Pure White Cola - Yep


Calyx LED
Yeah that look and sounds like it!

Does someone have a picture of any other plant that looks like mine? If its light bleaching or some common issue someone has to have a picture...


Well-Known Member
Dude you don't have bleaching with 300 watts of light, no way. My hairs on my buds outdoors right now r pure white. Some strains just do this.


Well-Known Member
You'd think that since the cola closest to the light is different from the others at a more respectable distance away that something must be wrong with it... right? If it was genetics it would be happening to all the cola's. My vote is for light bleaching as well. Raise the light 5 or so inches, whatever distance the light is from the surrounding colas.


Calyx LED
OK I moved it up a bit. So you guys think the light is too intense and the plant is trying to reflect it back?


Calyx LED
It's like the whole bud though, the tip of the main cola about 1-2 inches down is all white, lil leaves and all.
Dude you don't have bleaching with 300 watts of light, no way. My hairs on my buds outdoors right now r pure white. Some strains just do this.


Calyx LED
Also, I have seedlings vegging under a 300w and its even closer to the tops...none of those are bleaching. Even the other red dwarfs.



Active Member
Dude you don't have bleaching with 300 watts of light, no way. My hairs on my buds outdoors right now r pure white. Some strains just do this.
perhaps they are just a particularily white strain, the flash on cameras tend to make bud look more white anyway, take for example the pics of my last grow, the strains being pot of gold and white widow, which when the pics were taken they wer pretty much 7 days before the chop and almost every pistol was dark amber, but they look vibrant white in the pics



Well-Known Member
I have looked at your picture and your whole bud is covered with white hairs, like I said I have mine growing outdoors with bright white hairs. Nothing wrong with them. You might want to check for spider mites just to be safe, nut I doubt U have them. Are all of the rest of your plants doing the same thing? Do you knwo the strain you have? You would need 10k watts to do that and not 300.


Calyx LED
The strain is Red Dwarf Auto from Buddha Seed Co. I have veggers like 3" under another 300w panel and they are fine.
I have looked at your picture and your whole bud is covered with white hairs, like I said I have mine growing outdoors with bright white hairs. Nothing wrong with them. You might want to check for spider mites just to be safe, nut I doubt U have them. Are all of the rest of your plants doing the same thing? Do you knwo the strain you have? You would need 10k watts to do that and not 300.


Well-Known Member
I just looked at your new pics, those r either snow white or white indica like I said before. Nothing is wrong with your plants.


Active Member
I say they look fine! BTW if you dont want to "consume" it I will be the test subject rotfl ha ha, be sure to tell us how it was!


Well-Known Member
you guys are all wrong not heat not bleach

the plant has a little bit of albino in genetics

heat would eventually get crispy and would turn brown

bleched plant matter turns yelowish

thre was a guy that had a plant with way more albanese treat it was beautiful and i wished i had a piece of it bud was some white some normal he said smoked normal

good luck

Dr. O

Dude you don't have bleaching with 300 watts of light, no way. My hairs on my buds outdoors right now r pure white. Some strains just do this.
it has nothing to do with watts
it is about usable light
u can bleach plants with a 250w hps if put too close


Well-Known Member
i dont think it's light burn either breakneck, i had some with albino leaves, posted above, i think it's trichromes, just good bud, if u smell it, that should tell u if it's normal?


Well-Known Member
yo cobbler (name for a shoemaker) me thinks that yo plant is just a little varigated light and dark green like a house plant would be

the albino gene appears white

the varigated will sometimes result back to all dark

the albino gene mutation remains white

good luck to all
im out


Well-Known Member
yup, the leave was white, the pic taken under a 1000 watt HPS, looks yellow, i think your right, it was in the JEANS! lol