Alcohol Tincture


Probably not poplars. The problem with alcohol extraction, especially warm extraction, are that:

1. the alcohol evaporates as we extract, lower proof is a less potent tincture
2. A warm polar solvent, takes out chlorophyll and terpins
3. Slow

I've come to believe in a non polar extraction like iso oil, then after completely drying the crystals or honey oil and using the extract in the tincture with high proof alcohol, glycerin or grape seed oil (makes a great sublingual spray).

I'm not crazy about iso personally but it's fast and relatively safe. Butane Honey Oil can also be used with better taste. I've designed and build a CO2 extractor that will do a better job than butane, and is completely safe. In the thread linked below.

Have fun! Experiment, there are designs for plug 'n play distillers and extractors ->>> skip the iso and go to this page, you can extract with alcohol in minutes, then turn the extractor into a distiller by changing a coffee filter into a steel cup. Simple, safe, cheap, great product. Two step to get rid of chlorophyll and terpins. Closed system so no alcohol is lost.

Starts around post #84 of this thread:

well it didn't work well at all. I took atleast 3 eyedroppers full under the tongue, it absorbed nice because I evaporated the excess alcohol,

but I didn't get high at all.

grape seed oil eh? for sublingual? see I'm only interested in sublingual because I can't vape now and I hear you can potentially use less bud than standard edibles that go through the GI tract. plus near instant effect.

so, I decarbed my weed at 220 for 20-30 mins so I'm pretty sure that wasn't the issue. I let it heat in the water bath for 30 mins.

the tincture had this color to it . . .

I think I'm totally done trying with alcohol tincture. gonna order some grape seed oil online. what's the most efficient method with grape seed oil?

I'm mainly worried about converting THC to CBN, that's what happened with my latest batch of cannaoil, cooked it for like 14 hours on low in a crock pot but it was boiling at some points so I know it degraded the THC.

I'm thinking as far as that goes 4 hours is probably the best time, what do you think? grape seed oil with ground bud (activated) in a crock pot for 4 hours?

or maybe because of the nature of the grape seed oil perhaps you don't need to activate the cannabinoids?

"I'm thinking as far as that goes 4 hours is probably the best time, what do you think? grape seed oil with ground bud (activated) in a crock pot for 4 hours?"

Excellent. I used 1 hour in a crock pot on high then 2 on low, stirring regularly.

Do you use a coffee grinder to turn your bud into a flower? This gives a more potent oil than using a bud grinder for vaporizing or smoking.

Here are two useful threads for crock pot oil. The first is a press to get more yield - and more potent oil, the most potent is what's left in the plant matter. The second a refining method that will be great for tincture, that green dragon taste is just awful. I've made some great oil using a crock pot, the press and refining.




"what's the most efficient method with grape seed oil?"

- A subcritical fluid extraction with butane or CO2, then mix hot grape seed oil into the extract left in the tray.



- Butane boiling off in a water bath, -10C outdoors in winter.



- heat the extract in it's pyrex extraction tray in the oven - AFTER THE BUTANE IS BOILED OFF OUTDOORS - 250F in the oven is good. Warm water to boil off the butane outdoors on the coldest winter day, is fine.



- heat the oil in a pyrex cup, in the oven.
- pour 75% of the oil into the pyrex tray, use the base of a fork to mix it. The mixing will only take a couple of minutes when the honey oil and grape seed oil are heated.
- Pour the oil into a container, squeegee the tray with a bank card to get all the oil out.
- pour the remaining oil into the tray, repeat the above procedure.

Very fast, I can go from plant to tincture in half an hour. Trim to brownies in an hour. You can make this to knock yourself out the first time, there is no more potent way to make tincture. No tastier way, no quicker way, no more economical way, no method as sure of producing success first time every time.


Plant to Tincture in 30 Minutes

Without harvesting the plant.


