worst whitey


Active Member
im sat here eating crunchy nut clusters smoking grey haze i got dropped off before and my mate has just hit a whitey a knocked it everywhere BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

what was your worst whitey???

mine was 2 years ago in Amsterdam was there for a couple of days with my mate, we started a haze sack which was a sack of little buds from the different hazes we were smoking on the last day we had a fat full of about 12 types of haze in it, we were sat upstairs in picasso's coffeeshop and we made a blunt with the whole bag a sparked it smoked my half passed it to my mate and two minutes later I saw picasso's ghost (i think i did) which sent me whitey and i ended up knocking it in the bin then fell asleep in the chair and just about made it to the airport for the flight home


Active Member
if you smoke to much in one go or in a small amount of time, if you havent ate properlly before youve smoked. your face goes white, you feel cold but sweat, get light head and are usually sick, its your bodys way of sorting itself back out.


Well-Known Member
Ah - then i had me one of those once when i was with my girlfriend on a hotel in a big city. I had made cookies since we could not smoke on the hotel (and we really wanted to get HIGH). So when i made the cookies i thought that i would give a good 2 grams of great hash for each (i wanted to be sure we had enough to get very high).
So in the mid evening on the hotel we took the cake and ate it all.
So laying on the bed an hour later still not sure we were feeling anything we were watching some tv-show. Suddenly i just felt VERY high. The high that i had the very first times i was high (about as high as i can get). But my high kept getting UP and UP until the time where i was throwing up in the toilet. My mind was playing with me and i got paranoid - thought i was going to die. Wanted to contact 911 and everything - very happy my girlfriend talked me into NOT doing this.
Half hour later i was laying on the bed having the best high ever. I was VERY tired the next day ;O)


Active Member
ha ha ha i made brownies ounce and put a half oz of high grade white widdow in the mix, cooked them, ate a fat batch of them on friday and i dont remember waking up until sunday.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Well, second time i smoked i was freaking like Fuck Face the child molesting clown, my face melted in the mirror. And i couldn't control witch direction i walked in, couldn't turn....never figured out why the hell i couldn't fucking turn!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm i didnt freak out or anything but i did get one in my buddys house. He lived with him mom at the time who had a collection of old china and salt shakers and shit right befor the door. I passed out while walking and broke a bunch of it. Lol she sat me down and made me some cool aid. she was dope.


Well-Known Member
Whitey = Going Green.

Here we call it going green, when you oversmoke yourself. Start feeling nauseous and usually black out and eat shit hahahaha. I never have because after I feel it I start eating and it settles me down enough to continue. But I've watched a number of people throw up or black out a few times now.


Active Member
experienced the whitey effect once....passed out walking up to a cashier at a grocery store after chillin in a hot tub most of the morn tokin. ha. experienced the extreme paranoia once too....first time on a gravity bong, in a new town, new people, and probably some dank bud....needless to say i was back at my own place within minutes, hiding in my room. damn...i just knew someone or something was coming to get me. both times i was still early in my mj obsessed life...come to think of it, i dont think ive ever tried a gravity bong again. hmmmmm.....

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Still to this day i cant figure out why i couldn't turn, really tho that trip kinda "scared" me for life, i have bad thoughts sometimes.


Well-Known Member
just last week i was at my favorite doughnut shop. i paid with a twenty and for some dumbass reason when she gave me my change i threw it in the trash and as soon as i did it i realized what i had done. that was fucked up, i just dug the paper money back out but the next morning the girl that worked there had dug out the change and had it waiting for me.


One time I was hanging out and smoking with some friends. He were on the subject of Russian literature, and I was starting to go into the emotional impact Arkady Averchenko had on me as an African American. All of a sudden my best buddy was like "But dude, you're white". I was like no way. I ran into the bathroom to look in the mirror and sure as Serafimovich, I WAS white!! Hoo boy, good times.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
That is how Michael Jackson got white, every time he rape a kid he would smoke a bowl and have that happen, then after so many molestations he stayed that color. Tragic Story really


Well-Known Member
One time I was hanging out and smoking with some friends. He were on the subject of Russian literature, and I was starting to go into the emotional impact Arkady Averchenko had on me as an African American. All of a sudden my best buddy was like "But dude, you're white". I was like no way. I ran into the bathroom to look in the mirror and sure as Serafimovich, I WAS white!! Hoo boy, good times.
Very funny!


Active Member
just last week i was at my favorite doughnut shop. i paid with a twenty and for some dumbass reason when she gave me my change i threw it in the trash and as soon as i did it i realized what i had done. that was fucked up, i just dug the paper money back out but the next morning the girl that worked there had dug out the change and had it waiting for me.
a common stoner mistake, you aint on your own there i seem to like to throw my mobile away for some reason.


Active Member
That is how Michael Jackson got white, every time he rape a kid he would smoke a bowl and have that happen, then after so many molestations he stayed that color. Tragic Story really
One time I was hanging out and smoking with some friends. He were on the subject of Russian literature, and I was starting to go into the emotional impact Arkady Averchenko had on me as an African American. All of a sudden my best buddy was like "But dude, you're white". I was like no way. I ran into the bathroom to look in the mirror and sure as Serafimovich, I WAS white!! Hoo boy, good times.
ha ha ha funny stuff