Nattyhead357, billcollector99, Bajafox, Ganjabitch, Mkmkli49's Toke N Talk


Active Member
I can get enough pure grain liquor to float my boat. Where I live it is legal to make small amounts of shine. But is illeagal as hell to sell it. Good Shine is an art perfected in appalachaian mountains. Pure grain will straight f you up but I like the brandies. Apricot and blackberry YUM! I am going to try to make a tincher one day.

Silent Running

Active Member
I can get enough pure grain liquor to float my boat. Where I live it is legal to make small amounts of shine. But is illeagal as hell to sell it. Good Shine is an art perfected in appalachaian mountains. Pure grain will straight f you up but I like the brandies. Apricot and blackberry YUM! I am going to try to make a tincher one day.
My friend has family in the mountains of NC and each time he goes up and comes back he brings a gallon of strawberry shine back with him. This last time he brought back some blackberry as well and OMG...I love it.


Well-Known Member
See all that talk about how we are so lucky cause we have med mj, and you guys have this bomb ass moonshine, wtf, i'm more jealous than you!!! lol


Active Member
My friend has family in the mountains of NC and each time he goes up and comes back he brings a gallon of strawberry shine back with him. This last time he brought back some blackberry as well and OMG...I love it.
Was it the high tess with the fruit in it or was it the brandy with the strawberry and black berry tint? I love them both.
Damzin berry pure grain is the standard around here and is great. The small plum sized fruits will rip your heaad off with a quickness.
A Milk jug of 190 proof is 30 bucks. Burns clearer then the drug store stuff.

Silent Running

Active Member
The strawberry is the 190ish proof with fruit in it and yes the fruit will fuck you up faster than the alcohol itself. The blackberry is lower..about 100 proof maybe but very sweet and almost jack (syrup-ey) with blackberry flavor.


Active Member
See all that talk about how we are so lucky cause we have med mj, and you guys have this bomb ass moonshine, wtf, i'm more jealous than you!!! lol
The guys that squeeze that corn are serious about it. Just like the cali. growers. You don't have to worry about getting any rot gut. There rep. is on the line. You can drink good shine like water no taste and no burn for about 3 seconds. It burns from your stomach back up but nothing you can't handle. It is as good as it gets.:joint:


Active Member
The strawberry is the 190ish proof with fruit in it and yes the fruit will fuck you up faster than the alcohol itself. The blackberry is lower..about 100 proof maybe but very sweet and almost jack (syrup-ey) with blackberry flavor.
Alot of times people will put handfuls of sugar in it to make it surupee sweet and also fruit juice that lowers alcohol content. Most will have a slush in them when you freeze them. Thiers on of these going around now that is all the rage with women and slighly feminine males called apple pie.

Silent Running

Active Member
Has anyone heard from Mk lately? I checked his profile and see his last activity date was today...did I miss him closing out his grow?


Well-Known Member
WTF?? Where can we get moonshine in SoCal? I've never even seen any, only heard about it on Dukes of Hazzard, lol


Well-Known Member
Weird that MK signed in and didn't say anything. :-( Hope all is ok with him.
maybe he still doesnt have internet, so he logged onto it with his phone (which makes it hard to reply). And his grow yeilded 2 lbs :D.... yep Imm sure thats what happened :D


Well-Known Member
oh so they opened a fucking Hydro store in my town! holy shit im in heaven. 11 bucks for a huge bag of FF. all the nutes I could ask for and the guy running it is cool...

just another day in paradise.