Good morning ladies and gentlemen!
Today i dont have work, so gunna start making the space under my desk into a cupboard grow.
I will start a new thread on that to get some input and advice into wiring it all up!
Keep your eyes peeled for a link from this thread!
So, today is day 27. Plants have been growing like mad! Stretching for the light quicker then my eye can see! I will post height measurements and node count at 1 month..
Deisel is doing so well, growing very nicely. Seems so have stretched a lot since it was a tiny compact smelly little bugger. Which is a shame i guess, i was hoping to grow a really short and tight plant. Lots of bud sites already!
Feeding 500ml of water with 2ml of BioGrow and 0.5ml of BloomBastic!
Feeding when top soil gets dry, which is almost every day.
Should i carry on feeding the plant BioGrow and feed only BloomBastic or keep feeding it both all the way?
The LSD plant was the second biggest at all times, with is gorgeous round leaves and dark green characteristics. This is gunna be a killer plant once it starts flowering. Cant wait!!! Its catching up to the Thai Haze which just seems to be growing a good 5-10cm a day when the sun is out!
Being fed 500ml with 2ml BioGrow when needed. Plant got moved outside today as it started hugging the light bulb!
Not much to say really, plant grows fast!!!!!! When it was indoors after 21 days i was already struggling to keep it inside, so moved it outside 2 days ago and it has shot up like a rocket! I cant believe how fast these plants grow!
Now, this special seed was an extra so wasnt really planned to be grown, but as i started, i thought i would use this seed to experiment the topping method.
After 21 days i topped the plant just above the 4th node.
The 2 main leaves doubled in size with all that energy going only to them!
Is there anything else i should do to the plant to make it grow 4 colas?
This really was a step into the unknown for me as i never really researched topping prior, just used my knowledge from magazines!
So, i hope you have all enjoyed watching these babies grow, and will continue to watch as 2 of my plants are re-located outside whilst 2 are still indoors.
The plan is to keep the Deisel indoors all the way to the final chop, hence me needing help with my grow cupboard design!
Thanks to all the subbers and all the inputters so to speak!
Peace and Love!!