- Preheat convection oven to 300 F
- Trim leaves
- clip leaves into tiny pieces


- Bake leaves in a thin layer in a convection oven, on screens for air flow


- Pour the leaves into a mesh kitchen strainer with a bowl below the strainer
- crumble the leaves through the strainer into the bowl, hand or piece of wood
- pour the ground baked leaves onto a pre-cooled cookie sheet, thin layer
- put in freezer


- cool, improves yield


- Load pre-cooled extraction tube
- extract
- boil off butane (skip for CO2) in hot hot water


- Put the extraction tray and honey oil in an oven pre-heated to 300 F
- Use a laser thermometer and remove when it is 200 F
- Pour in Grape Seed Oil preheated to 300 F
- Stir with fork until the resin is completely dissolved.


- spray with CO2 to cool to 98.6 F


Grape Seed Oil Tincture


With the CO2 extractor just vent the extractor into a tall steel cup, pour in your oil, put the cup in the oven for a few minutes until it hits 250F, stir with a fork tip. Easier, quicker, safer, better taste, cheaper for solvent.

My Trailer Park Boys Paintball Gun extractor

A Conceptual that almost killed me to make. I never get headaches and I stayed up all night figuring out how a CO2 extractor would work, could barely move the following day. I've never had a headache like that.



When making a tinture, or any edible, it's important to think about how many servings your bud will produce - too much solvent (grape seed oil) and the tincture is too weak to be usefull. Make it as potent as possible - then add more grape seed oil if one drop blows you away.

When I'm making brownies I use an extraction tube of 28 grams of baked dry trim or dregs from my volcano. I've invested in developing a huge tolerance so I'm not a good judge of potency, but one of my friends split one brownie (cut in 9s, so 1/18th of a tray each) with another friend before going to Avatar. After the movie the friend had to be helped INTO his car for a drive home. Now I cut them in 16s and my friends split them into 32s for an all night high. I can eat half a tray and be relaxed for a jog - I'm looking into making budder to get rid of my built up CBD.

Sublingual spray will hit harder than edibles, faster onset, but not last as long. Less will be needed per high, my friends might get 50 or 60 hits out of a 28 gram extraction tube. (I don't give them tincture regularly, just an example for contrasting sublingual tincture with brownies through the digestive tract.)

Phife's butane extraction technique is on this page, the best explanation I've read. Follow the safety advice to the letter if you run it.


There's a picture of my Trailer Park Boys paintball gun CO2 extractor on the Grow Lab thread linked below, page 9, post #85.
what if I want to do this all with ground bud? is it necessary to activate the bud before going into the crock with grape seed oil? is my crock too hot for that? or will I just have to do it quicker? (2-3 hours)

1 hour in the crock pot on high will decarobylize the bud. I bake fresh cut bud at 225 F for 5 minutes after dry (40 minutes total for a toaster oven full), it's not too bad in the Volcano. The most intense high I've had off bud came from some fresh cut and baked Jack the Ripper I clipped over the weekend.


"what if I want to do this all with ground bud?"

More trichomes per gram than trim but pretty much the same trichomes. Less bud is needed for the same effect as trim but the preparation is the same.


"is it necessary to activate the bud before going into the crock with grape seed oil?"

No, the 2-4 hours in the crock pot will do that.


"is my crock too hot for that? or will I just have to do it quicker? (2-3 hours)"

You're crock pot is perfect, you cannot hurt the resin at that temperature. The minimum I'd go is 2 hours, no more than 4 is needed. Stir regularly. Crock pots are Fool proof.

cool bro I"m gonna hella get that grape seed oil.

so how much success have you had with sublingual tinctures (like taking it sublingually and getting high)?

I just really would love it if I could feel like I'm not wasting 80% of my bud to my fuckin intestines . . . . I figure successful sublingual extraction is more efficient.

"how much success have you had with sublingual tinctures (like taking it sublingually and getting high)?"

