see girls she liked it, you might like it too lolI once dated a guy who was obsessed with my ass. He had to do me in my butt at least once a week or he got cranky. The only way I could stand it was to use my vibe straight on my clit. After I started doing that I loved it as much as he did.
As far as him finally "getting his helmet muddy" (What an AWESOME saying!) it took a lot of persistence and almost 2 months on his part.
ive never had a girl not get off. eather that or they all faked it really well =)yea, it's always women that cant or dont get off that are the anal retentive ones ;x
lmao i havent laughed that hard in a long time.quite the experience actually ... i recommend everyone try it once ... my buddy refuses to get mud on his helmet ... hates the idea ... i called him a faggot which we came to the conclusion was an oxymoron
thats because you were doing it wrong.... your supposed to fuck HER in the ass lol jkmy ex girlfriend loved anal....i wasnt too fond of it though.
this guy's never fucked a girl in the ass.what the hell just tell her me man you woman me make fire then jam it in her ass. Those two things between your legs are called balls i suggest you use them.
this guy's never fucked a girl in the ass.
lmfao, touche.thats because you were doing it wrong.... your supposed to fuck HER in the ass lol jk
its nice to know that people can still take a joke on her ..... cheerslmfao, touche.
yeah most people take shit too seriously, i dont take much seriously...its nice to know that people can still take a joke on her ..... cheers
nevermind the buildup under the nails.....Alright here is how to do it. Get her fucking shitfaced, this is beneficial in two ways. like everyone has said before slip a few fingers in there for the next few times you have sex. Always have lube around, and make sure your fingernails are short, don’t want to scratch the inside of her asshole. Once you work in two fingers and work it out a little bit try tossing her salad/ eating the puss! Once she is really shitfaced just go for it. The reason that you want her really fucked up is cus she wont care if you are fucking her up the ass and the second part is the best part! When she starts puking her asshole will tighten up every time she heaves! It feels great how tight that asshole wraps around your cock when she is puking! Just stuff her head in a toilet and go to town! You will be done in no time!!!! LOL If you do it right she wont even remember the next morning! everyone gets what they want!