Orderd from rhino seeds and got nothing


Well-Known Member
I ordered from them a couple of weeks ago and no problems.
The customer service was very kind.My seeds were out of stock so because of the extra wait they added a pack of white russiun seeds.
And i only had to wait 2 weeks.lol.


Active Member
I ordered seeds from rhino over three months ago and never recieved my shipment. Terrible things started happening on my credit card but i won't talk about that at this stage. I have sent several e-mails but rarely get a reply. Last reply i was told they would check the tracking number to see where it ended up. That was several weeks ago and i've heard nothing since. So much for guaranteeing delivery and a reply within 24 hours. I've since read many bad things about rhino seeds on many forums. I wish i had done more research before ordering. I'm not too worried about the money i lost, i just hate being messed around. Stick with a reputable, professional company people.


Well-Known Member
That sucks you all have had bad experiences with rhino seeds, I've had nothing but good experiences with them but I'm not in Texas.

Peace, SMH


Active Member
I ordered seeds from rhino over three months ago and never recieved my shipment. Terrible things started happening on my credit card but i won't talk about that at this stage. I have sent several e-mails but rarely get a reply. Last reply i was told they would check the tracking number to see where it ended up. That was several weeks ago and i've heard nothing since. So much for guaranteeing delivery and a reply within 24 hours. I've since read many bad things about rhino seeds on many forums. I wish i had done more research before ordering. I'm not too worried about the money i lost, i just hate being messed around. Stick with a reputable, professional company people.
Your order was actually placed on the 10th aug - we actually voided the order and cancelled it on the same date. basically the payment does not reach our account when we void the transaction and the timescale for the money to be returned back to your account is actually determined by YOUR credit card company - sucks yes i know. I can however provide you with a void receipt which you could show to your cc company to speed up the process and get the funds back to your account sooner. - In fact I have just emailed you a copy of the void receipt [came from [email protected]], please show this to your cc company and hopefully they can fast track the payment if they havn't done this already. Basically the company that takes our credit card payments do not accept credit cards from Cyprus - Im very sorry our software does not allow us to remove certain countries from the list - that's the reason why your order was cancelled - however we do allow bank transfers from your country - Im going to arrange for this information to be listed onto our payments page so that customers can read that going forwards. I'm also going to ensure that customers who have orders cancelled for this reason get a good explanation as to why their order was cancelled. And im looking for cc companys that will allow us to process payments from Cyprus.