Moderate, though I've only tried it twice. My friends have told me the tincture I give them is potent (a few drops put them away for an hour), but last weekend two of them could only do one hit each on the Supreme vaporizer and they were toasted for the night.

Grape Seed Oil Tincture is exactly the same as making oil for brownies. Exactly. I even use grape seed oil when I'm out of Olive Oil. So I'm making half of sublingual tincture 3 times every 2 weeks, and using that oil in brownies that could get my friends 32 all night brownie highs.

The other half of the tincture recipe is mixing the canna grape seed oil with high proof alcohol - I used Navy Rum & Bacardis 151 proof but the best effects came from vodka that I distilled with the French Press distiller. No taste, much easier to deal with. If you can buy Everclear, or another 190 proof clear alcohol, then you don't have to distil vodka. If you're getting into tincture it's worth it to get high proof tasteless vodka.

I rarely drink alcohol so I didn't develop the tincture. I can, and do, eat half a tray of brownies with little effect so the smaller amount from the tincture didn't give me the results I want.


"I just really would love it if I could feel like I'm not wasting 80% of my bud to my fuckin intestines . . . . I figure successful sublingual extraction is more efficient."

I found that my edibles improved immensely when I did a separate extraction, then add the solvent to the dry resin. We can concentrate on maximum extraction results, then add the exact amount of solvent to get the number of doses we want.

Perfect tincture every time.

I'm probably gonna just stick to cooking milk for the faster effects.

do you know anything about cooking cannabis into milk? like how long I can cook the milk and how long would I have to simmer it before it's absorbed all the THC?

I've made it in the past with hella success, like 1 small shot will get you hella high within a half hour ;)

just wondering if you could help me refine this recipe.

and please don't say hash oil ;), I will make hash oil, hashes, kief in the future but as of now I'm not interested.
Take your weed grind it up put in a mason jar put the jar in the oven at 225 for 45 min - 1 hour

Then its 100% decarbed and you ready to make whatever feels better

Poplars I've never made canna milk but the recipe seems straight forward. The two things that stick out: use a double boiler and the fattest milk you can get. I found this recipe, it seems good and straight forward. If you make a herb press you will get more potent canna milk.


Cannabis Milk

For the same reason as above, you also need to be able to make marijuana milk, if you want to prepare all of these recipes.

1. Put milk (soy or dairy) and cannabis into a double boiler.
2. Cook on medium heat for half an hour, stirring often.
3. Strain cannabis from milk and discard. (rinse with water, let dry. Use for CO2 extraction later)
4. Store milk in an air tight container in the fridge.


I scoured Dr Jay's site years ago, I use to go over the pics of his alcohol extractor and other science stuff. See if I could figure out what he was doing from the pictures. He was the head chemist with the DEA in the US. He had heppititis from birth and when the pain got bad for his mother and himself Doc dug into his DEA bag of knowledge and used marijuana as one of their main pain control medications.

Doc died in 2005 and his partners at the site keep things going, a great resource and some of the best and most efficient canna food recipes there are. These are two drink types.


Cannabis Elixir

James Freire, M.A.

This is a re-creation of an old remedy from the 1800’s. It involves suspending the cannabinoids in sugar syrup in what is known as a micellized solution. This is a very easy process similar to making candy but one should use care when evaporating alcohol (a distillation device makes this part very nice).

To begin, thoroughly dry the herb to be used and make a strong tincture (190 proof is best). Grind it to a powder and then just cover with alcohol and let it stand somewhere dark for a couple weeks. After this is done strain the alcohol from the herb and save it. The herb is now spent and can be thrown out. Place the tincture in a double boiler over ELECTRIC heat and reduce the volume in half. After this add ½ the remaining volume of tincture in honey or some other syrup and 4-6 vitamin E caps (e.g.: if you have 2 quarts of tincture after reducing you would add 1 quart of honey). This is when you can add other herb tinctures and flavors (I use a root beer flavor base). Continue to reduce the volume with constant stirring until you have nearly boiled it down to the original volume of syrup that you began with. Let this cool and bottle in dark glass, then store in the refrigerator. Depending on the original strength of the herb, the dosage should be between a teaspoon and a couple tablespoons.

