The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to my more sativa super lemon haze with the leaves, in a previous grow, actually one I helped with, it was heat, your temps are probably higher above the light, heat rises.


I feel for ya man even though you gotta awesome looking grow its always that one bud that you can't quite fit under the light. I'm gonna have that same problem eventually but I'm hoping a little SCROG and a lot of fimming, topping and lst will mitigate it.

Your plant is fucking huge. Just thought I'd point that out if no one else has yet. :)

Hope mine end up like that. SUBBED!

If you get a chance maybe you could check out my grow and give me some pointers. Always lookin to improve!


Well-Known Member
I hope my Cheese smells like some kind of cheese by the end, because right now it doesn't. She has grown up a bit but still doesnt look like she will yield much, but I could be wrong.

mr west

Well-Known Member
it dont actualy smell of cheese, it smells much nicer than that. It was named cheese because og the pungent potency of the fuely skunky intence smell even through a few baggies itll stink ya car out in no time.


Well-Known Member
Citrusy huh? Well I will have to check mine out I think it just has more of a good pot smell, thats about the best I can describe it, but it just started to flower so we'll see.


Well-Known Member
It wont be god that saves it, it'll be us keeping the clone alive that are saving it lol.
Very true Mr West very True....and a rather witty remark may I add, haha.

it dont actualy smell of cheese, it smells much nicer than that. It was named cheese because og the pungent potency of the fuely skunky intence smell even through a few baggies itll stink ya car out in no time.
I was down speaking to a grower at my local coffeeshop (old skool geez with a zz top beard, haha) and gave him a wiff of the cheese. He was like, "well I can't really smell the cheese, I would be interested to know what they used to back-cross, I mean, Exodus cheese must have something to do with leaving the original strain because of the name Exodus...blah blah blah.." at which point I had turned off and couldn't really be bothered telling him the difference between indica based BigBuhdaCheese, Greenhouse cheese, etc and this strain. Ah well, I am still happy with the BX2 Cheese I got, it's a winner for sure.

Top work on the HST, they are gonna be fat knuckles.

Peace, DST

mr west

Well-Known Member
just stuck my napper in the tent to see wot if anything has happend since the bending and they havent tried to get straight but the buds are turning towards the light yay does a happy dance. I worry about the plants that have had it flop into thier space, Poor headband. I shall start some pk action this week as they are coming up to 6 weeks flores on friday. I cut a couple of potential clones off the casey jones and jus stuck em in a glass of water under my light and the one of em has thrown a few roots into the water lol, spoze i should do the decent thing and bury em lol.


Well-Known Member
just stuck my napper in the tent to see wot if anything has happend since the bending and they havent tried to get straight but the buds are turning towards the light yay does a happy dance. I worry about the plants that have had it flop into thier space, Poor headband. I shall start some pk action this week as they are coming up to 6 weeks flores on friday. I cut a couple of potential clones off the casey jones and jus stuck em in a glass of water under my light and the one of em has thrown a few roots into the water lol, spoze i should do the decent thing and bury em lol.
Good work, the Casey's do seem to be quick rooters!!!


Well-Known Member
I understand that its not the same, the gh cheese, compared to the exodus cheese or whatever. I just had the idea, I believe from a few smoke reports that it had a unique funk to it, that was similar to some kind of cheese, what cheese i dont know. Oh well, Im not a big cheese fan as far as food goes anyway.

mr west

Well-Known Member
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so apparently this is an attack website now ffs????


Well-Known Member
Hard to find websites like these with this many users that will not have some sort of malware, etc. As long as you got a decent firewall, etc then you should be's the same as walking down the street lad, sometimes you are going to step in dog shit if you ain't looking where you are going, doesn't mean the streets are throwing dog shit at us, hahaha.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah but google tell me every page i look at and its a pain in the arse. My pc is wellprotected but google nanny says i cant play lol