400w Cabinet Grow : The Black, God Bud, G-13, Blue Dream Haze


Well-Known Member

For shits here's a picture of the new water reservoir I just made. Simple : Air pump, 3' of tube, 6" air stone, 5 gal Rubbermaid tub and a 1" spigot. Under $30, easy to make and great for smaller gardens. The only difference with a larger one would be a larger air pump and longer tube.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1133355

For shits here's a picture of the new water reservoir I just made. Simple : Air pump, 3' of tube, 6" air stone, 5 gal Rubbermaid tub and a 1" spigot. Under $30, easy to make and great for smaller gardens. The only difference with a larger one would be a larger air pump and longer tube.
Kool...Are you using that to remove chlorine from the water?




Well-Known Member
Kool...Are you using that to remove chlorine from the water?


Sort of. I let my water sit and aerate a day before I water and I suppose the chlorine evaporates in that time as well. There is some debate as to whether aerating your water is really worth it for soil grows. I think it's beneficial. Even if it's not much, your roots will still thank you for the extra O2.


Well-Known Member
Huh I never thought about aerating water for a soil grow... I always let my water sit out to evap the Chlorine but never thought about this. Good idea Howzer!


Well-Known Member
Huh I never thought about aerating water for a soil grow... I always let my water sit out to evap the Chlorine but never thought about this. Good idea Howzer!
The aeration actually does make your chlorine dissipate faster. I also don't like stagnant water either, the stone keeps everything moving.And I figure even if you do reach the limit of extra oxygen content possible with an air pump, it's constantly being replenished with fresh air anyhow. Which I wouldn't call a bad thing at all.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is frosted inside and out. More so the BDH, but don't let the difference fool you ;).. We're all happy. Including me :D

The Black

God Bud


Blue Dream Haze




Well-Known Member
Thank you sir. You should smell it in there:weed:. I still miss the great outdoors and my hat's off to you hard working farmers. I'd be out there doing the same thing if I could. In a heartbeat.
ya i love the indoors i just hafta wait on the weather;-)


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, nothing like opening the doors to girls a couple weeks from harvest. Gotta love that smell.
Nice grow, keep them healthy.


Well-Known Member
So I decided to see what the Super Lumens switch on my ballast was all about. The bulb did get noticeably brighter, but not much. I know it definitely cuts the bulb's life short but since I'm pretty much half way through flowering I thought I would give it a go. They extra light couldn't hurt anyway. I'll let you guys know what I think.


Active Member
I can't agree with you anymore. Like solo, I also was a trim happy grower when I began. It took me years to understand that you're only hurting yourself, well the plant. The more fan leaves you have, the better, and as you said, if the fan leaves get in the way, well, they are long, push the fuckers under or out of the way and let the thing keep growing!!! It's stupid logic if you think, oh I am going to cut these fans leaves so the lower fan leaves can grow out. With that logic, you're only going to keep stunting the plants growth, and you'll be trimming non-stop until harvest. Just let them grow out, push them to the side or under, don't fucking cut them, it's stupid, straight up. EVERY SINGLE GROWER I KNOW has been trim happy when they started, but truth is, it will take you years to learn exactly wihch leaves need to be trimmed and which don't. As Howzer said, you only cut the ones touching your substrate, or the ones dying/injured/ready to go. The rest, you let grow, as they should be! Trust us, you'll see a significant increase in bud size and quality, as well as over-all plant health and satisfaction! It's an amazing things



Well-Known Member
So I decided to see what the Super Lumens switch on my ballast was all about. The bulb did get noticeably brighter, but not much. I know it definitely cuts the bulb's life short but since I'm pretty much half way through flowering I thought I would give it a go. They extra light couldn't hurt anyway. I'll let you guys know what I think.
My Lumatek has the super lumen switch too.I used it when I had my MH in.Noticed a slight increase in light like you.The shop I bought it at recommended not to use it until the bulb was used for awhile.Because it shortens the bulbs life,like you mentioned.I'm currently not using it with my HPS because I have an expensive Hortilux in right now and dont want to shorten its life.But I do plan I trying it again when I buy my next (inexpensive) HPS Bulb.
Like to hear what you think of it after using it.




Well-Known Member
My Lumatek has the super lumen switch too.I used it when I had my MH in.Noticed a slight increase in light like you.The shop I bought it at recommended not to use it until the bulb was used for awhile.Because it shortens the bulbs life,like you mentioned.I'm currently not using it with my HPS because I have an expensive Hortilux in right now and dont want to shorten its life.But I do plan I trying it again when I buy my next (inexpensive) HPS Bulb.
Like to hear what you think of it after using it.


Actually it's recommended that you don't use MH lamps with the super lumens switch at all . HPS lamps are able to take the extra watts but a MH bulb will burn out fairly quick with the switch on.Next round you should just run your MH bulb on the standard setting. I've heard of people blowing out there bulb on the first fire when using MH with the SL switch, but it's more likely to just rapidly burn out over a small period. I found out that the switch is also able to run a 430w HPS bulb, so I will be using that next time. All the extra watts and no early burn out. Up until recently all I had experience with was magnetic ballasts. It still bums me out that you can't fire a Ceramic Metal Halide in these newer E-Ballasts. Or else that's what I would be using right now.


Well-Known Member
Actually it's recommended that you don't use MH lamps with the super lumens switch at all . HPS lamps are able to take the extra watts but a MH bulb will burn out fairly quick with the switch on.Next round you should just run your MH bulb on the standard setting. I've heard of people blowing out there bulb on the first fire when using MH with the SL switch, but it's more likely to just rapidly burn out over a small period. I found out that the switch is also able to run a 430w HPS bulb, so I will be using that next time. All the extra watts and no early burn out. Up until recently all I had experience with was magnetic ballasts. It still bums me out that you can't fire a Ceramic Metal Halide in these newer E-Ballasts. Or else that's what I would be using right now.
Didn't know that about using the MH with the Lumatek.The shop owner told me to use the switch with both.I just went to Lumatek's page and it says don't use it with MH.This guys an idiot...LoL Thanx for the tip....I would have been burning through bulbs.
The 430W sounds interesting...will that work with any 430W bulb?
I'll pick up a 430W after my HPS goes.Makes sense to use the watts available.




Well-Known Member
Didn't know that about using the MH with the Lumatek.The shop owner told me to use the switch with both.I just went to Lumatek's page and it says don't use it with MH.This guys an idiot...LoL Thanx for the tip....I would have been burning through bulbs.
The 430W sounds interesting...will that work with any 430W bulb?
I'll pick up a 430W after my HPS goes.Makes sense to use the watts available.


Yea those hydro store guys are there to make money, not really inform you. He sold you another bulb, that's all there was to it lol. At least you got a full veg out of the MH before it quit on you, eh? I imagine most any 430w HPS would work. I was stoked to hear that the 430 would run with the super lumens switch and got the bulb for next round when I found out. I grabbed an Eye Hortilux, but a Philips Son Agro would be my next choice after that. In case you wanted to know. And so far so good with the switch bumped. It's stayed brighter than usual and everything is running just fine still. I just turned my blower up a smidge to compensate for the little bit of extra heat. The ballast isn't running hotter than usual either. I want to do more research on it, but I read a blip about certain enhanced spectrum bulbs won't fire in newer E-Ballasts. Something about the Amps needed for firing the bulb being rated lower than what the ballasts' output is for start up.IDK I'm still not 100% and I am going to figure it out before I waste this $110 bulb next round. I'll let you know what I find out.