Holy Santa Clause shit!!! Look what I found!!!


Active Member
A bunch of crazy freaking spiders!!!!
There are like 20 of these things on just ONE side of my dad's house, it was fucking crazy and I was terrified to take these lol.
Lurking around.jpgCreeeeepy..jpgAttack!!!.jpgwtf lol.jpgEw jesus.jpg
I was told they are some kind of Golden Orb Weaver spider.
They were freaking HUGE.
haha shit thats crazy, i dislike spiders, i would not be very comfortable living there i don't think :P
that is a run of the mill garden spider and is not poisonous at all... In fact, it may be a good idea to keep it around in order to rid your plants of future bugs.... I use ladybugs and the occasional spider to catch flies aphids etc. no reason to worry about it hurting your babies. Good pics though.
Yeah those definitely induce skin crawling. I have a couple in my tomato's... I am just careful to take note of where they are.

We had those in South Korea, cept their bodies were as big as my thumb. They are excellent at spinning webs that are invisible at most angles of view. You dont see them until you are right there, a couple feet away and face to face.

I call them "Stryper Spiders", as they remind me of the Christian Metal band Stryper's silly black & yellow stripe stage costume.
I hate spiders. I dont care how "friendly" some of them are. I hate 'em. I'm 6'4 so whenever I go hiking I always get webs in my face because nobody in front of me is ever tall enough to break the way. After a few webs on the face the hike turns from fun and enjoyable to irritating and miserable. Fucking spiders.
i glanced at ur pics...then my eyes just wandered right back to your avatar...


lol i flatter u too much. pretty dope pics! how big were they
i got bit by a brown recluse about 3 weeks ago in my sleep. i think the little fucker was under my sheets.

woke up the next morning and it felt like a large bee sting. very firm to the touch and very very sensitive.

the next day I had a large pimple underneath the puncture wound

the next day it looked like someone surgically put a golf ball under the skin on my calf

i couldn't walk so i decided to go to the hospital.

the doctor said the infection had got into my blood and gangrene was starting to set in my calf and another day or two I would have lost my leg

brown recluse spiders are fucked up. it looks like i got shot in the leg with a 12 gauge slug. I can stick my pinky finger in the hole up to the first knuckle
I used to see those all around my old highschool. I saw this CRAZY spide yesterday when i was cleaning the pool it had a bright neon Orange butt with a black/purple lines and its legs were striped black and bright yellow.
i got bit by a brown recluse about 3 weeks ago in my sleep. i think the little fucker was under my sheets.

woke up the next morning and it felt like a large bee sting. very firm to the touch and very very sensitive.

the next day I had a large pimple underneath the puncture wound

the next day it looked like someone surgically put a golf ball under the skin on my calf

i couldn't walk so i decided to go to the hospital.

the doctor said the infection had got into my blood and gangrene was starting to set in my calf and another day or two I would have lost my leg

brown recluse spiders are fucked up. it looks like i got shot in the leg with a 12 gauge slug. I can stick my pinky finger in the hole up to the first knuckle

Can we get a pic...? lol ive seen these before they are fucked up. My friend popped his and white shit and puss came out for like a minute or two..
this is a 3 week old bite so it's not so bad anymore. you can go on youtube and see the progression of the bites.

i have to keep picking the scab because the doc said i need to let it heal from the inside out instead of letting it crust over with a scabPhoto0016.jpg