This basic recipe can be used to create an elixir from any tincture and the basic cannabis elixir can be modified for specific ailments. For example, adding syrup of elderberry makes this without a doubt the most effective treatment for influenza that exists. Kava can be added for greater pain control and sedation. With a little study of herbal medicine you can customize the blend for specific ailments. There are many uses for this syrup, but my family has come to rely on it as our sole treatment for colds and flu when made with elderberry and cats claw.


Nebu’s Hazy Hazelnut Bhang

One of our readers has submitted a wonderful recipe for a delicious beverage that is guaranteed to be soothing. Nebu doesn’t like cannabis extractions using animal products like butter so he uses the natural oils found in nuts. These oils can be beneficial all by themselves particularly the omega three fatty acids. While Nebu and Nurse Nancy Wife both love Hazelnuts, yours truly doesn’t so I asked if you can use macadamia nuts. Yum, you can! You could also use walnuts if you like that flavor and want more omega three.

I’d also like to point out that Nebu and I discussed using flowers (bud) versus trim. High grade trim will work but not be as potent nor will it taste as good. Keep this treat refrigerated and use extreme caution as you can see from the recipe you’ve got a solid 30 grams of flowers into a bit less than four cups making this preparation one of the strongest I’ve ever seen.

From Nebu:

I thought I would share a little recipe with everyone who might find occasion to ingest their cannabis as opposed to inhale. I typically prefer phyto-inhalation (aka vaporization or volitization) of cannabis as method of delivery but, not too long ago, I was a bit laid out from an outpatient surgery and wanted to medicate whilst horizontal (to deal with pain), without the typical prescription narcotics/acetaminophens, etc.,.

I am also not a proponent of drinking another mammal's lactating excretion (i.e. cow's milk, etc.,) in any shape or form, so I use other forms of "milk" (i.e. Hemp Seed, Almond, Sesame, Pecan, Hazelnut, Walnut, Cashew, Rice, Soy). It's very easy to do and you get all the nutritional benefits of live, raw enzymes without the pesticides, antibiotics, white-blood cells, bovine growth hormones, etc., from "dead" milk (they have to cook it, "pasteurize" in order to kill the diseases, bacteria, etc.,).

Here's what you'll need:
Bubble Bag or other polymesh (75U)
4 cups Water (spring, 'live' water is best, or filtered)
1 cup Hazelnuts (or other favorite nut)
3 Dates
4 Tablespoons Raw Honey
1 Oz of Kind (lower nugs, else trim)
2 Teaspoons Vanilla extract (La Vencedora, if you can get it)
Pinch Celtic Sea Salt

* edit -> soak the hazelnuts in water overnight (necessary for most varieties of nuts in order to soften them). Use the soak water as part of the 4 cups in the blender mix, step 1 below.

1. Combine the water, nuts, dates, vanilla, and salt into the blender and blend on high for a good 5 minutes.

2. Strain this through the 75U mesh into a pot. Work the nut mush good to get all the juice out. *I save my nut mush for other recipes (i.e. nut yoghurt, mix w/dry fruits and dehydrate for trail mix/cookies, etc.,)

3. Take the pot of nut milk, add the Oz of kind and slowly heat on low on the stove. If you can measure the temp keep it below 125F (the enzymes in your milk can survive below this temp). Slow-low cook for ~ 10 minutes while stirring constantly.

4. Remove from stove and filter thru the 75U again.

5. Add the honey to taste... organic cocoa (2 tablespoons) is also a good choice here to help mask the taste if necessary.

Chill or drink warm, as preferred. Makes ~ 4 cups.

Nebu’s Hazy Hazelnut Bhang came from these pretty flowers:



"half hour is enough???"

That doesn't seem long enough. I'll look around the web some more.

