How to sell weed? First-timer.


I will not post my name for privacy reasons, so just call me jay.

I've been smoking weed for 2 years now, I started smoking regs and then moved on to some grade A if not B+ grade weed. People have told me they've smoked the same strain but not as strong as mine, so I know I'm smoking fire stuff.

A few weeks ago I lost my job, plus I gatta study and go to school so my schedule wasn't really flexible. I know the dealer I buy my goods from also grows it indoor and even makes new strains by cross breeding, so I know I have a hook up their. But my problem is I don't know where to start like:

how do I get customers? ( I can't just ask anyone to buy )
secure locations for the exchange? ( off and on campus )
a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that? ( math.. )
and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? ( eat it?? )

I know alot about herb but not about this sorta business I accept the danger and jail time involved in this so i don't need to be reminded.

Please and thank you guys :) first post.
if you have to ask you don't need to be doing it. I'm not trying to be a dick but if you cant figure it out on your own your too dumb to be doing it. i dont mean to come off harsh i just dont want to see you get locked up because you tryed to do something you know nothing about

thats just it
I just wanna ask people that have more experience in this, I know not to just sell it to anyone and all that, but maybe a few pointers to get started, like do I just with. Quarter or start off with more?
Ask your dealer for help. He may even give you credit to get started.
yes do that, but don't get fronted too much. my buddy got fronted an ounce and some punk stole it. my friend almost had his finger cut off.

then again, his dealer was freaking out of his mind..
I will not post my name for privacy reasons, so just call me jay.

I've been smoking weed for 2 years now, I started smoking regs and then moved on to some grade A if not B+ grade weed. People have told me they've smoked the same strain but not as strong as mine, so I know I'm smoking fire stuff.

A few weeks ago I lost my job, plus I gatta study and go to school so my schedule wasn't really flexible. I know the dealer I buy my goods from also grows it indoor and even makes new strains by cross breeding, so I know I have a hook up their. But my problem is I don't know where to start like:

how do I get customers? ( I can't just ask anyone to buy )
secure locations for the exchange? ( off and on campus )
a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that? ( math.. )
and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? ( eat it?? )

I know alot about herb but not about this sorta business I accept the danger and jail time involved in this so i don't need to be reminded.

Please and thank you guys :) first post.
Hello officer lol jk...Dude are you for real? just the fact that you posted this online, you are getting into the wrong business. If you get another job you may make less money than your dealer but at least everything you own cant be taken from you at any minute. That being said, dope sells itself I mean, look around any town.
Hello officer lol jk...Dude are you for real? just the fact that you posted this online, you are getting into the wrong business. If you get another job you may make less money than your dealer but at least everything you own cant be taken from you at any minute. That being said, dope sells itself I mean, look around any town.

Yeah I'm serious about the business, I don't find it too hard but I'd like to know a few things before hand. And ofcourse I wouldn't front anyone that's like rule number one lol

I can't grow my own shit at the moment :( so how soon would I see a nice cash flow? *decent.
If your ever in doubt if someone is a narc, make em smoke weed.
If they're a cop (not including someone blackmailed by the cops to reduce their sentence i.e. not a cop), they can't and won't do it.
they'll loose their job.
good luck and only deal with people you know and trust.
you could set up a hierarchy with some friends, you grow and make your friends go and do the dirty work.
whatever you do use common sense.
Fuck it... Not that I would have any real clue, but if one were so inclined, they should probably start with a few people they know. I imagine a superior product would be great to get started, so people are inclined to return. Also would probably require keeping yourself available at any given time. I imagine secure exchange spots are crucial. Exchanges would probably need to be creative but reliable and secure.campus is probably a bad idea as I notice most school cops seem very bored and eager. As far as pricing, you'll most likely need to buy in bulk to turn a retail profit just like any other business. Busted? Again you'd probably need to get creative. But if nothing else you'd probably better be ready to run, while making yourself hard to identify. This is just me getting creative, I imagine you'll have to start slow, pay close attention, and roll with the punches. Having personally seen this lifestyle go wrong for a lot of people my only advice would be don't put all your eggs in an illegal basket. There's a lot of legal ways to make a lot of money.peace
Whatever you do don't get caught. Schools have no tolerance for that shit. I got caught with possession in my dorm, got kicked out the dorm the next day. No time to make arrangements or anything. I would've gotten kicked out of school but my roommate had some too. They would have hit me with intention to distribute. In your case you are distributing so haha watch your step. The best thing to do would probably just chill with some of your friends who smoke. They'll see you got good shit, give them a good price and they'll spread the word and keep coming back. You do kind of have to be available though. Nothing worse than having a dealer who doesn't have weed or doesn't pick up the phone. I hate that shit. Don't got time to be searchin around, I wanna get lit.
You do kind of have to be available though. Nothing worse than having a dealer who doesn't have weed or doesn't pick up the phone. I hate that shit. Don't got time to be searchin around, I wanna get lit.
"a good dealer is a ready dealer", my friend once told me.
Fuck it... Not that I would have any real clue, but if one were so inclined, they should probably start with a few people they know. I imagine a superior product would be great to get started, so people are inclined to return. Also would probably require keeping yourself available at any given time. I imagine secure exchange spots are crucial. Exchanges would probably need to be creative but reliable and secure.campus is probably a bad idea as I notice most school cops seem very bored and eager. As far as pricing, you'll most likely need to buy in bulk to turn a retail profit just like any other business. Busted? Again you'd probably need to get creative. But if nothing else you'd probably better be ready to run, while making yourself hard to identify. This is just me getting creative, I imagine you'll have to start slow, pay close attention, and roll with the punches. Having personally seen this lifestyle go wrong for a lot of people my only advice would be don't put all your eggs in an illegal basket. There's a lot of legal ways to make a lot of money.peace

thanks for your advice I found it helpful. I'm going to start with a quarter and move from their. Bulk buying and bulk selling right?
From what I understand... Bulk buying, break up, sell in smaller quantities... Whatever initial quantity may be...That's the formula I hear. Happy travels