Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg


Well-Known Member
lol, I had a feeling some kind of reference would be made :D

So it turns out I completely fuckin forgot that my wife agree'd to dog sit for her coworkers 3 year old Corgi, so now I'm stuck with an 11 week old and a 3 year old Corgi for the next 10 days, if I believed in God, I would ask him for help, hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Good thing he's house trained, so far so good and they're getting along ok. Good practice because when we get a bigger place we want to rescue a pound puppy


Well-Known Member
Always a good thing, I'm going to do the same once my lease is up and I get a house. Any ideas on breed?


Well-Known Member
Let's mix a Rottie and a mini Doberman Pincher! I would love to see a smaller version of a Rottie :D


Well-Known Member
I took the bigger one for a walk around 5:45am, then I took mine for a walk after that. Came home and fed them both, played for a bit. Took care of my plants and now they're all napping, including my wife, lol :D

Perfect time for a Bud Light, Fusion OG and some online reading :weed:


Well-Known Member
I decided to start Delilah and JH3 on Uncle Johns Blend 0-0-2 at around 1/5 to 1/4 percent strength. I also added Sugaree 0-0-2 with the same strength. Both say to use them in the final 3 weeks of flowering, they're the same nutes I inherited with that stuff I bought on craigslist a few weeks ago. Some of these bottles have $30 price tags on them and made from Cutting Edge Solutions.

Up until now I have only used Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow for all of my plants, from seedlings to Delilah's last water 2 or 3 days ago. I had 3 different strengths, 0 - 3 weeks, 3 - 7 weeks, 7 weeks and older. I haven't bought into all the expensive nute hype yet but if Delilah comes up short, I'll definitely invest into it for the next batch.


Well-Known Member
why not add some molasses to your water. I f i get a bunch of free stuff today, i'll hook you up. My friend is working there, and she said they were giving away a TON of shit yesterday.

whats ittoyabub

New Member
I decided to start Delilah and JH3 on Uncle Johns Blend 0-0-2 at around 1/5 to 1/4 percent strength. I also added Sugaree 0-0-2 with the same strength. Both say to use them in the final 3 weeks of flowering, they're the same nutes I inherited with that stuff I bought on craigslist a few weeks ago. Some of these bottles have $30 price tags on them and made from Cutting Edge Solutions.

Up until now I have only used Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow for all of my plants, from seedlings to Delilah's last water 2 or 3 days ago. I had 3 different strengths, 0 - 3 weeks, 3 - 7 weeks, 7 weeks and older. I haven't bought into all the expensive nute hype yet but if Delilah comes up short, I'll definitely invest into it for the next batch.
i use GH, root accel, calmag, purple maxx, gravity, grotek monster bloom, seaweed extract, clearex and next veg im gona use bushmaster


Well-Known Member
Are they all for soil? I also have that Purple Maxx and Gravity but haven't used them yet. I've read so many new "First Grow" threads where people burn their plants I decided to stay away from them for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farms treats me just fine I feel. I still have yet to receive any free samples from anyone. I just woke up and have a few things to take care of, tending to my ladies after that. :-)

Baja, you use those on top of flushing or flush then water with those nutrients?


Well-Known Member
He was telling me everything he got before I had to cut him off cause I was on my way out the door, it's all good shit and good quantity too for being samples