How horrid is the stuff? How much can you swallow without gaging? I'll make a batch and give it a try. I've got some french press coffee makers and a pyrex tea pot that I bought to make an induction vaporizer, I'll use one of those in a double boiler. If you make this regularly I'd recommend water curing to get rid of the terpins and chlorophyll, canna food isn't too bad from water cured bud.

This is going to be just awful, I know in advance.



"half hour is enough???"

That doesn't seem long enough. I'll look around the web some more.

How horrid is the stuff? How much can you swallow without gaging? I'll make a batch and give it a try. I've got some french press coffee makers and a pyrex tea pot that I bought to make an induction vaporizer, I'll use one of those in a double boiler. If you make this regularly I'd recommend water curing to get rid of the terpins and chlorophyll, canna food isn't too bad from water cured bud.

This is going to be just awful, I know in advance.



it doesn't make you gag.

but it is pretty hardcore.

I take a small shot fast and follow up with milk right away.

I really would love to know the most efficient cook time for this stuff because it is DAMN efficient ;).
best thing I found that nutralizes the nasty taste of tincs and oils is light blue gataraid for some reason it feels like it knullifies the nasty weed taste, but u gott chug it a bit

also if you chase it with beer works good too cuz beer is very flavorful and u just end up tasting the beer in the end. may have to chug a bit too
also pom (not necessarily the brand) but pure pomegranate juice really seems to negate the flavor even of green dragon... from time to time i make myself an "adult beverage" to medicate, and it works the trick... just make sure that if it is an alcoholic based one, that there is enough mmj in it, you don't wanna get drunk, just feel better, no?? orange juice also sometimes works as well...
Just started looking into tincture and honey oil, and would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread, it has helped out alot. I would like to know if this sounds like a viable process.

- harvest
- water cure for about a week(none of the standard curing involved)
- use the butane extraction method
- add flavor extract to glycerine while heating
- heat oil
- mix oil and flavored glycerine
- enjoy

Any thoughts or corrections would be appreciated.

Hey ShowStopper!

The only change I would make would be the water curing, if you don't already water cure - I've found it to be an inconsistent, slow 'quick cure' that produces poor potency. For a quick cure I bake at 106 C in a toaster oven, 2 racks of bud for an hour. 106 C won't hurt the buds. The cure is amazingly potent and smooth for such a short time. You can take a toaster oven into your grow room and your air filter will lessen the smell in your house.

For other quick drying methods you can use a dehumidifier or just leave the buds near moving air. Heating the honey oil in the oven, in the pyrex tray used for the butane extraction, will decarboxylize the THCA into THC. Let us know how it goes.


And a question about flavour:

"- add flavor extract to glycerine while heating"

Do you want the flavour or do you want to hide the marijuana taste? With a butane extraction there is no marijuana taste to the oil, no flavour is needed unless you want one. I would recommend not using flavour the first time that you make tincture, so: you can get familiar with the taste; fewer variables to consider when judging the potency of your tincture.


I'm going to make a non-alcoholic sublingual spray this week, I just finished building a magnetic induction vaporizer that took me longer than I had thought. I need a sublingual spray to titrate doses better than edibles through the gastrointestinal tract, and to give my lungs a break from the vaporizer. I find the vaporizer very hard on the throat, THC is an irritant.

Drop into the Grow Lab thread linked below if you get a chance ShowStopper.




The Piker Magnetic Induction Vaporizer





The Piker has a stainless steel turkey baster housing and stainless steel kitchen strainer mesh in the baster for a heating chamber. The magnetic induction coil heats only the steel, faster than conduction and half the electrical use. 71 seconds for the Piker to go from cold to Vaporizing temperature, long smooth hits. The best direct draw I've ever used - my personal vaporizer list is on page one of the Grow Lab thread, The Piker is on page 16, post #156. The Piker can be made from items around your house or for less than $20 in new parts, plus a $79 induction hotplate.
