CFL grow three Bagseed and one Ak47/auto blueberry


New Member
Growing great
1st pic Ak47/blueberry day15!!
2nd pic Bagseed#2 day8 its growing so fast!!
3rd pic Bagseed#1 day15 the damage leave dont look so bad now growing good!!
4th pic Old Bagseed day23 growing great!!


Well-Known Member
Please don't post your pics on my thread any more dude, it's fine if you want to ask questions, but it's rude if you just post your grow pics in my journal. That's like the 4th time you have don it.


9 CFL's 16000 Lumans that like equivalent of a 400W HPS!!
Unfortunately they are ALL still lower temp lights meant for flowering. You know WHY you have to have so many lights during your veg? Because they are giving off the wrong spectrum of light.Listen to Silent man.. She'll put you on the right track. 6500k temp CFLs for vegging.

I've got 4 seedlings right now that each have their own 23w (100w equiv.), 6500k, 1600 lumens light. 4 lights total. I'll only increase the quantity of lights when their seed leaves (the round ones) start to fall off. Then the real vegging begins.

Sorry for being a bit harsh but I have a feeling you're fairly young, so this may just fall of deaf ears.

Take care,

- DiGGy


New Member
Day 15 of 12/12 GOT 2 females

1st pic! Auto AK47/lueberry day28! DAMN MALE I CUT ALL THE FAN LEAVES OFF!! And smoked them..

2nd pic! bagseed #2 day 21 ITS A GIRL!!!!

3rd pic! bagseed #3 day 28 ITS A GIRLL TOO!!!!!!!

4th pic! purple kush day9 growing good looks heathy

5thpic!! OLD bagseed day33!! I was looking at it and im 60% sure its a girl!! I think i can see some pistals not forsure yet...



New Member
No didnt get headach but did get a blaze for about 20mins!!! I was just courous how it would taste because it smailt really good!!! Im want to pollenate one of my female bagseeds!!! How would i dotheat best without it spreading to my other female??


New Member
I suggest you turn 18 and then come back your dang self. You are 15 years old and have no business being on here discussing illegal drugs or growing of marijuana.

Listin budd get it right you dont know my age just because of 1995!!! That could meen anything lol!!! Go on