hey Ralphie, if your looking for a self-cooling light delivery system then I have just the thing for you, have you seen or heard of the "spinners" from Sun Pulse while I don't have a site add. in front of me I have the next best thing their #... (559) 589-9717 they come in a number of configurations from 2-6 lamps each with it's own ballest hell it looks just like a celing fan how cool is that! And while they arn't cheap what quality system is and it saves you the trouble of exhaust from reflecetors and all the componets that that requires and to me the best part even light distrobution with out hot spots on your canopy. While this is not a system for closets a better "room" system you will not find I have seen them work and was sold all most the first minute. Shit the company should be paying me for the sell....