebec bred northern lights were ok. I actually think it helped resin production...

believe it or not some strains like landrace strains grow better when the temps drop, because it's what they evolved to survive in... changing the environment of the plant to what they were originally growing in 1000's of years ago brings out the natural characteristics of the plant... say for example you have a hybrid, 50% sativa, 50% indica. To bring out the more sativa characteristics of the plant you could change the flowering light cycle from 12-12 to 13 on -11 off and raise the temps a little bit, the high of the hybrid will be more energetic and cerebral... if you want more indica traits to show then lower the temps, raise the wind/airflow and change the light cycle to 11 on 13 off. the more you recreate the plants natural environment, the more it will show it's true genetics. hope you learned something :)